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Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

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@Guardian Angel Haruki Oo! That works! Different climates on different sides.

I mean, we could as well keep just NA, Russia or China as a map and then every other continent is a different plane of existence/different dimension or so. Those three are massive after all.
@Lewascan2 We could always play it out as Pangeea. One continent, linked together. That way we'll have a massive contient that, we can explore if we want and it's still based on Earth's geography albeit a very old one.
And because I got bored, I made this homebrew class:

Criticism is always welcome 😊

And I'm currently working on a Jack of all trades type of class. Just trying to make it balanced.
@CaptainManbeard Oooo! Now that's an original idea. Our world but transformed into fantasy. Now that's awesome.

If someone has any talent at drawing the above, have at it. I can make maps in Inkarnate if needed, not the best at it but I've done a few in the past.
Loads of ideas.

We can go worldbuilding in multiple ways. Random by asking ChatGBT to create some gods for us and then we edit them OR each player makes their own 3 or so divinities.

As a head of the pantheon I suggest we go away from Light is at the top trope. What if this time we'd have a Time deity? Time has, after all, control over everything in a way or the other. We could also go for like Chaos as the leader. Not evil, not good.

Giants would be awesome to have their own empire but as well the "smaller races". The Goblins, the slimes, kobolds etc. It's been bugging me for a long time that the minor races were always seen as tribal/monster like.
@Guardian Angel Haruki You can choose someone to do it or if the main DM is up for it, they could sometimes jump in. Deities don't usually interact with mortals in "clear" ways, so it works if the main DM will only write up once in a while.
@CaptainManbeard You could always be a "silent" DM. While we control the parts of the stories, you could jump in when you've got the time and throw a wrench in our plans or appear as a "ghost" to guide/save/harm our characters depending on the situation.

@Guardian Angel Haruki I've seen it done before with custom races (primarily D&D) and you could choose the original race as we'd know it OR create a variant of your own alongside a location/country etc for it. The player then would have the chance when they'd be the DM to take the other players to the location and create a story there. If the main DM would see that things...stalled, he would've just jumped in and "timeskip" to the next location of the new DM.
I wasn't thinking this would still go on as there was no actual RP page but wow. This is a lot.

Congrats on your promotion, mate! Regarding the DMing bit, if I may add my opinion, why not make it like every player (unless they just don't want to) will DM a part of the story or each will have their own story/plot and then they can make the story/plot as long or short as they want.
@Zeroth Didn't see Steel's message, apologies. Posted up now :)
Harmony Amidst Chaos

Carmina gathered everything she could and considered eating some of them to use her ingestion skill but decided against it as two animals appeared. They seemed to be locked into their hunter-hunted roles.

As she was just about to make move, a very loud scream could be heard. For a moment, Carmina was split. Self-preservation told her to attack the monsters or run but her heart told her she had to save whoever screamed like that.

Thinking for a few seconds, Carmina took a deep breath and used her Sing skill to encourage both or at least the one that looked more dangerous to follow her.

Monstrous friend, come follow my lead,
Together we'll explore this land.
No need for fear, just trust in me,
In unity, we're wild and free.

Hoping the song worked, Carmina ran towards the place where she saw the flash of light and the loud screaming.

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