Avatar of Tuujaimaa


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4 yrs ago
Current Boy, you're like a pizza cutter: all edge and no point.
4 yrs ago
I think I should write a pithy roleplay about how an expenditure of effort does not entitle you to your perception of an equivalent reward. Anyone know someone who'd be interested?
6 yrs ago
Okay, let's be honest for a second here, if we stop the status bar from being edgy angst land it really doesn't have anything going for it except sheer autism.
6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where you can get a white trilby embroidered with threatening messages? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
My genius truly knows no bounds. Only an intellect as glorious as mine can possibly G3T K1D.


Behold the Terrorists of Valhalla:

Behold the Cavemen of Valhalla:

Most Recent Posts

I have been struck down by not only a terrible cold, but now also a chest infection. Breathing is a lot of effort.

I'll check periodically, but I might be a little MIA for the next week or two.
Indeed - the Natrelmoves giveth, and the Natrelmoves taketh away. I gracefully concede etc. etc.
The holiday season at the end of the year is always a particularly busy time for people, so it shouldn't really come as a surprise to anyone that things have slowed down. It may be sad to see things grind to a halt, but that's what late December is like.

@Dawnscroll - Maybe people would be more inclined to keep you in the loop if you didn't sound like such a self-entitled asshat when you make update posts. Raven is obviously stretched thin at the moment, and the end of the year is calling, so slow responses are going to be the norm. I appreciate that it is difficult for you to have written such a large post and to have gotten nothing back, but Raven /physically cannot/ match what you're doing and still keep pace with everyone else.

Chill dafuq out.

He will get to you with what he can, when he can. It may not be pleasant to have to wait when some people have already gotten posts and you haven't, but coming across as you have will not make things go any more quickly or compel anyone to write any more quickly for you.
@ravenDivinity I've updated the lore document with Dormeria's information and included a little more embellishment on the Order of the Skyward Eye and solidified "the Heartlands" as being the land that would eventually become the Republic of Cynderia. :)

Feel free to edit whatever of it is necessary in order to fit your own imagining of the lore!

L i f e h a s m a n y p a t h s , a n d a l l l e a d t o t h e E n d.

The first thought that crossed Dormeria's mind was, surprisingly, based on what Atroa must have thought of her legacy to address her as he did. She was no stranger to individuals quaking in her presence, or to sycophants hanging upon her every syllable, but she had expected another reaction entirely from a member of the Order of the Skyward Eye. She had elevated them in the Atronanian empire, she had forced the Imperial Court to give them enough land to continue their work for as long as truth needed to be found, and she had defended them from attack as their order came into its own so long ago. How long could it have been that her efforts to preserve the Order had been lost from even historians? Ten thousand years? Twenty? Thirty?

"How long has passed since the height of the Atronanian empire? How long has it been since I died...?" Dormeria asked, slowly still, but with much less rasping than her previous attempts at articulate speech.

"Just over forty-eight thousand years, Herald."

The number was staggering. It hit the Herald hard, and she almost physically recoiled from the length of time that she had missed. It was a good sign that the Order had survived at all, and it brought the first smile she had had in a very, very long time to her face to think that such a worthy cause had survived for so long. Before, she might have thought that it was their time to move on from this world, their debt to Orthus paid, but then she had another thought that had never really occurred to her until that crystallising moment - Orthus was dead. The void had consumed him, and now he had no sway over the mortal world. If he had not wanted her to save its embers from dwindling to ashes, why had she been brought back from her rest?

She realised then that she could not answer Atroa's question. She did not know why she had been brought back, and she could not simply ask a dead god for his opinion on the matter. It made her uncomfortable, being so unsure of her purpose, as her resurrection had displaced all of her firmly held beliefs on what life was about - she had known with such certainty that she had had a single purpose, and once that purpose had been fulfilled her life no longer had value. If she had been returned, that was not the case, and she once again had a purpose to fulfil - but unlike her previous life, she did not have her god's guidance to assist her. This time, her purpose was something she had to find, to earn - not to simply know.

