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Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

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@cyclone Why are you making fun of a bald person? Are you a baldist?
The Dawn of Galaxor

Hero Chronicles - Chapter One-Two

The Holy Writing Goblins

Time passed and Galaxor’s cosmic energy returned to him. He watched in silence what the other divines had done, the blood rain, the astral realm, the dream realm and of course, the massive tree that grew where the Khodex fell on Galbar. What made Galaxor laugh, was the creation of the goblin states. It was impossible for him not to notice it and of course, have the Smilegma use all that information to evolve Maxima’s tribe.

He also watched with interest what heroes might rise and from where, he noticed the great Jaxx as the love survivor of his spark and his friend…Jaxxx. A thing he laughed out loud enough to shatter the ground and make craters everywhere in the near vicinity of his location at the time, the desert. Overall he had fun but it was time to get back to work.

Galaxor long proposed to himself to learn more, be more knowledgeable and it was time for him to work on that. He teleported himself inside Goblin Underground and watched, amazed at how it evolved since he left it.

The 50m cave expanded in all directions and in certain places of the tunnels the goblins have built, one could see extremely thick roots of the life tree. Buildings appeared in the cave, nothing too sophisticated but it was enough to give a decent living. The goblins themselves seemed more muscled up than the ones he saw on the outside, probably because of all the mining they’ve been doing but maybe a bit thin, even with all the muscles but not all of them. Some were round and fat while the rest…just thin. Galaxor looked a bit confused, the Cornucopia should’ve made sure they’ve all been fed.

And that’s when he saw her, Maxima. A litter of 40 baby goblins around her and many guards, strong looking soldiers armed with different tools and keeping all goblins away from her. Maxima was seated upon something resembling a throne and watched with interest all that’s going around. With a loud laugh that startled all the goblins in the cave, Galaxor approached Maxima who quickly stood up from her throne.

A simple look from her, all the goblins went on their knees.

ha! Ha! HA! HA! HA! Look at you tiny mortal. I see you’re using the power I gave you to take control of your tribe, put them to work and all. ” said Galaxor with a big smile on his face. In truth, Galaxor didn’t care who’s taking control of the tribe or what they’d do. If they were evil, a hero would rise up to take care of them, if they were good, an evil hero would rise up to take control. In the end, both outcomes satisfied him.

My creator. Welcome! Welcome! You haven’t graced us with your presence in a long time. I have done what I’ve been given, reproduction and command. Our tribe has over 800 members currently, most on the small size and we’ve expanded our territory as much as we could. Let me know if something is not to your liking and I’ll make it happen. The Goblin Underground is yours to do as you wish. ” said Maxima, while looking Galaxor straight into the eyes. Galaxor chose her exactly for this behaviour. Fearlessness in front of anything. Now that was the sign of a hero.

If there were things not to my liking, Maxima, I would’ve fixed them myself. A hero never waits for handouts from their betters. They strive to BE better than their betters until they become their betters…and then, there will still be better than them even at that point and they’ll have to become even better until there won’t be anymore better for a while and then there will be someone better and better. It’s an endless cycle of bettering. With that said, there are some changes I’ll make to this place. First of all…GOBLINS COME OVER HERE! ” said Galaxor, putting on his thinking cap as he explained the theory of heroism and then shouted a command to all goblins in the vicinity which if they could’ve, they would’ve teleported to him but it was pretty close, speed wise.

As soon as the goblins gathered around him, Galaxor clapped his palms and a wave of cosmic power started to spread away from him into a wall, carving into it a room. The cave’s floor transformed into something akin to gold and statues of Galaxor rose from the ground in different heroic poses. Maybe it was a coincidence but the temple was raised exactly underneath the other temples from the tree. With an additional “umph” from Galaxor, anyone who was a hero would find themselves thinking more clearly and in depth while inside, thanks to the heroic ability of Calm Minds.

The goblins, initially on their knees out of fear, now were on their knees out of reverence for the power of their creature.

PPPHHHEEEW! Now, this place is a holy temple dedicated to yours truly. Keep it clean, keep it safe. I will always know if something is happening to it and if it’s dirty. So…MAKE SURE IT AIN’T! ” said Galaxor with an exaggerated phew and tone.

You heard him! We’ve been honoured to become the holy guardians of the temple! Oh’ Great One! We thank you for your faith in us.

