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That moment when you try connecting the mouse in the usb port and then being confused as to why you can't move the cursor with the USB cable....


Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

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@Zeroth I'd say to go for it, to be honest :) Also, no issues, I can wait!
@Rune_Alchemist Hopefully your aim was good.
Ashe stopped just as she took Dal's "share" and managed to overhear a part of the discussion between him and the bard. She began shaking her head before hearing Dal's "explanation" of her mask and saw that the bard had given them more money than what she took. With a chuckle, she headed back to the table just as she heard a scream and saw Fyr breaking one of the thugs she had beaten at gambling a few moments ago.

Making herself scarce, she went around the group when Griff appeared. A massive man, bigger than the thugs, came out from the backrooms, and Ashe's hand instinctively went to her dagger as she tried to go around the men. A quick slash of the throat, if she moved fast enough, would calm these thugs down fast enough... hopefully.

Just as she was getting close, Fyr did the unexpected: he talked his way out of a beating. The atmosphere relaxed immediately, with most of the bar's patrons going back to their business. Now that the crisis was averted and some coins in their pockets, it was time for the group to finally relax.

As the excitement with Griff ended, the group sat together, seemingly enjoying a moment of peace before discussing what would come next for them. The atmosphere was filled with the murmur of patrons, clinking glasses, and the faint scent of ale.

Unbeknownst to them, a group watched from the shadows, their eyes fixed on Ashe and her companions. Each one of them, dressed in dark, dusty robes, shared a silent, determined resolve. The assassins exchanged knowing glances, ready to execute their mission when the time was right.

One of them stood up and brushed past the group before stopping just in front of the group's table. Taking a deep breath, the person dropped the robe off their shoulders, revealing a bald and naked woman. Every inch of her skin was covered in tattoos that flowed down her beautiful form. Looking at each of them in turn, the group, if perceptive enough, would notice that the tattoos on the woman were slowly starting to shine with a blue light.

The person's eyes, if one cared to look at them, were fully white and out of focus. For a few seconds, she just stared at the group before muttering something under her breath. Every few seconds, the muttering would increase in pace, and the tattoos, if noticed, would shine more and more.
@Crusader Lord No :( I looked forward finally interacting with you.

Carmina let out an annoyed grunt as she noticed that her skill didn't activate at all, causing the Goblin to run as far as it could in the opposite direction it said initially. A ruse perhaps? Maybe goblin were smarter than they looked.

She pointed to Svarok's spear and at the goblin before she started singing from atop of her lungs, activating her skill as she did.

"Beneath the forest's canopy, eyes heavy with the night,
Gently swaying hands, I bid you to take flight,
To realms of dreams, where fears take no leap,
In soothing silence, my command: sleep!

If the goblin would fall asleep, they'd have a hostage, if not, at least it would slow him down enough to allow Svarok to hit him with her spear before it ran too far while also letting the two not leave the sight of the other two dead goblins on the ground. They were in a forest after all, who knows what predators might be attracted by them and then they'd lose their prey.

This whole situation reminded Carmina, briefly, of home. Of her "formation" years as she called them. The times when she would have to hunt for food, pick pockets and whatever else she could to survive.
@Zeroth How does one gain a new skill? Like, let's say I want to be able to put someone to sleep with my voice. Would it a be contanst try to get do that using my current skill OR would it be more in the terms of what I eat? Just want to be sure.

PS: Wow, you were fast with your reply!
@Zeroth Hmm. I wonder what she'll get, if anything out of goblin meat + some whatever she gathered as seasoning.
@Zeroth Carmina will most probably cook and eat goblin. Would that kill her? 😅
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist

Carmina continued praising the goblins as Svarok killed one of them. Her distraction seemed to work. One down. The other one was scared...and spilled the beans straight away.

"So, you're...friend was spying on the orc camp, they've got a base in the south mountains and you're out here hunting runts. Good to know! See? I told you, you're smart! Smartest goblin in your tribe. You've got two options now. Option one, you come with us back to our camp where you'll be rewarded for your honesty. " started Carmina, while simoltainously activing her ability, hoping to encourage the goblin to trust her long enough for them to knock it out.

"Ooorrr...option two. We kill you, take your weapons and then I'll consume you. Always wandered how goblin meat tastes like. I've gathered some nice ingredients to spice your meat up too. Can't wait to use them. " continued Carmina while unsheating her weapon and slowly approaching the goblin, a hungry look on her face, teeth in the front, to be seen.

As she talked, she kept moving slightly to the right. Slowly, a step, a small hand movement in the opposite direction, anything that would distract the goblin from seeing she was circling around it. Keeping its eyes away from Svarok.

Post coming up today. Apologies once more!
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