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Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

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The Unknown Desert

Veneficus Malum and the visions


Veneficus walked along the riverbank, the desert surrounding him. As he walked, he noticed a lone flower that stood out against the arid landscape. Intrigued by its colours, he approached and smelled it. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness overcame him, and he collapsed to the ground.

As Veneficus slipped into unconsciousness, a dreamscape of magic and monsters unfolded before him. Visions of creatures, nightmarish in their forms, manifested in his mind. Unfamiliar shapes and shadows coalesced into grotesque beings that stirred fear in the deepest recesses of his mind.

In this dream realm, Veneficus found himself surrounded by creatures that went past the horrors of the outer beasts. These monsters were born from the depths of his imagination, each one embodying the fears that lurked in the shadows of his mind.

Yet, in this nightmarish dream, Veneficus sensed a connection to the monsters. The fear that almost overcame him transformed into an odd sense of familiarity. As he confronted these dream-born horrors, an inexplicable power surged within him. Magic, raw and untamed, coursed through his veins, intertwining with the essence of the dream monsters.

The dream unfolded as a surreal journey through landscapes both magical and frightening. Veneficus faced the monsters head-on, his mind navigating a realm where the boundaries between fear and empowerment blurred. The dream granted him insights into the very nature of his fears and the magic that lay hidden within.

Veneficus awoke on the riverbank, the beautiful flower still in his hand. The memory of the dream lingered, but instead of marvelling at its mysteries, a surge of anger welled within him. The monsters, the fears – all seemed to have been sent by a divine being, and he directed all his anger towards the one he knew.

"Allianthé, Goddess of Life," he shouted, his voice carrying his frustration across the desolate landscape. "Why are you punishing me with such nightmares? What have I done but survive?" His anger echoed into the vast expanse above as he blamed the deity for the visions that she sent.

In a fit of anger, Veneficus clenched the flower in his hand, its vibrant petals now a symbol of the dreams that had stirred his ire. Swearing revenge on the goddess, he decided to throw away the remnants of the dream, convinced that this divine interference must be punished.

Without realising the growing power within him, Veneficus dropped the flower. As it touched the ground, a small fireball manifested in his hand. Shocked at the unexpected flames flickering in his palm, he recoiled. Instinctively, fueled by a mix of rage and magic, he hurled the fireball at the discarded flower.

The impact created a brief burst of flames, reducing the once vibrant flower to ashes. As the smoke dissipated, Veneficus stared at his hand, realisation sinking in. The anger towards Allianthé had unintentionally unlocked magic within him, leaving him both empowered and unsettled. As the remnants of the flower smouldered on the riverbank, Veneficus grappled with the consequences of his fury and the newfound abilities that seemed to respond to the intensity of his emotions.

Magic found him. Magic will be his life.

@POOHEAD189 Always accepting new players! Hop on our discord where everyone is :)
Seeing that he's almost all alone, the assassin considered his chances. Wounded, tired and outnumbered, it didn't look good for him. At all. With a look towards the leader, he steeled himself. This was his job. This was his mission. Nothing else mattered.

He lunged forward towards Fyr, angry at the death of his unit and managed to strike Fyr in the arm, a mere cut but a symbol of what's to come.
The Arena

Galaxor & Terilu and whoever else follows

Can I show them how it’s done?

Galaxor genuinely looked confused at Gadri when he mentioned “sand”. It was a word that he never heard of. Hot like yellow snow, a bad taste like it and definitely yellow. All this pointed to Galaxor that this sand thing was in fact yellow snow, just a different variety of it.

Sand. You call yellow snow, sand. Make sure you don’t eat it, it’s very dry! HA! HA! HA!” laughed Galaxor, trying to hide the fact that he did try to eat the sand to see how it tasted and he was very displeased with it.

Before anyone else could say anything, the small bat-creature from before started flying towards him and…sat down on his shoulder. Stopping abruptly, Galaxor turned his head and looked at it and for the first time noticed that Terilu was not a human with wings and weird hair, but a different race altogether. Not that it mattered, they were all Little Folk, as they were called by the Clans. It was just that some were more little than the others and more weirdly looking.

"Come on, my gigantic friend," Terilu says to Galaxor, "let us go onward, somewhere! I'm sure we'll find something more interesting to do in this great city than follow this poor dwarf around. I've heard they have an arena here. Let's some of us go and bet on a fight or something!"

