Avatar of Tuujaimaa


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4 yrs ago
Current Boy, you're like a pizza cutter: all edge and no point.
4 yrs ago
I think I should write a pithy roleplay about how an expenditure of effort does not entitle you to your perception of an equivalent reward. Anyone know someone who'd be interested?
6 yrs ago
Okay, let's be honest for a second here, if we stop the status bar from being edgy angst land it really doesn't have anything going for it except sheer autism.
6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where you can get a white trilby embroidered with threatening messages? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
My genius truly knows no bounds. Only an intellect as glorious as mine can possibly G3T K1D.


Behold the Terrorists of Valhalla:

Behold the Cavemen of Valhalla:

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<Snipped quote by Tuujaimaa>

I need to go re-write a few of my characters quick, could you explain how you convert mana/energy into magical spells for me? Because I must have missed my class on magic and the supernatural.

I'm going to go do something else now, because this discussion is becoming permeated by the nonsensical.

In my experience, leaving when you encounter resistance is the sign of a poor debater and a poor combatant.
<Snipped quote by Innue>

That's usually just people not thinking through their characters particularly well. Even my relatively low tier characters have reaction speeds many times faster than a human, effectively reducing the 'max speed' of things around them by the same margin. If you forget to do that then you deserve to get killed by a speedster.

I will happily fight your character that has a reaction speed of one Planck second - the smallest unit of time possible - with a character that can move at a proportional speed, and I guarantee that you will be dead.

Your ability to perceive my attacking you at that speed is completely irrelevant if your body is not fast enough to use the information. You may have a hundred thousand effective years with your mega reactions, but that does not allow your body to react. It will be a very, very long wait before you die.
Unless you can /explain/ how you're doing what you're doing within the logical constraints of the physics applied to the given universe you're in, you can't do it.

That is the rule that we tend to follow, and it is the rule that makes the most sense.
My interest in combat is, unfortunately, very strictly tied to the act of combat itself. There are remarkably few settings in which I am content to both fight and engage in plot.
It wouldn't make any sense to only have ranked matches.

You can most certainly have an unranked battle.
<Snipped quote by Tuujaimaa>

Find me a man who can shoot fire from his hands and come back to me on how logic should dictate post by post combat.

Of course, melting metal with fire requires incredibly high temperatures, and would essentially allow you to kill any character even up to the supernatural tier instantaneously, which is why the system is in place. You wouldn't be allowed to fight anyone you could kill instantly unless they for some reason accepted a fight that unfair.

Logic does not strictly apply to Tier 1.

Let's say that we're using the Narutoverse or the Bleachverse (for simplicity's sake due to there being established rules). This universe has its own set of rules and thus logic that will be used in fights. Logic is not inherently tied to the realms of reality.

The argument lies within the idea of a character's power being based on all members within a tier having equal power (that is the implication I took from your argument - please correct me if I misunderstood). Not all characters are equal, and not all power levels are equal. Tiers should exist to separate meaningful boundaries that power levels cannot cross without massively giving an advantage or disadvantage to a given side.
I tend to be of the opinion that outright brutality and mercilessness is the way to go. I am in this fight to kill you, and kill you I shall. :L
<Snipped quote by Tuujaimaa>

Probably not under the restrictions of T1 Eden Era. Because you're under the constraints of the ranking system according to the fighting system we use you are for all intents and purposes matched in abstract terms of power and magic. They can defend against you in any logical way they wish, and the 'fluff' so to speak of your power doesn't matter.

For example, my Viking Character once deflected an energy ball with a completely ordinary shield, because the attack wasn't any stronger than my defence just because the character is written with magical powers which seem to suggest it should be stronger. Now, if they were literally the tier above that would be a different story.

The constraints of the ranking system come into play with T1, because within reason anyone can be expected to beat anyone else, if they out-think them.

Being in the same tier does not make you equal to somebody in power level. It puts you in an equal category that is based upon the upper and lower limits of the available scope of powers within the tier.

If I'm playing a pyromancer who is in the same tier as a viking with a metal shield, and melting metal with fire is in the scope of my power, I would very much expect to be able to melt your shield with fire unless you have something specifically preventing that action. I would not be happy to accept that your shield was unaffected because of the tier that you are in.

Logic should take precedence over all else, and the rules should adequately reflect the logic of combat without providing excuses to mismatch power levels in either direction.
I'll join, though I may not end up participating a great deal. Combat takes a lot of effort these days, hah.
I feel like ten is definitely too many tiers, but three isn't enough for the level of specificity you need to be fair in a ranked system. If you're being largely lax about the ranked system then it's not so bad, but I don't think it can adequately match characters for the purposes of "equal" power levels as it is.

For just-for-fun fights, sure, the loose definitions provided by the three-tier system are fine. In ranked? Less so.

I am fairly certain that I could make a character on the highest fringe of the second tier and beat 90% of people with it (purely from a power perspective, disregarding individual combat skill) and I feel like that could be exploited?
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