"I... I think I was brought back to ensure that worthy lives continue to be lived." Dormeria replied, not having the heart to tell Atroa what had happened to Orthus, if he did not already know. In time, she could bear to tell him, but even without the aid of Silaxes she knew that the man had a truly worthy soul. She had seen true worth before, and to one practiced in noticing it it was impossible to escape - she knew unquestioningly that he deserved to be the Grand Exemplar, even if by his own admission the Order was dying. Whatever had taken Orthus and killed him would undoubtedly come for Ansus at some point in the future - it could be tomorrow, or in a year, or in ten thousand years, but it would come. She felt a renewed vigor and purpose in stopping whatever it was that had killed the Gods from consuming the life of Ansus and breaking the great cycle, and even if only wishful thinking, that knowledge empowered her.

"The Order of the Skyward Eye has always been worthy - always - and that is why it has survived for almost fifty thousand years. I may not know why I have returned, Atroa, but I will not stand by and allow such nobility to be quashed. We will take back the Ivory Towers, and we will restore order to a dying world. Perhaps you can dispel any myths lingering in your mind as we do so."

"We?" Atroa asked, a little taken aback at Dormeria's request. It was an honour, to be sure, but he was a scholar - not a fighter. Still, he had heard the tales of Ukenagasu's power and he could feel the waves of arcane energy emanating from it even as one not attuned to magic. If Dormeria lent her power, he would assist her - if only for the fact she was the greatest historial find anyone in the Order had ever come across.

It did not take Dormeria long to regain her physical bearings when her sense of purpose returned to her. With Atroa's assistance, the pair climbed to the top of the ravine in which her graveyard had rested and looked out across Ansus proper. Dormeria's face was one of confusion, of faded longing, and Atroa's one of fierce determination that the land needed to be saved from the ills that plagued it. With a wave of her hand, Dormeria dug her potent magic through the earth and brought the skeletons and putrid flesh of two horses up from the ground. Living horses had the unfortunate capacity of requiring sustenance and feeling fear - take their minds away and reanimate only the flesh, and obedience is all but hardwired into them.

Atroa immediately gagged at the scent, but with another burst of energy from Dormeria immediately felt better about the situation. She had hoped to avoid the inevitable wretching and profuse vomiting that usually occured when those not attuned to necromancy first smelled the rot, but as the awful sound and then rush of liquid escaped Atroa's mouth, she knew she had been too late.

"Recover quickly - we are riding for Callixus."

"... We tried to stand our ground, you know? The brazier had been fed for years, since the very beginning, but one day in the middle of a ceremony it just..." Atroa began, trailing off somewhere into the recesses of his mind as he thought about it. Perhaps he felt guilty, or perhaps he did not have the strength to tell her of the massacre that had no-doubt transpired. Whatever it was he felt, she left him in peace. Her resurrection had been a lot for her to believe - never mind a historian that had no-doubt studied her life and and her purpose.
@Tuujaimaa: Psst, I had an idea that Altim had done business defending the Order of the Skyward Eye, and it is highly plausible that Altim was one of those heroes charged with protecting it, especially after Cynderia is reclaimed from Bytheron in 58017 PA. He probably worked with the Order closely as a scholar, and with his considerable fame and influence, he could've even been a leader there.

This is, of course, with the assumption that Dormeria's homeland is actually a part of the modern province of Cynderia.

Edit: Post nearly complete (I'd say like, 80%, so there's not much left). Will post after my ACT tomorrow. After this, I doubt I'll post a response-bomb this large ever again because it takes too much time and effort. Instead, they'll come in smaller packages every 2 to 5 posts. Gute Nacht!

Yeah, that sounds good! My imagining of them right now is that they're on their last legs and the towers in which they've resided for tens of thousands of years have been taken over by some hostile force. I was going to have Dormeria help them take it back and possibly recover one of her artefacts there. :D

It would be a good spot for any heroes with scholarly tendencies to eventually wind up and meet, too.

F o r o n e w h o h a s m a s t e r e d D e a t h , i t i s n o t a n e n d , b u t a b e g i n n i n g.

