"Are you serious, Snake? Cryptocurrency, or 'Crypto' for short, is a digital currency that is not tied to any one nation. There's not just one type, either! Have you really never heard of them?"
3 yrs ago
@AlternateMan mf I have never interacted with you ONCE but I know you are consistently the funniest guy here. Take the W, my N-word.
EDIT: But in all seriousness, right now anyone joining Dave and Leo's business/team/cool kidz club is out of the question, though team ups aren't. Of course, I'd prefer it if they happen naturally, and so far trying to stick together a bunch of people that are all in different places wouldn't be too natural in my eyes.
Yes. I did give an invite to Starfire because CANON and we may or may not have some more people joining because they called dibs beforehand, but other than that the Outlaws are not hiring.
Probably have a "HEROES FOR HIRE" event later, though.
Since the power levels of various characters are like.., exponentially different, I am guessing the teamups will be somewhat tailored to that. Having a superman tiered character hanging around two demon hunters would be a bit weird, mechanically. Dunno, maybe it's just me. I can see how certain characters would create a very interesting dynamic together, though.
Wait why would Champion be hanging out with the Outlaws
Ey fam, Starfire's lookin pretty good, good job on gettin in.
Anyway, normally, you'd have my blessing to join the Outlaws if you'd like (considering that Starfire was actually on the team in the comics), but it wasn't really "Young" Starfire as much as "Amnesiac" Starfire. Might not be mature enough to join, if that's your deal.
Also, the Outlaws is sort of a full-time gig, and you'll most likely be doin whatever the team is doin with only a small amount of time between jobs to do whatever you want, before going back to do another job. After post-contract-Pizza, of course.
I can also see that I'm late to the party, so if you already have plans with other people, that's cool. Don't wanna sway your choice or whatever.
"Using a bow is NOT impractical. You just need the right type of arrow." -----Basic Information----- Alias: Arsenal Civilian Name: Leonardo "Leo" Cash Origin City: Star City, California Hometown: Hub City, Illinois Sex: Male Race: Human (Caucasian) Height: 6 feet Weight: 180 pounds Age: 26 Birth Date: August 5th 1994
Appearance: Leo is a more-or-less lean man, standing at 6 feet, with pale skin and short-cut auburn hair. His face is that of a serious one, sporting a beard of stubble. There are some scars across his body, but most of the time, he doesn't get hit. He usually wears a black sleeveless shirt, cargo pants and athletic shoes, but his "professional attire" consists of a red ballistic weave skinshirt and a harness, with a sturdy combat jacket.
Icon: This, spraypainted on the back of the jacket and vest in red.
Personality: "Bro, I'm starving. We should hit up some pizza." A generally affable guy, Leo has a nice personality. He's pretty friendly, and has a great sense of humor. He tends to get very focused on one thing, so he might seem distant, but not so. When he's working, he usually taunts the enemy and goads them into making a mistake (if he's not dealing death from a distance, that is). If things get serious, though, he does too, giving off an intense aura. Leo was a hurt, angry being for a long time. During his time in the military, letting off some steam with demon-killing and among fellow peers who shared his experience in some way, he mellowed out a bit. After becoming Arsenal and meeting Dave, his overall mood has improved.
Occupation: Business Owner, Monster Hunter, Tinkerer, Social Media Personality ("Cracking open some Old Ones with the boys, #OUTLAWS")
Skilled Freerunner Skilled Scout Expert Martial Artist Expert Weapon User Master Marksman
Minor Telepathy/Enhanced Reflexes Arsenal posseses some form of telepathy that allows him to "read" people and determine thier next action. Nothing specific, but a general action like you would type in a command prompt.
Incredible Luck It seems that Leo has some insane amount of Luck, as he always seems to be in the most conveinient situations. Whether it be an item he just so happens to need, or a coin flip in his favor, things just seem to go his way.
Trick Arrows Various arrows that Leo crafts himself. From normal broadheads, to special arrowheads crafted for certain occasions, to the magical arrows he's recently created thanks to his limited runic knowledge, anything to fit the narrative need.
Standard Gear
Bow and Arrows - A custom recurve bow and quiver of arrows. Leo's main weapon.
Pair of FiveSevens - Custom FiveSevens. Leo's sidearms
12 o'clock - A S&W .44 revolver, upgraded with high penetration runes. Able to bore large holes into demons.
Onigiri - A Katana that Leo bought and restored. Leo covered the blade with Hardening and Sharpening runes experimentally. Untested, but when Leo attempted to use a whetstone to sharpen it, the blade cut it apart with almost no force.
Battle Rifle - Leo's battle rifle, a SR - 556. No magical upgrades, but pretty reliable by itself.
AMR - Leo's Anti Material Rifle, a Barrett .50 cal. Made entirely from aftermarket parts. Currently unfinished on Leo's workbench.
