Avatar of Tlstiffl


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
snow... earthquake... solar eclipse. what's next mother nature?
8 mos ago
Funny how quickly shit can turn on a dime and you are right back where you were a year ago mentally... And it's not a good thing.
9 mos ago
Happy New Year to you all and happy birthday to me, woo.
9 mos ago
Ok not to be a Scrooge, but did anyone else's Christmas just not Christmas the same way this year? It wasn't like bad, it just felt... not like Christmas.
10 mos ago
We are now entering the "do not look at your bank account" era


Hi, call me Tee. I am a 34 year old neurospicy dork (she/her). I am so old. I've got a hubby and two corgis that get majority of my attention.

RP Status: Open, but limited

Check out my various interest checks below. Even if they haven't been bumped in awhile on the thread, I am still interested in them if listed here.

Newest IC

Current Open IC

Plot Specific IC

General IC

General IC- LGBTQ+

FxF Smut

Surprise me!

Most Recent Posts

Boop- probably only looking for one partner right now.
Gentle bump- looking for one partner at this time
Boop. Looking for one maybeeeee two new partners. Would kind of prefer someone who had a plot idea already in the works. My quarantined brain is dragging on plot ideas.

Welcome to My Swamp

Call me Tee. I am 31.

Welcome to my new and improved interest check! I have found myself in need of some new RPs. I am going to limit the the number of new RPs I take on, so please don't be offended if I turn you down! I will definitely contact you if things open up.

TL;DR= Looking for a dedicated partner for advanced 1x1 RP. 18+ (21+ preferred). No smut, RP in PMs, love slice of life (but open to other things, see below). Will do MxM, FxF, and MxF (but I would like to play female in mxf). Romance is a must. Do prefer face claims

If by now you haven't figured out, my cultural references in my gifs are reminders of how old I am. I am looking for partners who are 18+ because I am 31 and anyone younger would just be creepsville. 21+ would be preferred. I live in the EST and right now my availability is honestly a bit random. So I don't want to promise I'll post once a day, though I will try really hard to. I understand if you cannot post frequently either, life happens. I am also looking for an advanced roleplaying partner. I typically will write around 5-6 detailed paragraphs on average. They can be shorter or longer, depending one what is happening in the plot at the time. I am looking for a partner who can give a similar length. BUT it isn't just about the quantity, quality is far more important. I need a partner who can move the plot along with me. And I love detail. I love to describe the scenery, emotions, thoughts, everything to help add and build to the world we create.

I do NOT do smut! Throwing that out there now. That isn't to say that I won't RP out a sexual scene on occasion, if it makes sense to the plot and what our characters are doing.

Now... onto the important part.

Here are the genres I enjoy, and some pairing ideas to go along with them. I have a couple specific plots in mind, but am holding off on adding them here. PM if you'd like to hear more, or if you have your own suggestion! All I ask is that you enjoy romance and drama (like soap opera level drama). If you don't have any plots, but these pairings interest you, please send me a message still! I am happy to build a world together.

I listed what type of pairing each would be (fxf, mxm or mxf). I also put an asterisk* next to the role I prefer, but nothing is set in stone. But just note, if we do MxF, I would like to play the female. I cannot get into the mindset of a straight male. That is why I also am completely open to MxM and FxF, honestly I almost prefer them. I'm also open to playing against trans/nonbinary/pan characters.

If there is no asterisk that means I am happy playing either role.

1. Slice of Life! This is my go-to. I will never bore of it. I tend to prefer high school years, but will do college or adult scenarios are well.

2. Historical. My favorite eras are WWI/WWII.

3. Harry Potter/The Hunger Games. These are the only fandom I really do. For HP, I can do Marauders era, Golden trio era, or post-battle era. I will do canon x canon, but not canon x oc... I know weird. For HG, I will only do OCxOC and era doesn't matter as long as it is before the games end, so anything during or before Katniss era.

4. Fairy Tale/Minor Fantasy. You know princesses and knights, that sort of thing.

If anything intrigues you, even just the slightest, please send me a PM! I am in desperate need of partners right now! And if you lose interest at any point, whether we have started the RP or not, please please please tell me! I hate being ghosted, so I would much rather you just tell me the truth. And I will do the same for you. I hope you all are doing well during this crazy time!!!

Keep telling myself I'll create a new, more fresh interest check. But can't bring myself to do it... So this bad boy gets a big ole bump
Bump bump bump
Boopy boop
Well since I'm out of a job for who knows how long, looking for a couple more partners. So bump bump bump.
Bringing this one out for a breather. Bump bump.
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