Avatar of Tlstiffl


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6 mos ago
snow... earthquake... solar eclipse. what's next mother nature?
8 mos ago
Funny how quickly shit can turn on a dime and you are right back where you were a year ago mentally... And it's not a good thing.
9 mos ago
Happy New Year to you all and happy birthday to me, woo.
9 mos ago
Ok not to be a Scrooge, but did anyone else's Christmas just not Christmas the same way this year? It wasn't like bad, it just felt... not like Christmas.
10 mos ago
We are now entering the "do not look at your bank account" era


Hi, call me Tee. I am a 34 year old neurospicy dork (she/her). I am so old. I've got a hubby and two corgis that get majority of my attention.

RP Status: Open, but limited

Check out my various interest checks below. Even if they haven't been bumped in awhile on the thread, I am still interested in them if listed here.

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@arcade43 great! If you want to apply just go ahead and do the CS and I can reserve one of them for you
I apologize in advanced, I will be gone this weekend- I will have my computer with, but I will not be as active. So while I am definitely still hoping to fill the extra spots ASAP, nothing will officially start until next week.
@Tlstiffl Hi! I have conceps for a male criminal and the princess character already written out!

Question: how many posts do you expect on average? I'm a full-time college student so my taking on this RP would depend on my free time available for posts.

@Dirty Pretty Lies once a day would be ideal, but I would understand if you can't. So at least 2-3 times a week 😊

I'd totally love the Princess role, not reserving but I have an idea for her. :)

@HushedWhispers let me know if you want to join officially

Dear Mr. Vernon:

We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong, but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain... ...and an athlete... ...and a basket case... ...a princess... ...and a criminal.

Does that answer your question?

Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club.

The Breakfast Club: 2017

At 7:00 AM on a cool, brisk Saturday, five students from Shermer High School in Shermer, Illinois attend an all day detention. Each student did the crime and now they have to do the time. As seniors, all five students may be aware of each other, but does that make them friends? There will be fights, arguments, laughs, and craziness to ensue. They may not have entered as friends, but will they leave as them?

Apply Here!

Hi everyone, I am Traci! I am so excited to be posting this interest check because this is my first attempt at GMing a group RP. Just to give a little background about myself, I am been RPing off and on for about ten years. I started in high school and now I am a boring adult with a lot more free time. Evenings are seriously so much better knowing you don't have to worry about homework lol. I usually just do 1x1 roleplays, but I have wanted to branch out into more group settings. My personal favorite genres are slice-of-life or historical. I just so happen to have been watching The Breakfast Club recently, which if you haven't seen the movie then you are crazy, and it hit me: This is the perfect group, slice-of-life RP!

Since this will be my first time GMing, I have a lovely volunteer who has agreed to be my Co-GM: @codex. Together I am really hoping we can organize a really fun, dramatic roleplay. (PS I love drama). Now for the boring part.

1. Please be 18+. I know this sucks, but there could be mature themes.
2. Though this is 18+ there will not be any smut.
3. This is advanced, so looking for a minimum of ~3000 words per post. Grammar and spelling has to be decent, but by no means perfect.
4. Be active. If you have to be gone for a period of time, just let us know.
5. Have fun!

Now in terms of the characters, I am not going to be restrictive to the point that you have to play the same gender as the characters in the movie. And same goes with any sort of romance, there can be a variety in the relationships that form. I just want you to really stick to the "clique" that your character is in and work from that.


1. Basket Case Reserved for @FloriCello
-This character is the oddball, the one that no one quite understands. She/he can be mute at first like in the movie if you want, or they can be a bit more vocal with their thoughts. Just really encompass the quirky behavior and play with the fact that they are like a caterpillar wanting to just spread their wings.

2. Princess Reserved for @HushedWhispers
-This character is the queen bee of the school, most popular, everyone knows her. I feel like this character should stay a female, but if you want to play it as a male then just tell me why you feel that way. This character will be disliked by a majority of the other characters because she represents everything they hate: beauty, money and popularity... but she wants to seen for so much more than her looks.

3. Brain-Taken by @tlstiffl
-This character is extremely smart and dorky. She/he does not know how to fail and strives for perfection. Their focus on their studies makes them the target of teasing and ridicule, yet if anyone is desperate for an answer then she/he is the one everyone turns to. All this character wants is to be noticed for something other than their brain.

