Avatar of Tlstiffl


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
snow... earthquake... solar eclipse. what's next mother nature?
8 mos ago
Funny how quickly shit can turn on a dime and you are right back where you were a year ago mentally... And it's not a good thing.
9 mos ago
Happy New Year to you all and happy birthday to me, woo.
9 mos ago
Ok not to be a Scrooge, but did anyone else's Christmas just not Christmas the same way this year? It wasn't like bad, it just felt... not like Christmas.
10 mos ago
We are now entering the "do not look at your bank account" era


Hi, call me Tee. I am a 34 year old neurospicy dork (she/her). I am so old. I've got a hubby and two corgis that get majority of my attention.

RP Status: Open, but limited

Check out my various interest checks below. Even if they haven't been bumped in awhile on the thread, I am still interested in them if listed here.

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FxF Smut

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I feel like the worst GM ever- I haven't even gotten my own CS up. I am going to try with all my might to get it up tomorrow, so we can get things going ASAP!

Our wonderful co-gm, @codex is unfortunately having some health issues, but has given us the go ahead to start- their character will join us later (perhaps the athlete couldn't miss practice or something like that lol).

So yes, I apologize for the delay in starting, September has just been so hectic for me, but things should be slowing down now.
@Lovelyleo do you ever do MxM pairings?
Bump bump bump
I'd be interested in a prince x thief/assassin plot :)@bleedingwords
@Sterling do you do MxM or FxF pairings ever? I am totally interested in the time travel idea, but I can't lie, I am awful at playing straight males, but I understand you wanting to play female
@Fabricant451 looks great! You can post it in the character tab :)

(I really want to find someone partner but just heads up I'm out of town right now, but will be getting back Monday)
Figured I'd give this a little bump just to see what happens
@FloriCello this looks great! Feel free to post it in the characters tab :)

Ok so here is the dealio! I am going out of town from Thurs-Sunday, so I don't want to start anything and then just disappear. So in terms of timeline, I was hoping every could have their character sheets posted here by Monday 9/18. And then if everything looks good, hopefully we can get things going by the next day. Let me know if you have any questions!

@codex I know you are sick, so don't worry about rushing :)
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