Avatar of Tpartywithzombi


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Hello everyone! My name is Tea. I am a 31-year-old female in the eastern timezone on this lovely planet. A bit about me: I have been RPing since I was 16 years old, it is a creative outlet for me that I am absolutely in love with! I work at home so I am always around during the day for posting but don't mind going with your post schedule.

My loves with RP are fantasy settings. I don't really like modern or sc-fi. Fantasy can be anything from more "modern" living in a time period or something more magical.

What am I seeking: There are a few things that I love in my RP. Firstly, I have a (kink?) love for strong male characters, the brasher the better. I love Rping with complicated male lead characters that you need to peel back walls to see what's really inside. Don't give me everything in the first post.

A creative and story-building partner. I would prefer to have a partner that is willing to give to the story. I don't want to be leading the story, I'd like it to be a 50/50 creative partner as this is OUR character's stories and not mine. Bring your ideas! This is why I also prefer to have my partners on discord. This is just for some simple back and forth story creation / Ideas and the friendly post reminder. If you happen to like to chat more, I am not opposed to that but it's not a necessity.

Romance Rp is a Must for me. It's what got me into RP and what keeps me going. I am a sucker for good, soppy, romance stories. Within these RPs, I enjoy smut-based RPs BUT story over smut, please. I love RPing out 18+ scenes if they do something to the story. Character bonding / Relationship growth / Testing limits / Story are all things I expect to come out of smut parts of the story.

High casual / Advanced writing. I am dyslexic myself, but there are some great tools out there to make sure your posts are legible. I want posts to be legible and have quality over quantity. I will match posts or add more to my posts to help the RP continue onwards.

Things I will not do: I play primarily female characters, It is what I am comfortable with. I'd like my partner to play a male character, I am not interested in any other relationship types just due to comfort levels. I also will not do any Toliet RP or Incest. BDSM / Rape / Violence / Gore etc are fine for me, and I will also fade to black if smut RP isn't for you.

I prefer to use descriptions over photos for appearances. I won't use anime or real-life photos. Use your creativity and write out your character idea. Character sheets aren't something I enjoy either. Personally LOVE breaking down a character and getting to know them VIA the story. Some generic character breakdowns are always good to know what we're working with but not required.

If you don't agree with the above statements, please don't message me. Not trying to be harsh but after many failed RP's due to partners not reading and agreeing with the above things, I will be rather picky on who I RP with.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this! Hope you all have some fantastic RP, and happy new year!
hello still looking!
Hello! Still open to partners!
Welcome @Tpartywithzombi! What kind of Tea are you? :P

I could be spicey cinnamon tea
or a sweet peach tea

Sometimes I like to be both :)
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