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Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

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Ashevelen suddenly stopped moving and mowed into the demonkin as Cicero and Gwynwere sucked through the portal to what she only imagined to be hell. It probably wasn't but the chill she got from that voic--no, demon sure gave her the impression. With both of them disappearing and with a ball of light enveloping the room, Ashe instinctively covered up her eyes.

The moment the light was gone, she moved forward towards the closest guards. The mystery of Gwyn and Cicero's disappearance could wait, after all, if they died, they couldn't be found. That is, if there was even a reason as for why they'd even go looking for them in the first place. Manzur was dead, Cicero and Gwyn gone, there was no need for Ashe to stay in this dry country anymore. She just wished that what she learned now was more than enough to deal with her mother's killer.

Her thought process had to end prematurely as a demonkin guard raised their hand in defence which prompted Ashevelen to quickly close in the distance and slash at his throat. As she did that, another guard was very close to the one she killed and with a quick motion of her hand, her knife was buried in the other guard's throat.

Looking around, she noticed that all the other guards were dead. The pirate and the good looking barbarian seemed to have done well in the fight.

"Now...this is bad. I'm assuming no one knows who that wizard was and the voice or that Rhakkar dude? If that's so, we need to leave this place and do that fast. This fight wasn't exactly quiet and I'm assuming more guards will be coming. I've got no luck left and Gwyn is gone, in other words, the next batch of guards will see us and they'll expect us. " said Ashevelen in a loud voice, enough for the other two to hear her before turning around to leave.

As she took a few steps, she noticed something glinting from the light on the ground. Approaching it, she realised this was Gwyn's bag, almost buried under the corpse of a guard. Pulling it free, she opened it to discover travelling supplies and other useless junk before her eye finally settled on a book. Opening it up, there were numerous pages filled with writing but this was not the time to read through it.

"Everyone ready? Let's talk about those two when we're safe. Unless you prefer to stay here and if so, I'm going. "

@Eviledd1984 Apologies for that, here's an updated link: discord.gg/56MpuWCxQr

This one should never expire.
@Eviledd1984 Hop on discord to chat with the bossman but I'm sure you can do a ghoul, we've got one already and my character who's leading a thousand feral ghoul strong horde. Not sure 100% about the super mutant but the GM is nice, might be able to negotiate with him.
Short post but it's there :)

Interacting with: Ratty the Giant Rat
Location: The Abandoned Hut || Action: Training Ratty|| Emotion: Focused

Penumbra looked upon the Giant Rat and after circling the cage a few times nodded to themselves.

Your new name will be Ratty. You are now my first experiment in training, taming and modifying creatures. ” said the multiple voices of Penumbra as Ratty screeched in their direction.

Ah, you understand me, don’t you. To a certain degree at least. Very well. Now. You’re going to be fed a strict diet and you’ll be rewarded if you follow my commands. If not, you’ll see what happens when a slime’s body meets flesh. ” continued Penumbra as Ratty started to test out his new cage.

The strict diet was something of an experiment itself. Giant rats usually ate meat or different vegetables. Penumbra’s plan was exotic. To make a giant rat capable of either changing shapes at will, change their natural element or swap between solid and liquid form.
In order for that to work, Penumbra planned to put minuscule parts of his own body inside Ratty’s favorite food.

Taking a piece of meat from a cupboard, Penumbra approached the cage once more and waved it in front of Ratty. With a screech, Ratty jumped at the walls of the cage, trying to catch the piece of meat.

There, there, Ratty. Calm yourself. You’ll get your food now. ” said Penumbra with a chuckle before submerging the piece of meat into themselves for a few seconds and then threw it in the cage. As it got out of them, small slime bits still hung on the meat.

Ratty almost jumped on it until it got close enough to notice the slime. After a few cautious sniffs and circles around it, he decided it’s safe enough and started to eat it.

Good boy. You’ll get more soon. Eat up. ” encouraged Penumbra and not before long, Ratty finished the meat piece and started looking at Penumbra, asking for more.

More? No problem. Stand on your two legs.” said Penumbra as they shaped their hand into a small rat standing on their two legs. Alas’ Ratty just continued looking at Penumbra.

And so the process of training and modifying started.

A tale about a Revolution

Long, long ago there was a person. A scientist placed in an impossible situation. She devoted herself to solving the situation, to make it more bearable and eventually thrive, despite it. Most could say she succeeded. Out of the ashes of humanity, a new race of humans was created. Like the mythological phoenix, the scientist made it so that humanity will be reborn. She named them…The Chosen.

In the process of saving humanity, the Chosen elected her as their Goddess. A fact she despised but it was what was needed. The only way for her to shape history. It worked. 300 years later, The Chosen spanned over their hostile world and the nearby one. Billions of them. Stronger, faster, more intelligent, zealous. In other words, better, yet they were still humans at heart.

The Gateways reopened and the scientist discovered they were not alone. While it was anticipated that one day the Gateways would open, what was on the other side wasn’t. Humans and aliens, political factions of every kind, enemies and friends. To the scientist’s surprise, she also found her family. A sister. Lost to the void for hundreds of years and then again a few more hundreds.