It would come as a surprise to none that the consummate necromancer Dormeria had had much time to think upon the nature of death. Dormeria had lived by the teachings of Orthus for a little under half of her life, the creed that all things are temporary and must meet their end eventually chiefly among them, and that had shaped her actions for so long that she had stopped having to think about the will of her patron God before dispensing it. The relationship between Orthus and Dormeria had never been particularly close, but it had been the closest the Prince of the Void had ever gotten to a mortal. Lyr had been too hasty to seek the end, he had not valued the precious time given to him, and Sarynia sought to deny Orthus his rightful claim to the paltry souls of mortals with only her own soul as a bargaining tool. They had been tools, crafted to serve a divine purpose, but Dormeria had taken his lessons to heart and acted as an arbiter of his will, an avatar of his being.

Or so she had thought.

In the end, when the staff Ukenagasu burned the last of her inner flame, Dormeria had considered death on a more intimate level than she ever had before - it was rapidly approaching, and it would not be denied. "The shadow of the candle looms tall even as its light grows dim.", she had thought, considering the end of her life to bring her closer to the apex of her power. It had given her the strength to bind the Undying into Sarynia and force the demon's form to be tied to her own forevermore. The last sight she had seen was the look of betrayal on her companion's face as she realised the gravity of what had just happened to her. She had felt her lips curl upwards into a brief smile, accepting that her time was spent, before she had turned to ash.

For a time, the void had been her company. She had never known what to expect of the domain of Orthus, and when she arrived it was far more tolerable than she had imagined. Empty, but filled with the light of a thousand thousand stars, each burning down the path to their own demise and being reborn from the still-hot ashes they had left behind. It had been oddly poetic, that the grand cycle continued, and she had been content to be unravelled and woven together again in a new permutation for all of eternity. The time passed blissfully, without meaning, until the dying stars had stopped being reborn. Before she knew it, the comforting embrace of eternity had grown cold and distant, and eventually even Orthus himself had been extinguished as the void consumed itself.

It was oddly poetic that the Prince of the Void meet the end he so brought to the world.

Dormeria knew only that she was next, that her own cycle would crumble to ash and her immortal soul would succumb to the ravages of the mysterious force that had driven the void into its own recesses. She no longer felt the serenity of accepting her fate in the moment that she realised that the grand cycles had been destroyed - the serenity she had worked millenia to achieve was consumed in a single, terrifying instant and she begun to scream into the now-empty void.

But Fate had a different design for the Herald of Quietus.

She realised that she could hear her own screams. Her throat was hoarse, rendered raw by the intensity and duration. She did not remember how long she had been screaming for, but as she realised her voice stopped and she dared to open her eyes.

Dormeria was greeted by a veritable palace of dark, gray stone. Immense walls ensconced her by comparison tiny frame, elaborate carvings in the ceiling greeted her from far above. It took her a moment to realise that she was in a ceremonial necropolis - a tomb for the most venerated members of the Atronan dynasty if she remembered correctly, and she wondered both how she had ended up in their tomb and how it was still standing. She could not imagine exactly how much time had passed, but she knew that it was long enough that she did not belong in this world. Clambering to her feet, shakily, Dormeria looked around the ceremonial tomb for any signs of what had happened after her demise. That the structure was still standing was testament to the continued success of her divine mission - though she had known that she had succeeded on some level simply by being in Orthus' presence.

The carvings on the walls had surrendered to the passage of time, smoothed down and filed and broken, and she could not make out any meaningful information. She had expected vibrant colours from the royal tombs, but was surrounded only by dark, gray stone. At the other end of the room, deep within the shadows, a flame of unnatural intensity and colour burned. Dark purple in colour, and very faint, Dormeria regained her bearings slowly as she shambled across her needlessly vast resting place. She made a mental note to track down the architect's family, kill them, and have their reanimated corpses kill the architect. It seemed fitting in that one moment of frustration.

