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Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

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As promised, post is up and hopefully, it'll be a bit funny too :)

Carmina approached the goblin with the spear from the back, realizing that her plan to calm everyone didn't exactly work as intended or better said, only worked partially. She made a stop sign towards Sarvok and started talking fast, hoping to catch the spear-goblin's attention.

"There, there. Calm down. It's all good. I'm sure my friend here just misunderstood your joke, you...beautiful goblin. Look at those muscles and your skin. Why, I think you're probably the strongest goblin in your tribe! A chieftain for sure. Hells, maybe even the Goblin King himself stands before us. While your friend looks like they're the fastest goblin in the whole of creation! You can probably run around the whole forest in under two minutes, don't you? I'm honored, no. More than honored. Humbled! Humbled! Humbled I said! Humbled to have met you. " said Carmina, her voice suave trying to get butter up the goblins.

Even if it wouldn't work, it would at least distract or confuse them until Sarvok had a chance to strike. Carmina moved her body low and raised her hands up in the air as she shouted humbled but always kept the goblins's feet at eye level; if they'd decide to attack, she'd at least see their feet and give her a chance to dodge or attack herself.

Lifting her head up a bit but still not looking the goblins in the eye, she continued her passionate speech.

"Now, please, tell us. Tell us what great business you have in this area? What task of probably utmost importance for all goblinkind, that you like, of course, brings you here?"
Still here guys, gonna get a reply today/tomorrow.
The tension in the tavern escalated rapidly as the patrons sensed trouble brewing. Five burly men, fueled by anger and alcohol, rose from their tables with intimidating postures. They shouted angrily at Ashe and their group, their voices reverberating throughout the establishment. Two of them grabbed nearby bottles, smashing them into crude improvised weapons.

The other patrons in the bar, who had been enjoying their drinks and revelry moments ago, now looked on with wary anticipation. The cheerful atmosphere had transformed into a volatile and dangerous one, as the confrontation between the newcomers and the locals unfolded.

Some patrons hurriedly moved away from the epicentre of the conflict, seeking safety in the far corners of the tavern. Others exchanged uneasy glances and whispered amongst themselves, unsure of what would happen next. The air was thick with tension, and everyone braced for the impending clash between these two opposing forces.

As the confrontation in the tavern intensified, the thug with the broken wrist, clutching his injured arm in agony, suddenly made a desperate move. He stumbled away from the escalating chaos, heading toward the back of the tavern. With a loud shout, he called out a name that carried a weight of authority among the group of aggressive men.

"Boss! Boss! Trouble!!"

The name "Griff" echoed through the tavern, and the patrons couldn't help but glance at each other in uncertainty. It seemed that the injured thug was summoning their leader, a figure known to command respect and obedience among these unruly men.

The atmosphere in the tavern grew even tender as the situation took an unexpected turn. All eyes were now on the back of the tavern, awaiting the arrival of the boss. Unbeknownst for the party, the boss was known for their love of violence but as well, love of coin and keen mind.
@AzureKnight I'm still here, I guess Dark Cloud is too but...not sure about everyone else.

As Ashe stepped into the dimly lit tavern, the creak of the heavy wooden door drawn a few eyes her way. The air was filled with a warm mix of laughter, clinking tankards, and the soft strumming of the bard's guitar.

The contrast between this unfamiliar yet oddly reminiscent tavern and her homeland struck Ashe as she took in the scene. The walls, baked by the unrelenting sun, were constructed of clay rather than the dark timber and rough stones she was accustomed to. Underfoot, the floor felt coarser, sandy grains shifting subtly with each step. Somehow all taverns were the same. You had the barkeep, the barmaids, the groups of nobles or at least wealthier villagers and in the back...her favorite spot. The gambling tables.

Ashe refused the alcohol that was offered and only asked for some goat milk which she drank slowly. She lifted the cup just enough for the others not to see her face but as well, enough to be able to drink in peace.

"'Haven't played cards in a long time, but I can see some dice games. And if you haven't yet figured it out... I'm good at dice games. You could say I'm a lucky person,'" said Ashe before heading over, leaving Fyr with Lapis and Arthur.