Aye! Aye! Let’s go on then. Arenas are fun. Do you think I can join? Squashing dwarves is funny. HA! HA! ” said Galaxor before waving at the group and going in a different direction, looking around for the arena.

After a few steps, Galaxor looked behind and raised his voice a bit, so that the others in the group could hear him “Ivraan, you coming? Fun things happening in this direction. Maybe some booze, eh?

Turning towards Terilu, he asked in what he wanted to be a quiet voice.

Apologies, little one, but I never caught your name and…what are you again? Not human or dwarf, I think. Unless you people do come in different varieties besides being small. ” asked Galaxor in his curious and extra loud voice before continuing to walk.

@twannyman FYI of the above. As you were interacting with them.
@SgtEasyIsn't it just amoozing how well-crafted and utterly fantastic your character sheet is? You've really herded all the stellar details together!

Honestly, udderly awesome! Bovine sheet mate!
The Lost Village Of Foreverspring - Chapter Two

Veneficus Malum And River

I’m ALIVE...and hungry

Veneficus awoke with a start, his body ached from the bruises acquired during the chaotic events in the village. Coughing up water, he found himself sprawled on the side of a makeshift raft, a section of a building that had somehow ended up floating in the river. The air carried the scent of dampness, and the gentle sway of the raft beneath him added a disorienting rhythm to his senses.
As Veneficus struggled to sit up, he looked around to figure out where he was.

The once-familiar village was now nowhere in sight, the burning remnants and chaos replaced by a different, serene river landscape and all around it, desert. He squinted his eyes, hoping to see the familiar silhouette of the Tree of Life from Arbor in the distance, but it was absent. The landscape had changed, and he couldn't even discern the direction he had come from.

The realisation dawned upon him that he was nowhere near the village. The absence of the Tree of Life and the unfamiliar surroundings left him scared. Very, scared. He sat down on his “boat” and cried. Cried for what seemed like hours. Cried for the death of the people he knew, even if he hated them. Cried for the loss of the only thing he knew and he cried upon realising that now, he was never going to be bullied anymore by those kids. It was truly a strange thing to cry, he realised. He wished those kids dead for many, many years and now that they were gone, Veneficus realised he would miss them, as they were undoubtedly dead.

Cautiously standing on his makeshift raft, Veneficus tried to get his bearings once more. The absence of the village's smoke and the changed landscape made it clear that he had drifted far from Arbor. The memory of the Outer Beasts' roars and the burning village felt like a distant nightmare in this new, unfamiliar reality as different sounds could be heard from around him. Desert monsters, more outer beasts or civilization? Veneficus didn’t know.

As Veneficus continued drifting on his makeshift raft, the tranquillity of the river was suddenly shattered by a disturbance in the water. A strange movement caught his eye, and he peered over the edge of the raft to see a school of enormous worm-fish. Each creature was about three metres long, resembling elongated white worms with distinctive flippers on their sides, resembling fish.

Curious, Veneficus observed their synchronised movements, but his attention was soon diverted as the worm-fish abruptly changed direction, their focus fixed on a larger, more menacing figure in the water. A shark-like creature with long wings glided through the river, desperately trying to evade the relentless pursuit of the worm-fish.

The worm-fish, with their streamlined bodies, swiftly closed in on the winged shark. As the winged shark tried to escape, one of the worm-fish surged forward, opening its mouth wide, revealing hundreds of small, razor-sharp teeth. Veneficus watched in awe and horror as the worm-fish clamped down on the winged shark, its green blood mixing with the river's currents.

The water soon became murky and green as the worm-fish tore into their catch. Bits of meat and greenish blood were thrown into the air, creating a bloody show. Some of the torn flesh flew through the air, and Veneficus, quick to seize the opportunity, started catching bits of meat as they flew above the water.

As he observed the feeding frenzy of the worm-fish, Veneficus understood very fast that the river is not safe and he should definitely NOT go into the water. The river, now stained with the remnants of the winged shark's demise, guided him towards a bend where the waterway took a sudden turn.

Lost in the aftermath of the feeding frenzy, Veneficus was abruptly jolted from his observations as the raft surged forward. The swift current, combined with his distraction, propelled the raft faster than he expected. Before he could react, the raft collided with the riverbank, the impact sending a shock through his body.