No faith, just a gamble. Now, onto the next order of business. I shall be teaching you some VERY important things. Look at me.

As the goblins lifted their heads to gaze upon their creator, Galaxor’s aura flared with divine power and the knowledge of writing, drawing and other forms of knowledge storage were suddenly in the minds of the goblins. The goblins looked at one another as the knowledge settled into their brains.

You! You and you! Quickly act upon this. Get me those black stones we’ve found in the fire!” immediately shouted Maxima while pointing at a few goblins. While the knowledge was new to her too, her boost as a hero made it faster for her to understand it and make the necessary connections to figure out how to use it efficiently. A rock they found with a black coating around it inside a burnt fire. The first type of “ink” to be used to write.

Anyways. I’m off. Make sure to keep this place clean and use the knowledge I taught you…OR ELSE! ” said Galaxor with a laugh and teleported away, leaving the goblins to their business. A library will soon be built by them, Galaxor was certain of that. Not that they needed it since the Smilegma would do that for them but maybe the goblins had different plans in their minds.

I don't have any hair :(

EDIT: Why are you laughing at me???
@Tortoise Happy birthday Tort!!
The Rise of Jaxx

From 0 to Hero - Prologue

The Lone Survivor

A collab between @WrongEndoftheRainbow and [@Galaxor]

Galaxor left to make the Underground. Galaxor left to be heroic. Galaxor…is able to do anything. Galax…no, this is not a story about me. This is a story of my first creation, the Goblins.
The specks of divine energy fell all around the world of Galbar, making hundreds of thousands of goblins appear everywhere which meant that some…wouldn’t survive. This is the story of one such speck and its lone survivor.
As the speck landed on Galbar, twenty goblins materialised in the unforgiving heart of the desert on Galbar. These small, newly formed beings found themselves in a world of relentless sandstorms, with the parched and harsh landscape stretching in all directions.
Among this diverse group of goblins, one stood out as the largest, a towering figure at 2 metres in height. His name was Jaxx, and his deep, black skin contrasted starkly with the sun-bleached sands. Jaxx's commanding presence made him a natural leader, even in this hostile environment.
The desert offered no reprieve. The ceaseless sandstorms stripped moisture from their bodies and obscured the sky. With limited resources and no shelter, the smaller Goblins struggled to survive. As the days passed, one by one, they succumbed to the relentless conditions, their frail bodies unable to withstand the harshness of the desert.
Only Jaxx, the lone survivor and the largest of them all, seemed to fare better. He ate his own kind to avoid starvation, he drank their blood and anything else he could find. He did whatever he had to in order to survive. Unfortunately for Jaxx, as he was about to reach more hospitable lands, he almost ran out of food and water supplies. He barely had one piece of meat left and some blood. That is, until he saw something shining in the distance, something very shiny.

It had been born in an endless dune, nothing but the sandstorm and the dim light of the sun for company. There was no stimuli to be found but the movements of the wind and the formation and collapse of the dunes. At night, the sky was shrouded in the endless sand, and by day it studied the movements of the wind. It had gotten quite good at it; it could not imagine the concept of a name, but it could reliably guess the direction the wind would turn.

Nonetheless, while it survived, it did not thrive. In silence it trudged the endless, lifeless sands, near starvation as it grasped at whatever it could find, at multiple points reduced to sucking the smallest morsels of meaning from grains of sand. It stood at an imposing twelve feet tall, and at first noticed not the creature that had found it. Its body reflected the sun in a breathtaking rainbow kaleidoscope, lighting up the sands in colours that perhaps were the first the goblin had ever seen.
Jaxx was…amazed. He didn’t have the words to express what colours he saw but he knew that it was shiny and intriguing but Jaxx’s survival instinct took over his curiosity. Clutching the bone he took from a goblin, he approached slowly. Bone “weapon” not raised high above his head but near his body, he didn’t want to show that he’s a threat but still have enough time to club the thing if it proves dangerous.

A! A! A! OOOO!” said Jaxx, not having the words to say what he meant but he smiled gently, as gentle as the face of a goblin allowed. The crystal being jerked their head around to bring all their glowing eyes to bear. Here, there was something new, and that meant something to ponder for sustenance. It harmonised, suddenly, each syllable from another portion of its body, “Wow,” and then it devolved into a similar gibberish. It sounded otherworldly, like an ethereal choir whose words could not be understood.