Briefly, she stopped and heard Dal's song. Ashe knew the song well; it was something from her homeland. Something she had heard in taverns more than once, but certainly not something sung in a bar in the middle of the desert. The patrons seemed moved by the song, and a few threw some coins onto the stage in thanks for such a lovely performance. Of course, Ashe approached the stage and gave a mock applause to Dal before picking up five coins that were thrown and then turned around, making her way to the dice tables.

"Hey-ho, boys. Got room for one more? I've got exactly 5 coins to roll with, and I plan to clear you out. What's the game?" announced Ashe as she approached a group of a few men. They looked like thugs, big and muscular, with dark skin. They laughed at Ashe's bravado initially, but seeing that she wasn't moving away, one of them said in a loud, gruff voice:

"You've got balls on you, missy. It's barbooth. If you know the rules, feel free to join; if not... SOD OFF!"

"Know the rules? I've written them. Five coins on the next roll."

"I'll match your 5, that you sod your roll." said one of the thugs before all of them joined in.

Ashe smiled at the dice and rolled them. With a knowing grin, she felt her magic guide the dice as they tumbled, and they rolled until... 6-6. The other player rolled 1-3. Ashe won.

"Guess today is my lucky day, boys. Sorry about that." said Ashe as she took her earnings before walking towards the table where the group had initially sat, lifting a small pouch containing all the gold she had earned.

"What can I say? I'm lucky." said Ashe confidently, making the pouch jiggle with a satisfying clink.
Post is up, finally. Apologies!

Carmina ran as fast as she could towards whatever screamed for help and as she ran, she glanced behind to see if her new skill worked…it didn't. She muttered some obscenities but continued forward. If it didn't work once, maybe the second time or the third time.

Reaching another clearing, she noticed another orc newbie and two goblins fighting. She circled around them until she was right behind them and started singing, using her skill again to calm down the goblins and hopefully the other orc. If anything she heard in the other world about goblins was true, they'd be useful later on.

"Orcs and goblins, kin and kin,
Lay down arms, let harmony begin.
In music's embrace, let fear dissolve,
And strife be replaced with problems to solve.
@Zeroth Shoot. Me too. I'll get something up tomorrow.
Ashevelen looked at Arthur and shook her head as she saw him looking at the journal.

"Don't mind that journal. We've taken it from the wizard that lead the slaves we defeated. You can keep it if you pay for it, if not, hand it back, please. " said Ashe before turning towards Dal as she poked him with the tip of her sword, gently, in the shoulder.

"And Dal. Don't give our loot to random people! I swear to the Gods, how were you a pirate?! What did you do, rob the rich and gave it to the poor?"

Two days later - The Village

A small village emerged like a mirage in the heart of the scorching desert. This oasis of life was known as Zephyr, a haven of respite amidst the harsh, unforgiving landscape.

Zephyr nestled within a natural depression, shielded from the relentless desert winds by towering rock formations that seemed to rise out of the sand like ancient guardians. The village was a marvel of engineering and adaptation, a testament to the tenacity and resourcefulness of its inhabitants.

Huts and buildings were constructed from sun-baked adobe bricks and were painted in earthy hues that blended harmoniously with the desert surroundings. Intricate mosaics and hand-carved wooden accents added splashes of color and character to the otherwise simple architecture. Narrow, winding pathways snaked through the village, leading to hidden gardens and cool alcoves where weary travelers could find shade and solace.

At the heart of Zephyr lay a shimmering oasis, a tranquil pool of crystal-clear water fed by an underground spring. Palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, their fronds casting dancing shadows on the water's surface. The oasis was a lifeline, providing sustenance for the villagers and a haven for exotic desert creatures that gathered to drink.

Zephyr was more than just a physical sanctuary; it was a cultural crossroads where merchants, nomads, and travelers from distant lands converged. A bustling marketplace came to life in the cooler hours of dawn and dusk, a vibrant tapestry of colors and scents as exotic spices, precious gems, and intricately crafted goods were bartered and exchanged.

Ashevelen stood up as the village appeared in view.

"Beautiful village. Let's go over to the tavern, after breathing sand for the past 2 days...I need a drink and we need to make some money. " declared Ashe to the group, trying to leave quickly in the hopes on not having to pay the merchant.
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