The discovery that they weren’t the only ones only made her Goddess status feel more and more pointless and actions began to be taken for her to step down from it. It started with speeches, continued with a war against xenophobia-loving humans, then with a cure to the scientist’s greatest mistake, the Rejected. A by-product of the Chosen. Monsters in everything but name. A cure which existed but would’ve caused the very thing that the scientist tried to avoid. A civil war. Senseless death of civilians.This cure was provided by the scientist’s sister and her own private advisor. A way to show the Chosen that non-believers aren’t below themselves.

Unfortunately, not all took the decision well. The cure not only fixed the many errors in the Rejected DNA but improved them. Made them better than the original Chosen. Sacrilege and blasphemy for the more…pious Chosen.

A zealous leader rose from the ranks of Chosen. A Zealot through and through. One that questioned the scientist at every step when it came to any kind of interaction with the non-believers. The zealot soon uncovered a secret that was buried.

Their Goddess wasn’t the original one for you see, the original scientist died in her 60s, precisely 200 years ago but before her death, she did the impossible once more. She cloned her mind into an improved body, barely human. Over 40 different DNA strains in one clone. Stretching the definition of “human” or “chosen” to the limit. Not born out of any womb but created by science.

Now the story breaks into different pieces, please select which option seems more of interest to you from the menu below:

The Chosen Story - Multiple Authors

As the mysterious figure put the e-book down, she looked up at the stars and nodded to herself with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, they'll be alright." and with that she jumped from the cliff she resided on and let out a loud woop.

@Irredeemable First sheet done:

The Ghoul

Walk. Stop. Walk. Grunt. Scream. Walk. Stop. Walk. Grunt. Scream. Walk. like a mantra
the words rang in Ashe’s mind. The same ones, on and on. A way to keep herself sane. A way to keep herself safe.

Follow. Horde. Walk. Stop. Grunt. and again and again and again and again!

It was easy to lose one’s mind while walking between thousands that lost their minds to the radiation. Follow the horde, guide the horde. One dies, one stands up. Human, synth, mutated creatures…it mattered not. Guns, bombs, swords, stingers or teeth…it mattered not. They all fell in front of the horde. They all get consumed. Death is nature and nature doesn’t stop. Nature doesn’t slow down. Nature is relentless and merciless. Hundred of years ago we tried to kill nature and each other with the bombs. We only managed to anger it. Nature finds a way, nature survives and adapts. The mutated animals are nature’s way of eliminating the human oppressor.

Yet. Yet, humans endure. Humans adapted too. Some of them at least. Ghouls are humanity’s answer to nature’s attacks. Not smart, not dumb. No feelings, no remorse. Just hunger and hunger is a good motivator. That’s what Ashe felt most of the time, hunger. Food was scarce, they made sure that not even scraps were left. But true to her nature, Ashe adapted too. Dead or alive, human, ghoul or anything in between, they were food and food kept her going.

As Ashe guided them or they guided her through the wasteland, she couldn't help but wonder what their lives had been like before they had become feral. This was a game of hers that she played ever since she was a child. Figure out the ghoul. Had they been like the normal ghouls, still clinging to their humanity despite everything and eventually succumbing to the radiation? Or had they been like her, angry at a world that had betrayed them? Not that it mattered how she felt. They weren’t the problem.

The other humans. They try to resist the horde. Some run, some join later. Most end up food but they all diediediediedie eventually. In the face of the horde, none can stand. Not for long anyway. But, even with their numbers and tenacity, some factions of the wasteland would pose a big problem. Too many to be overwhelmed. Too well their locations fortified. Too human, the leader of the horde. Too many feelings. Too many innocents. No one is innocent in the wasteland.No one is innocentinnocentinnocentinnocent in the wasteland. Not for long anyhow. .

There! Movement. To the north. The Horde didn’t smell whatever moved yet. It then starts. One lone gunshot. A ghoul falls. One more gunshot. The screaming soon followed. Thousands of ghouls shouting, grunting, screaming. A wall of dust rose as they started running in the direction. More ghouls from the surrounding area would join them. In the end, nothing would remain. No bodies, no traces of past settlements, all would be wiped out under the feet of the horde.

More gunshots. Rapid succession. One, two, three, four, five…now, two steps to the right, one forward. Dodging bullets when you’ve got a thousand bodies around you was easy. Left-right, duck. Run. Don’t get caught up. Move…there, 4 people. The horde is close to them. They start running. Too late. Too late. More screams now. Human screams. Blood everywhere and then silence. The silence of ghouls eating.

Forward. Keep moving with the horde. No time to rest. Sleep later, walk now. They don’t tire. They don’t sleep, they just walk. The horde is always moving. A trick Ashe learned in her first days was that ghouls don’t care what they’ve got on them as long as they walk, as such, Ashe created a stretcher of sorts that she tied to four different ghouls. All tied up together. A walking bed. If lucky, Ashe could sleep for hours. If not, she’d fall.

Not the best life but the only one that Ashe knew. Only one that she cared about it. Again. Movement.. More screams. More dead. More food. An endless cycle.

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