Character History/Origin: Leonardo "Leo" Cash was born to a moderately wealthy couple in Star City, California. He was a very gifted child, with a keen mind and a knack for tinkering. He got high marks in his schooling (moreso in metal shop, wood shop, electronics, etc), placing him in the honor roll. He even participated in after-school programs, including an Archery club which he was exceptionally good at. He was on the path to be Valedictorian... When it happened.
He was 16 when Demons, Monsters, and all sorts of evil things started pouring out of these portals. Everyone had to evacuate to the east, and his family could not have been farther away. Nobody could even purchase a plane in time before the demons took over, so everyone just drove away as fast as they could, leaving almost everything behind. Leo and his family were just passing Salt Lake City as the sun began to set when they were attacked by demons, crashing the car. His mother told him to run as the demons grabbed her and his father. So he ran into the forest, not looking back even when his parents screamed, or when they stopped.
He ran deep through the forest, trying to get away from the demons. When looking back to see if they were still chasing him, he tripped over a exposed root, sending him to the ground. He tried getting up, but was so tired from the running that his vision had gone blurry, on the verge of passing out. It looked like the trees were moving before he fell unconcious. When he woke up the next morning, there was a small path of oddly colored leaves winding through the forest. He decided to follow it, walking through the forest for another day, before he exited the trees. He was found by a squad of US soldiers, stumbling out of the treeline and practically collapsing right there.
From that point, Leo was moved with a large refugee convoy, protected by the military. He used the time to grieve, and think about what to do next. He couldn't just run to safety and let the demons win. So after the refugees made it to Hub City, he attempted to join the military, fight back against the demons. Too young and too weak, though. At the time, the army recruiters must have seen the hate and pain in his eyes, and waved him off as some kid who would sign up out of impulse but not have the will to go all the way. Well, after training his body for another year, he came back, passing the physical exams and enlisting at 17. He was determined.
He made it through boot camp, his marksmanship scores perfect, combat scores and obstacle course time well above average, and his survival skills on-par. After serving for a year, making regular patrols throughout the border area of The Scar. But this wasn't enough. They'd kill an occasional demon, but Leo wanted to play a more offensive role. So, when he was 18, he applied to be a Ranger, training in Ranger School for another few weeks, mostly honing his combat and survival skills, training to go behind enemy demon lines. Passing with distinction, he served with the Rangers for the next two years, going deep into enemy territory.
At some point, during a scouting mission through the Kansas-Missouri border area, he met Velocity. Together, they attacked the enemy cultists, striking a few key Blackroot Coven camps, taking civilians back to friendly territory and generally just hanging out together during what little downtime they had for a few months. Leo was called back, and after saying his goodbyes, left the area. The two of them keep in touch, calling each other via phone sometimes. Leo follows up on her exploits when he has the time.
One day, after a particular event involving compromising an operation to save a few civilians, he was dishonorably discharged from the army. He went back to Hub City, doomed to be another unemployed refugee. No, he wasn't done yet. He was going back out there, one way or another. Using the money he earned from the army, he purchased a bow, two pistols, and all the neccessary materials to start his operation. He also decided to buy a camcorder, to document his encounters if worse came to worse, but keepong his identity hidden behind a shoddy mask. Ready, he headed out on his first expedition, sneaking past the military patrols and into the Scar. He did some damage, killing any demon in his way, and returned relatively unscathed. He uploaded the footage to the internet, openly, just to be safe if it was ever lost. Within the day, he'd gotten millions of hits, shared across all forms of social media. Granted, the next day it was removed in all forms by the US Government, but Leo had already found his calling. People admired and praised him and his actions. So, donning the name "Arsenal", he continued with his crusade, creating his own site for which to stream his exploits and where people could donate to the cause.
Around this time, he met fellow monster hunter David O'Rinn, becoming fast friends due to their common upbringing. When Leo was 22, he and Dave Co-founded the Outlaws, both chipping in for a warehouse in the slums of Hub City. Over the next few years, they battled all sorts of monsters, and meeting pretty extraordinary people.
Leo, now 26, has now built up the Outlaws to be a respectable and widely known monster hunting group.
Being from Star City, Leo speaks in a "Californian" dialect.
He's also ambidextrous: No angle is safe.
His feelings are probably not being dealt with correctly.
Nemesis: Monsters of all shapes and sizes, as well as the cultists among them. Allies: David O'Rinn - Leo's best friend and business partner. They met 5 years ago, not too long after the discharge. Ted - The Outlaws' manager/wise sage. Showed up when the Outlaws were first getting started. Currently finds paying gigs for the group and teaches Leo to use Runes. Velocity - One of the Seven Wonders, the speedster who originally helped defend against the cult during the beginning. The two of them spent some time together years ago. Team: The Outlaws/Outlaw Supernatural Consultative Services - The Monster Hunting group Dave and Leo co-founded.
Hi! I am Tim.
... That is all.
[center][b][u]I AM CURRENTLY IN:[/u][/b]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hi! I am Tim.<br><br>... That is all.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-u">I AM CURRENTLY IN:</span></span><br><br>nothing</div></div>