Avatar of Three Steps Far


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current Lately I've been bouncing between having no motivation at all and having all the motivation at once.
3 days ago
Apologies, friends! I may not be able to post today, but I'll answer you all by tomorrow for sure!
1 like
13 days ago
I've been playing Final Fantasy 16 lately, and oh my word. The game gets better with every hour.
1 like
18 days ago
My power is finally back on! UNLIMITED *POWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!*
19 days ago
Still no power here. :C Fortunately I have clean water, so I’m doing alright!


Hello hello! I'm a long-time roleplayer (nearly 20 years of it!) who's ever searching for the next grand tale! I enjoy long-term plays that involve plenty of world building and character development, and I enjoy partners who can both play and build alongside me as equals. Few things excite me quite like pouring my passion into a project and having it matched by others, all coming together to form something truly amazing! My longest campaign was four full years, and it was a glorious tale! Perhaps you and I can form the next grand epic!

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Also interest!
^-^; Apologies to all, but upon further reflection, I think I'll pass on this story. But best of luck to you all!
Okay, so, relevant question: Are we allowed to create supervillains as well? Because I would LOVE to play a villain!
Thanks for the mention post. I'll have my CS up by tomorrow night! >_< Sorry for the delay. Double late shifts.
I'm up for this!
A wild Bump appeared!
Hey all. I'm alive again. Sorry for the sudden disappearance, but life decided to get... evil on me. Nevertheless, I'm back now and things have finally cooled down at home, so I figure I can come back for some more fun.

Sorry to say that I'm just gonna go ahead and cancel any in-progress RPs, if only because it's been over a year. But if you liked me, feel free to poke at me again for a redo. If we didn't play but you're interested, then by all means, jump on board!
Thank you to everyone who's posted and PM'd me! I still have a few slots open if anyone else is interested!
Hello hello hello! I'll keep this part short, since you probably wanna get right to the good stuff, but hey! Thanks for reading me! Now that I have your attention, let's jump right in!

Alright, now that all the bureaucracy (that is a heck of a word to try to spell) is out of the way, let's talk about the really good stuff: plots and storylines!

I have plenty more settings and pairings I'd be happy to try, so if you have any ideas, offer them! RP is all about us working together to have fun building an incredible story. Thank you for reading this, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Oh, and uh, ignore the fact that I haven't done anything in three years. I, uh, kind of made this account a long time ago, then got distracted and completely forgot I had this. Eh heh heh... I promise not to do it again, though!
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