The nature of tournaments was not one that could be described easily to a priestess who was the head of the military arm of her religion, but explanation or no she had been sent to participate and participate she would. Her first step on the island was in the forest to the north east, just by a river, and she wasted no time by preparing her Megumi no Fuujin immediately – without this crucial technique, much of her combat ability was rendered null and she was vulnerable to threats that she would not be when within the embrace of the Wind God.
It was safe to assume that she was not alone on the island, but a cursory glance around reminded Touho that the island was significantly larger than she had imagined her arena would be – her opponent could be nearby, but that was highly unlikely, and it was likely for the best if she stayed to the shadows until such a point as she could identify them.
Content to wait, Touho floated to the top of the nearby canopy – far enough back that the winds she commanded would not disturb the trees enough to give her position away and low enough down that seeing her would require some degree of searching. Her scope of vision was not immense as a compromise, but she would rather consider herself safe from an ambush than have perfect information.
It was not the way of the Windspeakers to hide, but measures had to be taken. Touho kept herself vigilant and prepared, awaiting some sign that her opponent was indeed on the island and was searching for her. It was only a matter of time, after all.