Power Classification: Cluster Trigger; Master 2/Mover 3 | Striker 2/Shaker 2/Thinker 1
Consistent with other members of her cluster (see
Bank Cluster) Ashley expresses a primary ability (see
Instancing) alongside a secondary ability bearing aspects of her cluster mates primary abilities (see
Inventory). As with 'Simulacrum' – and in all likelihood 'Collateral', Ashley is a Noctis Cape.
Primary Ability: 'Instancing'
'Tandem’s' primary power involves the creation of clones which are identical to the instance of her from which they were copied at the moment of creation, but which may diverge from there. Clones have been observed to share proprioception and awareness of each other’s thoughts and have not demonstrated notable difficulty with coordinating with one another.
'Tandem' may freely create or dismiss her clones anywhere within 24 ft. of an existing clone, up to a maximum of 3 or down to a minimum of 2. If a clone ends up further than 24 ft. from all other existing clones, it is dismissed, in the case that multiple clones would end up too far apart a random clone is dismissed. If dismissal of a clone would result in 'Tandem’s' number of active clones dropping to 1, a new clone is instantly created in a random unoccupied space within 12 ft. of 'Tandem'.
Objects weighing up to 68kg, that 'Tandem' is wearing or holding at the time she creates a clone may be duplicated with that clone – the new instance of the object is considered tied to the new clone, while the original becomes tied to the clone that was used as a template. When a clone is dismissed, objects tied to that clone disappear with them, unless that object is the last remaining instance of itself in which case it is considered 'the original' and remains. (Note: Do not have an instance of 'Tandem' consume something and then dismiss itself without first creating another clone).
It is of note that this ability is significantly morbidity limited, though unable to effect living matter other than 'Tandem' herself. In particular, 'Tandem’s' ability to clone herself, does not replicate her microbiome causing a number of Gastro-intestinal issues unless specific dietary protocol is maintained (see
Tandem Diet).
Secondary Ability: 'Inventory'
'Tandem’s' secondary power involves the storage and retrieval of objects fitting within a 2.3ft radius sphere. Storage of objects requires 'Tandem' to be in physical contact with the object, however once stored an object can be returned to any location within 14 ft and in any configuration that the object in question may freely assume. Objects stored do not seem to observe the passage of time. 'Tandem' passively builds up an idea of how to use objects she has stored over time.
It is worth noting, that while 'Tandem' can attempt to retrieve items via vague parameters, she possesses no intrinsic knowledge as to the objects she is storing, making it possible for her to lose items should she forget she has stored them.
While the exact method/location by which 'Tandem' stores matter remains unidentified, it has been confirmed that 'Tandem’s' storage is shared across her various instances without duplication. Objects stored by 'Tandem’ do not seem to be notably affected by the passage of time. While this ability is morbidity limited, it does not seem to have as stringent limitations at 'Tandem’s' primary ability – objects stored by 'Tandem' appear to maintain their microbiomes.
Both of 'Tandem’s' abilities deal with the intersection of objects by instantaneously displacing the less massive object into the nearest available space; if this would cause a new intersection the same effect occurs, which may result in a cascading effect, though this effect always resolves to place Tandem within range of her other clones and move the least amount of matter possible.
While 'Tandem’s' Instancing and Inventory abilities bare a superficial resemblance to one another and in fact bear a number of similarities in the mechanics underlying their use, it should be noted that based on current speculation – corroborated by tinker and thinker observation – it is believed that both power utilise entirely different physics in their operation – matter replication and dimensional spaces respectively.
Note 1: As 'Tandem’s' power results in her constantly possessing multiple bodies in close proximity to one another, attempts to develop a civilian identity for the Ward have proven largely unsuccessful, even ignoring the continuing online circulation of images of 'Tandem' out of costume.
Note 2: When questioned as to the potential presence of unauthorised materials in her 'inventory' 'Tandem' routinely dodges the question or else claims that most items can be used as weapons, only denying accusations when pressed on the matter. It is subsequently, believed that 'Tandem' is carrying a number of deadly weapons in direct violation of her probation – potentially including IEDs and firearms, based on past interactions. As no evidence currently exists to prove 'Tandem’s' guilt and she has shown no intentions of using any such devices, the matter has be designated a low priority issue.
Note 3: Ashley has indicated that her instancing ability can be used to perform chemistry that would not be possible within conventional physics (see
Instanced Chemistry). Ashley has been instructed not to experiment with this ability without professional oversight. Investigation into the utility of this interaction pending.