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19 days ago
Current ladies, find yourselves a man who worships you the way james joyce worshiped his wife's farts
2 mos ago
if i wasn't supposed to grow up wanting a sugar daddy then why did we base an entire holiday around a much older man bringing me presents for being a good girl??
4 mos ago
If they cared about children they'd reform our horribly abusive foster care system. Create a more robust shelter network for homeless kids. Fund after-school programs. ADOPT. Nope. Not a fucking cent.
4 mos ago
Taking their "protecting the unborn" rhetoric at face value is being too generous. It was never about advocating for children, but about controlling women.
4 mos ago
Petition for Krasnaya and Kaithe Dame to start roleplaying with each other 👇


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In Regalia 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Hurrying. Pursuing. Closing. Launching. Latching. Dragging. Incising. Cutting. Quiet now. Not moving. Good. Master will be pleased. Moving. Searching. Detecting. Smelling. There. Another. Hurrying. Pursuing. Closing. Launching. Dragging. Incising. Cutting. Quiet now. Not moving. Good. Hmm. Larger than the others. Still fresh. Clutch. Pierce. Throb. Inseminate. Lay. Eggs will stay warm here. Little ones need lots of meat.

Twitch. Rise. Tasted something. On the air. Hemolymph. Death pheromones. Sisters. Distress. Need us. Find them. Twitch. Hurry. Hurry. Twitch. There. Enemy soldier. Protecting the worker drones. Hive must be close. Go. Swarm. Swarm. Please the master. Destroy the master's enemies. Surround it. Gnaw! Crush! Dismember! Devour—

..............Destroy the antennae. Destroy the antennae. Destroy the antennae. Destroy the..............

The girl was cannibalized, and in her place stood the thing which feasted on her: flesh, blood, bones, and essence all. An obscene sacrifice to an obscene god. A dark savior. A savior who, for the time, stood the beach alone against the hordes; and in another few moments would be overrun. Sawn limb from limb and swallowed in pieces.

For the time Its armor held. Try as they may, the bugs rasped and chewed at the creature's exoskeleton, a carapace resembling steel in its glitter, but broke their fangs upon its breastplate, snapped their mandibles upon Its many movements and protests. It swatted and stabbed at the beasts for a time, impaling cladded fingers, ended in wickedly long metal points, through their juicy midsections, feeling them squirm and writhe upon Its saluted arm, shook them loose again to make easy work of the next. But with the behemoth's own massive hands pawing down upon the beach, the knight had no other choice but to yield some ground in deflection. And where It yielded, there were the endless lines of roach-dogs, filling in, conquering, staking the beach, foot by scuttling foot. They crawled over a legion of their rent and bursted dead to have at the few defenders. They crawled over each other to move up the armored legs, up the plackart, drag down this interloper by their sheer weight and scissor through its metal shell. But when the knight stood fast to stymie the swarm, It was easier prey for the colossus. One's advance always made way for the other. A hammer and a hundred thousand anvils.

When the ichor and putrid blood-drenched knight ceased dodging, ceased blinking from dune to dune kicking up sweeps of sand in its wake shifting faster than the human eye could track, onlookers believed It to have finally spent the last of Its vigor; exhausted Its wavering strength; made itself easy prey to the onslaught, whereon the swarms would suck it dry, feast on Its residue, and then advance up the beach faster than two legs and two feet could flee, slaking an eerie, bottomless hunger. The roach-dogs clamored over each other to have at the entity first. They even nipped and snapped at each other, jealously claiming choice parts for themselves and their clutch-sisters. A low, throaty chanting spilled from beneath the clicking, squelching mound of insatiable bugs, uttered in a dead language; a primordial one.

Then, all at once, the knight was elsewhere. Eastward, judging from the glittering gust which surged in Its wake. And the creatures paused in the dozens. Breaking free of some kind of confusion—a stupor more potent than the tufts of residue could alone create, as the Dominant of Death escaped an early judgment—they about-faced, and seemed to return to the sea in a general retreat. Until they emerged again at the waterline, upon the behemoth's legs, scrabbling over the swells of its knees, across the plains of its leathery thighs, ascending the crags of its back, up, up toward its defenseless feeler-organs.

What Odin says to those in Godtime is only known to Him, and to them. Them who are to become His next memento. But whatever it was, the animals, so terrified in their mortality, had chosen to betray. To serve someone else despite the imminent wrath looming just behind them. All its hulking bones and muscles and sinew, for whatever reason, no longer frightened them.

In Regalia 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
C'mon, TrippyNightmare. A good bit of banter is one thing but I know she's asked you to stop. It's time to accept your rejection with some dignity, have some fucking grace, and move on.
In Regalia 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
mobile double post 😪
In Regalia 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@LanaStorm Hello! Over in the Discord we've been fielding the idea of adding a new cast member for a couple weeks now, so you're right on time!

Regarding lore, during character creation you will choose which country/ political entity your character is from, whereupon you will have total creative control over its worldbuilding. Unless you choose to be from a place already worldbuilt by another player, in which case I'd suggest collaborating with that person.

The GM logs in during European mornings and evenings and I'm sure she can answer your questions in greater detail. Hope it works out! 👋
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
However, the actions of Odin’s Regalia on the shore seemed to disrupt its psychic connection to the swarm, at least momentarily. The beast immediately focused its attention on Yrkhalabeth, letting out a grotesque, deafening wail as it rapidly waded through the remaining shallow waters to attack.

The beast lunged at Odin. The decisive movement violently parted the waters by the creature’s feet, forcing the displacement to strike against the docks of the harbor. It swiped with its massive claws at Odin’s enveloping shadows, testing this new enemy’s capabilities. Waves of ripper swarms accompanied the beast and converged on Odin’s location.

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