The kaleidoscope flitted rapidly as instinct struggled to respond to such a diminutive and odd-looking creature as a goblin, and it began to approach slowly, still harmonising.

Looking a bit confused at the sound the creature made, Jaxx was about to point his weapon at it before thinking better of it. The creature looked small at first but as it approached…Jaxx realised how big it actually was. Bigger than anything he saw. He was bigger than the rest of the goblins but this was bigger than the biggest goblin.

He threw the piece of meat he held in his hand towards the creature and nodded at it. Either it would’ve been dangerous and ate the meat then tried to attack him to eat him, at which Jaxx would defend himself or he’d run away, hoping his legs would be fast enough to carry him far from this shiny creature. The creature startled a moment, and then curiosity took over. It reached out with one crystal hand and prodded the meat. It picked it up and brought it close, looking it over. It studied how the meat flexed, how it desiccated in the sand.

And then it dropped the meat, and leaned down to take a closer look at the goblin, its first ever sight of such a thing. It harmonised again, mimicking the goblin’s original sounds in a lilting sing-song as it reached out, intent on poking the thing and seeing if it resembled the meat.

The goblin was…perplexed. He didn’t understand this creature. It didn’t want to eat. Meat. There’s nothing else to eat, why would it refuse meat? At that moment, the creature made the same sounds, albeit a bit like music, to him. He lifted his bone “weapon” and pointed it at the crystal creature and said, in the most “do not approach more, I don’t want to hurt you” tone:

Ooo! OO!” while with the other hand, Jaxx made a pushing sign by having an open palm and approaching it to his body and then away from it. The strider suddenly straightened out, taking a defensive posture, spikes on the back of their arms presented as they backed away. The kaleidoscope of colours first darkened, and then, to the goblin, violently brightened; an instinctive reaction, all the reflected light pointed towards Jaxx.

Jaxx’s eyes burned from the sudden light and he put his hand up to cover them while also moving to the side, trying to avoid the creature’s light “attack”.

A! A! A!” he shouted as ran around trying to circle the creature and then it clicked in his mind. The creature mimicked his sounds. Friendly. No danger.

He then stopped and did something that made his self-preservation instinct shout at him. Jaxx dropped his bone “weapon” and approached the creature slowly, one hand covering half covering his eyes while the other hand was open and pointed towards the creature. Though he could not see it, the creature remained ready to strike, warily watching as the goblin approached. It did not move away, but it remained dead silent and tense.

When Jaxx made contact, it was nothing like him. It was hard and unyielding, like solid rock; likely the first the goblin had ever felt of such material. The strider still stood there, silent and tense as it waited to see what the goblin would do.

Jaxx was, once more, very amazed at the material the creature was made of. Whatever it was, it felt durable and strong. Stronger than the bones of his people, stronger than the rocks and definitely stronger than his meat. It was amazing. Unknowingly, Jaxx was in tears, tears of joy of finding something so…perfect. He didn’t understand the feeling but he knew he met a creature truly wonderful.

Ooo, Jaaaxxx!” he shouted while pointing at himself with a hand, while the other one was gently petting the creature. The creature, slowly and hesitantly, stretched one of its arms out and responded, “Jaaxxx,” in its songlike voice. It then repeated it several times for good measure. Then, it pointed the arm back at itself, and tilted its head as it stood there, towering over the goblin.

Jaxx nodded at the creature with a big smile on his face and while pointing at it, said “Jaxxx”, letting the x’s longer than when he said his name. He petted the creature gently on its crystalline body and motioned it to smell him. He didn’t know what the creature was or if it couldn’t even smell but that’s how it was in his tribe, they smell each other, smell nice, friend if not…not friend. Not that they have found any friends since they were created.

The strider’s head suddenly snapped away, to some distant point. The winds were changing; it had studied the sandstorm enough to recognize when it was due to whip up. It further recognized the frailty of the meat the goblin was made of, and how sand at such speed could strip it. There were seconds left to spare before the front came. The strider acted, and it acted quickly.

