Avatar of Timemaster


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That moment when you try connecting the mouse in the usb port and then being confused as to why you can't move the cursor with the USB cable....


Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

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Carmina pulled the goblin to the clearing they were in, before remembering about the campfire she saw before and noticing all the interesting stuff she missed before.

Turning to Svarok, she looked at her inquisitively regarding her question. "God? Any God? I don't know. It's something I never thought about. But now that you mention it...I'm assuming there are many gods. Some that are goblins, some that aren't. Everything must be created by something or someone. So, I've got no clue. I prefer to deal with the now more than the after. It kept me alive so far. Now, I can see some stuff we can gather and I've passed by a campfire when I was coming over. Might still be hot enough to cook these gobs. Get the bushes, I'll go to those growths, I'm curious. " said Carmina as she dropped the goblin and went over to the petrified growths.

Taking out her knife, she carefully used it to cut and put them in her bag. Before her self preservation could tell her to forget it, she pulled just a bit out of the bag and shoved it into her mouth, eating it.

Afterwards when Svarok was done with her job, they went over to the campfire, dead goblin in tow and started to inspect the charcoal.

Post coming up today :)
@Scarifar One RP that'll never die, Divinus. You know why? Because gods never die...they just change :)
The Dawn of Galaxor

The Heroic Entry

Deep within an unknown universe, Galaxor,The God Of Heroes, The Hero Maker, Divine Artisan of Heroes, Celestial Forger of Legendary Champions, Master of Heroic Destinies, Architect of Heroism and Valor, Weaver of Epic Tales, Cosmic Mentor of Heroic Prodigies, The Legendary Enabler of Greatness, Creator of Champions, The Mythweaver, The Cosmic Patron of Heroic Aspirations, The Celestial Architect of Legendary Deeds, emerged amidst a cosmic battleground. Unearthly horrors, nightmarish entities that defied comprehension, slithered and writhed in the interstellar darkness.

With a blinding "Zzwap!" Galaxor's gauntlet emitted a burst of radiant energy, obliterating the first cosmic horror that dared to draw near.

A colossal, tentacled abomination approached with menacing intent. In a dazzling display of dexterity, Galaxor evaded its grasp and countered with a "Zing!" from his cosmic blade, cleaving through the creature's eldritch form.

Drawing on his divine powers, he summoned a brilliant burst of starlight, momentarily stunning the cosmic horrors. He seized the moment to deliver a resounding "Foom!" unleashing a shockwave that sent these nightmarish entities sprawling across the astral plane.

In this unfathomable universe, Galaxor's unwavering heroism blazed brightly, defending reality itself from the eldritch terrors with each "Zzwap", "Zing" and "Bling."

Eventually nothing remained. The horrors were dead and the mortal creatures that lived there came out to greet and thank Galaxor.

Raising two of his mighty hands to quiet their murmuring, he flashed them a charming smile. So charmful that the very air seemed to shimmer in his presence, as if even the elements themselves couldn't resist the allure of the God of Heroes. His charismatic aura drew the mortal even more, like moths to a flame, weaving a spell of admiration and devotion around all who gazed upon him.

HA! HA! HA! HA! Wooo! That fight! You’ve seen it for yourself! Now that’s how it’s done! I hope you took notes. That’s how Galaxor,The God Of Heroes, The Hero Maker, Divine Artisan of Heroes, Celestial Forger of Legendary Champions, Master of Heroic Destinies, Architect of Heroism and Valor, Weaver of Epic Tales, Cosmic Mentor of Heroic Prodigies, The Legendary Enabler of Greatness, Creator of Champions, The Mythweaver, The Cosmic Patron of Heroic Aspirations, The Celestial Architect of Legendary Deeds fights! That’s how a HERO fights! That's how a fight should be fought! Now, I need a big jug of…" shouted Galaxor, his voice like thunder before something called to him.


A single word. A strong command.

Looking away towards the general area where the calling came, Galaxor laughed out loud. Pinning the mortal around him to the ground with the sound of his voice.

"Forget about that. A calling has been issued. A heroes' journey never ends. A hero can never rest! Goodbye mortals! Remember this fight for the rest of your lives. ” said Galaxor, before jumping high up into the air, travelling at the speed only known to divinity.

Arriving at the scene of the birth of a universe, Galaxor took a deep breath and laughed upon seeing the scroll of the Khodex.

Ohoho! You’ve called me, little thing? Very well. I, Galaxor,The God Of Heroes, The Hero Maker, Divine Artisan of Heroes, Celestial Forger of Legendary Champions, Master of Heroic Destinies, Architect of Heroism and Valor, Weaver of Epic Tales, Cosmic Mentor of Heroic Prodigies, The Legendary Enabler of Greatness, Creator of Champions, The Mythweaver, The Cosmic Patron of Heroic Aspirations, The Celestial Architect of Legendary Deeds, have answered your call. Here! Take some speck on my power and make my wishes known within this universe. All shall rejoice when heroes walk the world. All shall learn from GALAXOR! HA! HA! HA! HA!

@TexanJanus Is it indeed. We're just a bit slow but still going :)

Hop on our discord: discord.gg/H6rergsD

Post is up :D

A few things happened at once. First Carmina got a message saying her sing skill couldn't inflict sleep at this time which cleared things up in Carmina's mind about how exactly this ability or skill "system" worked. Secondly, her "MP" was low. Made sense that she couldn't use abilities non-stop but didn't know how exactly she'd know, this was easier than she thought. And lastly...the other runt overshot their shot but still somehow managed to get goblin.

"Dibs on the pouch the goblin was carrying!" shouted Carmina as she grabbed the Stone Hatchet before anyone could say anything about it. Turning to Svarok, she nodded at her in thanks before saying "Good teamwork there. No word spoken and we still figured what each other wanted. I'm Carmina. Let's grab the goblins and start the feast, eh? "

Carmina bent down and started slowly pulling the goblin to the other ones.

Let's goooooo!
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