Avatar of twannyman


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1 yr ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
1 like
4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
1 like
5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
1 like
5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


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Most Recent Posts

Gorgo 3

Earth National Affiliation: Austrilia


Adult Citizens (2000, 1000 female and 1000 male)
Child Citizens (500)
Communications and Surveillance Satellite (1)
Mission Control Pods (3)
Laser Small Arms Units (500)
Population Daily Rations (1000)
Personal Belongings (KG) (25000)
Scrap Metal (500 Metric Tonnes)
Chemical Analyzation Devices (30)
Crop Growth Stimulator (10)
Laboratory Pod Capsule (1)
Solar Panels (Surplus Supply)
Electrical Wiring (Surplus Supply)
Uniformed Garments (1500)
Power Tool Units (100)
Mass Machinery Laser-Drill (2)
Mass Machinery Laser-Clearer (2)
Water Purification Apparatuses (5)
Entertainment Pods (10)
Laser Defense Drones (25)
Crop seeds of different plants(Watermelon, Banana, Orange, Apple, Carrot, Wheat and Tomato) (1000 of each)
Mass Machinery Terraformers (5)
Healthcare pods( 10)

Strategical Plan

The first thing what i would do is anylizing the plant spieces and bacteria. At the same time i would use my Terraformers to make more landmass instead of water. In the meanwhile I would stabilize the food and water supply. I would be making a camp with the entertainment pods, healthcare pods and food/water supply. Using electronic fenches to defend this. In addition i would use the laser defense drones at the Gates and corners.


<Name> James Eiselstein
<Birthplace> Sydney
<Portrait: Photographs only. You mat use stock photos, but remove watermarks and make sure the resolution is 3:4> Wip
<Attitude Towards other Colonies, breakdown each colony. PMs or discussion in-thread with other members advised for maximum cohesiveness.> WIP
<Biography, 1-2 paragraphs.>wip
<Signature, will be added to the end of official trans-colonial documents> WIP
<Colonial Crest, will be added to the end of official trans-colonial documents. Should almost certainly be a national crest with the addition of perhaps corporate sponsors and space agencies.> WIP

<Leader W> (Include Proper Title)
<1 paragraph biography.>

<Leader X> (Include Proper Title)
<1 paragraph biography.>

<Leader Y>
<1 paragraph biography.>

<Leader Z> (Include Proper Title)
<1 paragraph biography.>

<Feel free to add any other information about any leader, commander, supplies, or strategy. This is just the bare bones!>

Ah ok, are we able to take factions already, if so i would like the EU

Yeah i know my grammar can be bad, mostly due to ipad autocorrection
Is this Some kind of supernatural inn?

Is the EU the only possible play, or are you able to play for example Netherlands, France
Gabanre asked the innkeeper for a glass of water, showing his voucher. Then he walked towards a empty table. At the empty table he began thinking.
"Do i want to get a new life. A new life with dragons, friends, magic and an education. Since his dad, mom and two sister died when their family house was burned, he had noting to care for. Considering these 2 lives, the new life sounded better." His thoughts were broken by the innkeeper giving Gabanre his water. He thanked the innkeeper. After that he went on thinking again."I would like some friends. This is an great opportunity."
When he was done drinking his water, Gabanre walked towards the muted woman, asking her:"What happend to you a while ago, your eyes got glowing red." After that he gave his empathy on her being mute. Speaking with a lot of respect towards her.
WIP Sheet

Faction Name: Voomorane


Faction leader(s): Tu'Liris

System(s)/Territory: Tu'Vis

Planet(s)/Holdings: 1: Tu'Vis

Faction/Government Desc: Republic

History: (Feel free to make up details about the setting and the major powers. I love collaborative worldbuilding, so feel free to work with me and your fellow RPers at building the setting)

Relations with the Empire and Other Factions: (this section is super important, please work with other players to work out shared history, etc)

Military Capabilities: (ships in faction fleets must be under 3 kilometers, though I will allow exceptions. Please keep in mind that militaries are likely to be parts of the old imperial military, and so some commonality between factions is to be expected. As for ground forces, no hard limits here. The Rule of Cool and the Rule of No Effing Godmodding obtain)
@Ailing Glaedr and Gabarne are going both as one, so Gabarne Will get Glaedr
Count me in
Really interested
Thanks for the adivse he said, i would love to try it out. He asks her if he is allowed to train his swordfighting skills somewhere outside.

After that he orders the sarsaparilla. When the innkeeper gave it to him, he asks her another thing: "Do you know any place where i can train my swordfighting?"
She give Some information on the local militia barracks just 1 street of the inn. She also mentions asking the militia leader if he wants to do some sparring.

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