It grabbed the goblin with both of its manipulator hands, and held him in place as it wrapped its tail around the diminutive creature. Just as it did so, the front came and any noise was overwhelmed by the whipping of sand as the sun darkened. As the light left, so too did the reflection, and it was replaced by the dim glow of fibre optic veins. The light shimmered through the body, a criss-cross of veins like a dense symphony scattered across the goblin’s sight.

Jaxx was initially defensive when he got grabbed before realising what was happening. A sandstorm. Bigger than the one he encountered before. Stronger. Jaxxx was saving his life and not attacking him. Jaxx stopped trying to fight Jaxxx and let himself be covered up by Jaxxx…that is until the sandstorm was upon them. The wind and the sand slowly started to cut into his skin even as he was mostly covered up by Jaxxx and he let out a shout of pain. His vision started to dim and he felt his lifeforce being drained away but before he could close his eyes…he appeared somewhere else and saw goblins. Many, many goblins and someone else. Just a glimpse of a divine being.

@Tortoise'Alas, she's not coming back but GALAXOR is.

Glad you're feeling better, Tort!
The Dawn of Galaxor

Hero Chronicles - Chapter One

The Goblin Hordes

With a surge of celestial power which Galaxor hasn’t been fortunate enough to witness before, this universe came into being. Time flowed, breathable air, smoke filled the world and more. In short, life was ready to flourish and with life, challenges, trials and tribulations will too…Galaxor will make sure of it.

Using some spare power, Galaxor shielded his cave from the Big Bang, making sure it’s not only intact but also the same as he made it be. Looking around the cave, he noticed one big issue with it, one that he didn’t think of before. It didn’t have any connection to the surface. No connection to the surface meant barely any air would flow inside it.

Spitting in both of his hands, Galaxor started rubbing them. Slowly at first and then, after a few seconds, at a speed impossible to follow with the naked eye…for a mortal. As he did, smoke started to appear and began to fill up the cave until eventually nothing could be seen inside the cave but smoke. Taking a deep breath sucking all the smoke in, Galaxor proceeded to push it into his closed hands, holding it there for a second or two before starting to rotate his hands in a spherical way.

In the end a large sphere of solid smoke was shaped. He placed the Sphere of Purification right above the magma pool, suspended in the middle of it, in the air. With one issue sorted, Galaxor scanned the cave for any other potential issues and noticed a few more things almost immediately.

There was no food here, nor would’ve he wanted to spend time teaching the mortals he’ll make everything they’ve got to do. He spent a few moments walking around the cave until he thought of something while looking at the magma pool. A bright lightbulb idea! He took a big rock and started to spin it in the pool, faster and faster as divine power surged from him and into the magma pool, making it in turn shine with a golden aura and soon a face appeared.

Another wave of divine energy burst out of Galaxor and went into the pool, gifting it with all the knowledge a fledgling civilization would need. The knowledge itself would be locked inside the pool until certain conditions would be reached and the more exotic knowledge would be locked behind powerful divine locks capable of being opened only by divine beings.

A few issues were fixed, now, the last ones. Food and who to eat it. Galaxor teleported outside of the cave and went a few times around the planet as he thought. Different races and concepts appeared in his mind but he just couldn’t settle on what to create until he caught a glimpse of a different divine, just a second and nothing more and an idea struck him.

He flew high up above the planet and gathered his divine energy once more. More and more energy gathered until eventually it burst in a magnificent explosion of colours and then it spread. Hundreds of tiny specks of green, yellow, blue, black and so on, landed upon Galbar. Each speck gave birth to groups of 10 to 20 Goblins, each with a different color.
As the final specks reached Galbar, Galaxor flew down on the planet and caught a few of them before they’d spawn the Goblins and teleported back to the cave.

Once inside, Galaxor let the specks fall on the ground and the Goblins appeared. Most goblins stood up to 0.9 metres tall but some were bigger, 2m tall the biggest of them with a skin color that ranged from the most common green to any other color.

The initial confusion and fear of the Goblins was understandable, especially upon noticing the colossal form of Galaxor. All retreated to the edges of the cave, even if they fully understood that the creature before them, was their creator. All but a few, that is. One female Goblin and 6 males walked towards him. Making sounds and pointing long fingers at him.