As she got closer, Dormeria realised that she recognised the sultry hues of the flame she was inching towards - she had never seen it from afar before because it had always been in her hands. Ukenagasu, Caller of the Dead, and in that moment her salvation. After ten minutes of slow walking, of growing accustomed to her mortal form once more, Dormeria's spindly fingers touched the smooth wood of her beloved staff for the first time in almost fifty thousand years and she felt herself immediately reinvigorated. Her innate magic would take weeks - perhaps months - to return to her body, but Ukenagasu had held onto a spark of what she had once had.

It would be enough to start with.

Raising the staff skyward, Dormeria brought it down onto the concrete with an immense cracking noise and the walls of her container peeled themselves apart, splintering into cracks and then into dust as they exploded outwards and Dormeria laid her eyes upon her beloved homeland once more.

"Dormeria's tits, what was that?!" Atroa shouted, darting upright out of his chair as he was woken by the sound of a thunderous crash somewhere in the distance. Strange things had been happening lately, that much was true, but nothing like that had happened in the massive cemetery since it had been unveiled when a fissure in the ground had opened up one day out of the blue. Many of the remnants of his order had flocked to the geological feature, eager to explore the history contained within, and had happened across an undisturbed fragment of the Imperial Catacombs of the Atronanian Empire. It had been the source of much excitement from those that had managed to complete the exodus from the Ivory Towers of Callixus to the decidedly more humble town of Riverside.

The dig had been underway for a number of months, and while very few of the epitaphs had survived the passage of time they had spent a copious amount of time researching the dusty fragments. They had not explored any of the royal complexes where the monarchy were supposedly entombed for both a lack of resources and as there was no visible entrance to any of the tombs. If he had to guess, Atroa imagined that the sudden ruckus had been created by one of the tombs' foundations failing and having the structure collapse. If it were safe, it would be the perfect time to explore the inner catacombs.

Atroa quickly grabbed what he could from the shack he had decided to rest in, ending up with a cloak and little else except the clothes on his back and he rushed from the flimsy wooden structure and set out into the desolate wastes. As soon as he stepped outside he could see exactly what had happened - the second biggest of the necropolises had been completely and utterly pulverised. Shaking his head, partly in loss and partly in excitement, he clambered down the roughshod ladders into the canyon where the cemetery was and rushed towards the center.

Dormeria stood impassively, looking out towards the crack in the ground above her that signalled Ansus proper. She would leave in due time, but for now she was searching for the corpses buried below her with subtle waves of powerful magic - an army of the dead had heralded her depature from the mortal coil, and she thought it only fitting that it heralded her return. Suddenly, she felt something that she had almost forgotten - the life force of another living creature. She had not extended her senses far, so this single individual was coming towards her. Good. She needed information as to the state of the world.

It took the pair a little over five minutes to eventually meet, and upon laying his eyes upon the figure before him Atroa let out a gasp of such intensity that Dormeria was concerned for the old man's wellbeing.

"Tell me your name." Dormeria spoke, hoarsely and with great difficulty. The sound of words leaving her lips was almost impossible to describe after so long - hearing herself talk shocked her almost as much as it shocked the old man.

"I... M-My name is Atroa Posayre, Grand Exemplar of the Order of the Skyward Eye... Might I ask for your-" The old man began, before noticing the artefact that Dormeria was wielding and recoiling in shock. Thinking on it, the weapon looked fairly similar to what scraps of portraiture had been archived within the Ivory Towers of Callixus prior to their sacking.

"I am Dormeria."

Dormeria herself was very popular (in both positive and negative fashions) among the nobility and small folk alike during her time, so I'll be happy to have her made her marks upon the kingdoms of the time - I'll be happy to work with anyone whose years are fairly close to her own on something!

Unfortunately, I have to sleep fairly early for work so I only get 4-5 hours per night of free time except on the weekends, so be a little patient with me. :D

I'll devote my energy towards making a post when I return from work tomorrow!
I'm planning to resurrect near the Heartlands, so if anyone else is around that sorta area let me know and we can work something out!

I don't /really/ want to resurrect with the rest of the Triumvirate because that would be both too textbook and result in Dormeria getting her ass kicked for betraying the others and saving the world. :D

If nobody else is nearby, I'll just figure something out when I get back from work.
Note to self: murder hang around with Daen. ;)
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