4. Athlete- Taken by @codex
-This is the popular boy, the jock, the star of the school. Whether she/he is the captain of the football team or any other sport, the school's spirit is determined by this person. The pressure to perform every week can be overwhelming at times and can hinder this character's ability to show who they truly are.

5. Criminal Reserved for @Fabricant451
-The bad boy of the school, he/she is no stranger to detention. Their home life is probably not the best and as a result their frustrations are taken out at school. Instead of trying to get help, this character just pulls away from people constantly, but really has a softness inside that just needs comfort. The hard shell on the outside though will take a lot to be broken.

So if you are interested, please either PM or post below and tag me and include the following character sheet. As the characters are filled, I will edit this post accordingly.

I really hope there are a few of you interested. I am excited for this and can't wait to get started! Yay!

Dear Mr. Vernon:

We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong, but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain... ...and an athlete... ...and a basket case... ...a princess... ...and a criminal.

Does that answer your question?

Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club.

The Breakfast Club: 2017

At 7:00 AM on a cool, brisk Saturday, five students from Shermer High School in Shermer, Illinois attend an all day detention. Each student did the crime and now they have to do the time. As seniors, all five students may be aware of each other, but does that make them friends? There will be fights, arguments, laughs, and craziness to ensue. They may not have entered as friends, but will they leave as them?

1. Please be 18+. I know this sucks, but there could be mature themes.
2. Though this is 18+ there will not be any smut.
3. This is advanced, so looking for a minimum of ~3000 words per post. Grammar and spelling has to be decent, but by no means perfect.
4. Be active. If you have to be gone for a period of time, just let us know.
5. Have fun!

Now in terms of the characters, I am not going to be restrictive to the point that you have to play the same gender as the characters in the movie. And same goes with any sort of romance, there can be a variety in the relationships that form. I just want you to really stick to the "clique" that your character is in and work from that.


1. Basket Case- Taken by @FloriCello
-This character is the oddball, the one that no one quite understands. She/he can be mute at first like in the movie if you want, or they can be a bit more vocal with their thoughts. Just really encompass the quirky behavior and play with the fact that they are like a caterpillar wanting to just spread their wings.

2. Princess- Reserved
-This character is the queen bee of the school, most popular, everyone knows her. I feel like this character should stay a female, but if you want to play it as a male then just tell me why you feel that way. This character will be disliked by a majority of the other characters because she represents everything they hate: beauty, money and popularity... but she wants to seen for so much more than her looks.

3. Brain-Taken by @tlstiffl
-This character is extremely smart and dorky. She/he does not know how to fail and strives for perfection. Their focus on their studies makes them the target of teasing and ridicule, yet if anyone is desperate for an answer then she/he is the one everyone turns to. All this character wants is to be noticed for something other than their brain.

4. Athlete- Taken by @codex
-This is the popular boy, the jock, the star of the school. Whether she/he is the captain of the football team or any other sport, the school's spirit is determined by this person. The pressure to perform every week can be overwhelming at times and can hinder this character's ability to show who they truly are.

5. Criminal- Taken by @Fabricant451
-The bad boy of the school, he/she is no stranger to detention. Their home life is probably not the best and as a result their frustrations are taken out at school. Instead of trying to get help, this character just pulls away from people constantly, but really has a softness inside that just needs comfort. The hard shell on the outside though will take a lot to be broken.

So if you are interested, please either PM or post below and tag me and include the following character sheet. As the characters are filled, I will edit this post accordingly.

Post your character sheet here in the OOC tab and once it is approved, it can be moved to the character tab.
@Aristocles shoot me a PM and we can discuss further! (I am heading to bed here shortly so if I don't respond right away that is why)
Ok this interest check is to see if there is anyone out there who has experience GMing an advance group RP. I have an idea for a slice of life RP based on the movie The Breakfast Club... Well actually it would basically be the breakfast club. But I have never GMed a group RP before so I'm feeling a bit iffy about it. I know this is pretty vague, but if anyone is interested send me a PM and we can discuss further! :)
Does anyone want to be my friend? 😟😖😬

Added plot ideas, please check them out. K thanks bye :)
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