With a loud laugh, Galaxor nodded. This was what he was looking for. A group of mortals brave enough. Out of all of them, the female was the one that spoke first as such. Galaxor pointed at the female and a zaapp of yellow lightning struck her. Instantaneously, the female goblin grew 30 cm taller, her muscles bulged, eyes sharper with a spark of intelligence a tad higher than the usual goblins have. One of the most intriguing changes was that her skin had turned yellow and was now emitting light.

Listen to me. I am your creator. There are many of your species out there, I have made many but none like you. Female goblin, I name you Maxima, you shall lead this tribe. You’ve got here everything you need to survive. The Smilegma will teach you what you need to live and grow. Everything that will make you truly heroic. Talk with it, ask it questions and it will answer you. There aren’t many rules I will impose on you but there are some. First of all, you shall not attack each other, if you murder each other, I’ll make sure to do worse to you. WAY worse. Secondly, you’ve got to improve yourselves. Become better. Always strive to learn more. ” said Galaxor, invoking his heroic aspect to come forward.

Maxima was understandably amazed at what happened while the others were scared. She tried to command them to silence but it didn’t seem to work, shaking his head, Galaxor zapped Maxima once more. Immediately, all the goblins around Maxima stopped and looked at her, respect in their eyes.

"Ha! HA! HA! Wow, look at that! Those goblins almost look at you the same as they look at me, Maxima! You're going to do juuuust fine! Now, you may ask yourself, what are you going to eat in this sealed off cave? Well, about that. I didn't actually think of anything but I'll offer you this. " said Galaxor, returning to his usual self as an artefact that looked like an open mouth appeared in his hands.

"Just throw stuff inside here and you'll get food. It can be anything as long as it fits into the mouth of this thing. Alright? Now, one more thing and I'm gone. Got stuff to do. All heroic, of course." added Galaxor while placing the Corncopia artefact near the pool.

The moment he finished talking, rays of light shined from him which made the goblins cover their eyes from the sudden light. Soon they'd find themselves smarter, owning knowledge that they didn't have before.

@TortoiseYou're BACK! <3
The Dawn of Galaxor

Hero Chronicles - Prologue

"Time" passed and a tiny planet appeared in Galaxor's vision after leaving the Eidolon to their scheming.

Smiling, the Hero Maker flew as fast as he could to it, thinking mortals have been made by other divines already. 'Alas upon arriving, he realised his mistake. The planet was far from being done. No life of any kind. Nothing worthwhile for the mighty divine.

Where he landed on the planet, he noticed a massive crater and inside it, tunnels. Many, many tunnels. He followed the tunnels for a bit until he felt the divine essence of Roxalag and shook his head. Galaxor thought this wasn’t the right time to meet the divine again, after all, he needed more time to train before they would meet again. That meant that Galaxor had to simply do the most sensible thing, go in the opposite direction.

Arriving at the end of the tunnels, amidst a large pool of molten magma. Touching it slightly with his finger, the magma froze over Galaxor’s finger and that’s when the God of Heroes was struck by an idea. Taking a deep breath, Galaxor started to laugh. Laugh and laugh. Louder by the “second”. The cave where he was in, while initially just vibrating until the soundly onslaught, eventually gave way.

Exerting all his godly strength, Galaxor skillfully triggered a controlled cave-in above the seething magma pool. Through a combination of his immense power and manual effort, he sculpted an interior cave that extended an impressive 50 metres in both directions with a magma pool in the middle.

He then continued working on the cave, making small rooms for creatures of a maximum 4 metres tall, using his thumbs. Taking a fistful of magma, he moulded it into a make-shift throne where a creature could sit on.

Punching a few holes in the ground, he put some of his divine liquids inside the holes and made sure the walls were connected to the magma pool for the liquids to always be very hot. Enough to take a bath, for the holes that sat at the end of the cave or cook something for the holes closer to the magma pool.

Just ready, Galaxor realised something was missing from the walls of the cave. Something important. Something…HEROIC! Using some of the magma and his little finger, Galaxor started to paint on the walls of the cave images of…himself in different locations, doing different heroic tasks such as killing a monster or jumping a pit without a bottom.

There was only one problem with this. Drawing wasn’t one of his talents. Crude stick figures and other random shapes were left on the walls of the cave. Of course, that wasn’t how the heroic god saw it.

When he was eventually done with his “artwork”, he took a deep breath and prepared the cave for the inevitable big-bang. The start of this universe and the start of HEROISM!

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