Avatar of TheMushroomLord


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Happy Halloween!
2 mos ago
I used to love the holiday season as a kid, but these days I’m terrified that the strange man in red is going to break into my home again and leave another suspicious package under one of my plants.
3 mos ago
Alright, that's it! I've had enough of this damn heat. Bring me my matches, it’s time to burn the sun down.
3 mos ago
If there are 3600 rats living in my bones and I eat one every second, how long will it take me to eat all the rats? Assume each rat undergoes binary fission exactly once every hour.
3 mos ago
Adventurer, the rats in my basement have merged into a fractal entity! I will pay you 4 silver coins to slay the infinite rat(s) in my basement.


I am me... I hope.

Most Recent Posts

Are.. Are you telling Ragi and Aya to wear skimpy clothing?

I forsee some really awkward misinterpretation occurring as a certain pair of goblins try to acquire "more suitable" clothing.
@RC3 Shouldn't Ragi have also gained levels from developing a sisterly bond?

Also, I know I joked about it before, but now I'm seriously starting to think that nudity may well end up being the solution to all your monster.
Anyone got any guesses as to what some of the as of yet undiscovered monster skills might be?
Same goes for Aya.
Okay my best and only guess for how Ravi and Aya could potentially escape paralysis early is to eat the sloth and absorb its its abilities. The bestiary lists all three of the abilities as utility, two passives and an active, so a paralysis resistance is probably out of the picture, but there's a good chance the sloths spore cloud was its active ability in which case maybe absorbing that would confer immunity the attacks effect.

That said Aya's way to cautious to just eat a potentially poisonous creature under normal circumstances so unless she sees Ragi do it first or she's really hungry it looks like the sisters are in for bonding and hoping that nothing worse than a sloth comes by.

Speaking of which how hungry are Aya and Ragi after that fight and all they did beforehand? @RC3
I'm just looking at the bestiary entry for the harvest sloth and couldn't help but notice it's very carnivorous for a herbivore.
Anyone else wonder what an S-Rank Dark Eye would do?
Yeah, we've gotten 5 or so weeks worth of posts out in as many days. There's no need to worry about being slow.
Watch one person have to not sleep for 2 full days to avoid losing that last absorption.

That's probably something I'd do...
Aya had calmed down over her time spent waiting in the bushes, to what she would consider an almost normal level of panic, still freaking out by anyone else's standards, but not to so such a degree that it was debilitating for the goblin. Hell, compared to how she sometimes got and her current situation Aya's state of mind could probably be considered tranquil at that point, all things considered. She fully trusted in her sister's plan, something she'd grown progressively more convinced of each of the many times she'd gone over it in her head over the past few minutes. Sure there were some parts of the plan Aya didn't get and some issues it didn't seem to address, but given it was Ragi's plan they were implementing this time rather than Aya's, it seemed obvious that these were all either parts of the test or otherwise variables accounted for in ways Aya simply wasn't smart enough to comprehend.

Of course, Aya's state of tranquillity didn't last long, shattering in an instant when the sloth went from making a show of affection to Ragi one moment to chomping into her shoulder the next. Aya's seemed to lock up as she witnessed this, even as her mind went into overdrive. What should she do? Should she run in and try to attack the sloth? Would that even be safe? For all she knew the spores could be contact-based rather than needing to be inhaled...


The realisation hit Aya as she watched her sister suddenly use what few of her muscles she still had control over to reposition herself and bite into the sloth's neck even as it was biting into her. How many times would Aya make this same mistake before she'd learn? This was Ragi she was talking about, there was no way she hadn't at least considered the harvest sloths betrayal a possibility, if not outright predicted it. When she'd said she was using herself as bait for this trap of hers, Aya had assumed that she was intending to lure in some other roaming predator, but now that Aya thought about it it was very well possible that she'd instead been referring to this. A trap within a trap.

Still, even for all of Ragi's prodigious skill and ability, the situation didn't look to be in her favour and as likely as it was that Ragi still had cards up her sleeves, Aya wasn't particularly keen on taking that risk given the stakes. Which meant Aya would need to act quickly, something easier said than done with how panicked she was in that moment. Doubts clawed at Aya's mind, leaving her almost as immobile as her sister, even more so in some ways. What if she screwed something up? Would she be able to live with herself after that? And no matter what plan she thought of there were too many ways things could go wrong, unknown variables that she had no way to predict or account for. Still, her sister needed her now and if there was one thing that could kick Aya into gear it was an imminent and unavoidable deadline.

Gripping her rock tightly in one hand and her makeshift filter in the other, Aya repositioned herself so she could come at the harvest sloth from behind, taking and holding a deep breath for good measure before charging towards the sloth. Aya brought the stone down onto the back of the monster's head with all of her goblin might, not pausing even to see what damage she'd managed to inflict before letting her goblin rock bashing instincts take over and bringing the stone down onto the sloth again and again.

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