Veneficus, now clinging to the raft, found himself stranded at the edge of the river. The abrupt stop left him disoriented. Glancing around, he realised that he was ashore. As he prepared to continue his journey on foot, the memory of the weird underwater encounter lingered in his mind. The ferocity of the worm-fish, and the unpredictable nature of the river had become clear reminders that his quest for survival in this unfamiliar realm would be filled with challenges. With renewed resolve, Veneficus embarked on the next phase of his journey, uncertain of what lay ahead but ready to face the mysteries of the river.

@SgtEasy Omg! Please, please, please, PLEASE COME Back! I loved your nation and the plots we've worked together! Pleaaaasssseeeeeeeeee
The Great Migration

The Goblin Underground’s Destruction

Galbar is shaking

Deep, deep underground at the Library, Galaxor marvelled at the collar. He studied it again and again, trying to discern how it worked yet that knowledge seemed impossible even for him to understand. There was nothing that could be determined as a source of power, no divine energy radiating out of it.

Eventually, after many weeks spent in almost isolation, Galaxor finally came out of his sanctuary with the collar put around the Cosmic Destroyer. Always good to have it on hand and it wasn't as if anyone could take it without also taking the CD.

Teleporting over to the GU, Galaxor immediately noticed a massive issue or better said, a size issue. There were goblins…everywhere. The whole city was packed tight with travellers, merchants and residents.

After a few words with Maxima, Galaxor's thoughts were proved correct. The Goblin Underground was officially overcrowded. Even the Orb of Air that Galaxor first created seemed to struggle with the amount of breathable air that was needed to support the population. A few days later, Maxima begged Galaxor to help. This was too much. People were blocked on the streets, miners delayed and worst of all, the Cornucopia’s delivery route was destroyed in a cave in.

‘Thus came the first time Galaxor used the Collar of the Underground. Teleporting somewhere far enough from the Goblin Underground, the divine being put the collar on and the familiar feeling of knowing everything under Galbar came once more. Every living being, every rock, mineral and precious stone. All was under his command.

With a great explosion of power, millions of blocks of rocks, different minerals, gemstones and what not, started to vibrate and expunge a dark brown light for a few seconds. Shortly after everything touched by the dark brown light started to melt and mould into buildings, walls, towers and everything else the Goblin Underground might need. The new city sprawled over 6 different levels of the underground with great stairwells linking each level but also side tunnels which allowed travel for carts, merchants etc.

As the cave’s roof started to crack, it soon found itself supported by massive pillars, the underground rivers were diverted into one single stream to form an enclosed sea, albeit a small one. The city's architecture reflected the diversity of the materials moulded by Galaxor – blocks of rocks, various minerals, gemstones, and more, all transformed into functional structures. Towering buildings, walls, and towers emerged, forming a complex network of interconnected spaces. On the roof of the caves, crystals shone with light cascading the whole of the Obsidian Reach in a blue-ish light.

The tunnels connecting different levels and districts were lined with bioluminescent plants that emitted a soft, calming glow. The tunnels not only provided efficient transit but also served as enchanting pathways, creating an underground network that embraced both functionality and aesthetics.

The great migration began afterwards and the new city of the Goblin Underground was created.

Goblin artisans adorned the walls with intricate murals that depicted the history, myths, and achievements of the Goblin Underground. These murals served as both decorative elements and educational tools, celebrating the life of The Dominion and their great leader, Maxima.

With the excess power, walls were built around the Pool of Knowledge and groups of goblins stayed behind to forever guard it. The earthquakes soon followed. With a city that size and a display of power that big, it was impossible for them not to. While the new city was protected, mostly, by Galaxor’s power, the whole of Galbar would soon feel them. Cracks in the ground appeared in many places and new tunnels towards the surface appeared.

This new city would later be called Obsidian Reach due to the dark black rocks that were everywhere. But that wasn’t the only change that would come with the new city. Galaxor long has pondered and thought of a new name for Goblin Underground but nothing seemed to stick. No matter what he’d choose, he would the next day find reasons as to why they shouldn’t be called like that.

One name eventually stuck. The Dominion.

Yet, there was one more problem. Time. The city was too big to be contained in one timeline which could cause an interesting problem. Deciding against simply pinning the whole city in time, Galaxor blessed the greatest craftspeople of the Dominion with the knowledge that would allow them to create devices that would anchor them into one timeline.

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