Avatar of Thiefkin


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2 mos ago
Current For the record I recognise “KIN” from slice of life movies like Hot Rod and Project X. They ain’t hippy-grunge ‘party’ st00fpl0x for nuttin’, theyre folkhood!


C Class don’t pay me to respect myself, poach them, my Court Thief. Prove your stuff then we’ll do infamous ‘Guild’ highlands.

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Creed is Creed, for Race not bastards like Patrick Stark ;7 I’m here to learn to Role Play into a Hero. I want to slay empire types, especially C Class lames. We know what C Class is, right? Those “kin” to share Classrooms rather than go about Single-Classroom respects like B or A Class Challengers.
So call me Thiefkin because I’ll steal against bastards first! bastards aint devistations automaticly, you know? Theyre not even vagabonds… so pay me, Bandits. I’ll hold the line by the sword.
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