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Fiorenza Cappellini, Hexblade warlock

The morning came with a bright sunshine and a little wind, which made the air crystal clear. When the young knight arrived back in town, the folks were busy with the day's work. Some of then spared a curious glance at the figure clad in armor head-to-toe, but otherwise minded their own business.
Of course: 2
Fiorenza woke up suddenly and shot up into a sitting position on her bed. She looked around, and her eyes fixed on the refined sword lying innocuosly, as much as a weapon can feel like that. Yet, as it was positioned in the morning sunlight, it felt peaceful. Hmmm. Just like in my dreams. We made a pact. If I want its power, then I have to keep my side.

She stood up, stretched like a cat, and got dressed. She put on a simple robe, and managed to fasten the sword on her hip. She also took a dagger -- You never know. -- and a torch. Death and darkness go hand in hand.

She smiled at her mother and said something vague about dinner, than quickly left the family home. When she finally was out of sight of the house, the situation started to sink in.

I've made a pact with something. I'm heading towards the cemetery to fight something restless in there. I do have training with simple weapons as a noble, but this feels ominous, to say the least. Let's see what's there, first. I can fight later.

With that, she continued her way to the cemetery, to scout it, first and foremost.
Should we jump to the meeting with the town elders, or would you like him to do something else first?
Both man raised their mugs for the toast, and repeated it after Sir Shane.

"Please, this little church is no palace, but you can stay the night to start tomorrow refreshed. I'll have a bed ready for you in a minute." offered the priest.

"Good night to you." Patrick left for home and family.
I made some changes, the axe is usually a tool, not a weapon for her. She now has a shortsword, that's her hexblade. But I don't know how to add a feature that only adds the CHA bonus to a single weapon, so her attack/damage bonus with the sword is one higher than listed dicecloud.

And I fixed even that, by making a custom weapon called hexblade.
The priest was glowing with hope and being glad. "Spoken like a true knight, I would say. If I or anyone here can help you in any way, please seek us out and we'll do what we can."

"Yeah, we're ready to do what we must.", added the farmer.
"Not the hamlet, I'm going to do that. I meant Barleytown. When you return there, they should know what happened. You can talk to Alderman Beaks, head of town, and he can do the rest. Still, your voice matters to them, so if you decide to tell your opinion to the elders, that should make a difference in how the town reacts."
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