Avatar of twannyman


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
1 like
4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
1 like
5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
1 like
5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


User has no bio, yet

Most Recent Posts

In Pandemic 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
That is like midnight here, but that's cool
In Pandemic 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ok seems cool, when do you expect the Cs done?
Just to check, does it have to be historical correct? Is F.E. Capatalistic Russia allowed?
In Pandemic 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Explains a lot, really nice story you got there, just one little question, the characters are part of a specific group of is this pickable>

Would be a nice option tbh
No need to rush take your time
I thought that was really funny
I'm not English Native speaker so my grammar can be really bad, byforehand im sorry

Edit: Some history and the fact he dropped out of spec ops
Human and Werewolf Appearance

(Note the werewolves look like normal every day wolves.)

Basic Information

| Name |
Gabanre Van Houten

| Date of Birth |
RP starts August 1st, 2016.

| Gender |

| Sexuality |

| Occupation |
Student and odd jobs

| In-Depth Appearance |
Gabanre has short black hair and dark-green eyes. He has had an accident, more in background, due to this he has a big scar on his right arm. He has no tatoos and piercings at all and straight up refuses to take them. He is a native Dutch man so he does not really look like an American. He tends to wear casual clothes like jeans and jackets.

| Scent |
The scent of your character, werewolves would smell this and will either identify a fellow werewolf
He smells like Birch trees.

Who Am I?

| Personality |
♦ Physical Strength ♦ Short Tempered ♦ Good at language ♦ Bad loser ♦ ♦ Hard to make friends ♦ ♦ Good sporter ♦

Gabanre always was good at sports especially Krav Magan(Israelic SPECOPS fighting system, i do it myself) which he started with at young age. Due to this he has developed a really strong muscular body. He tends to use this a a way of self defense and as defense versus other bullies. Although not know he is this strong. So he does not have a reputation of being strong. He is good in languages and thrives in translating and other linguistic things. On the other hand he is really bad at Maths and Geography. He dislikes cooking and is really bad at it. On top of that he finds it really hard to lose in whatever he is doing. He has patient but not a lot. Also when you get on his nerves he can become really aggressive. One of his main interest is myhtology so he knows a lot about that.
| Likes & Dislikes |

Good food

Being teased
People who do not accept others cultures

Most of his free time he spends in sporting or reading. The most books he reads are mythology.

| History |
Gabanre's dad and mum were both truck drivers they met each other at their work. His mum was getting worked in by his dad. And so the love began. His mum was 21 and his dad was 23 at the point they married. First in Red lake they married to move to the Netherlands. When they moved they thought it was nice there. But it made not a good impression because it was way to cramped. In the Netherlands they got son, Gabanre. They had a daughter which did not want to move so they put her up for adoption(Unnamed if someone wants to play this feel free to). The daughter was adopted by a rich family which were not able to get childeren and needed a heir, she got trained for coming this.
After a while they moved back to Red Lake. Before this Gabanrw always got bullied. The main reason he attended Krav Maga is due to this. His mom and dad did not like city's so they thought it would be better to move to a small town. thus the decision to move back to Red Lake was made. Since his mom and dad lived here before going to the Netherlands.
At first Gabanre had to learn a lot before fitting in on the group.
At the tender age of 14 his dad passed away due to cancer, an aggressive form of it. Leaving him with only his mother. Gabanre had a really hard time losing his dad. He wanted to be like his dad. His dad was really kind and a good teacher in Krav Maga.
His mother soon after left Red Lake. She broke to contact and left Gabanre by his sister, which he did not know he had. It was that moment he got to live with his long lost sister from 21, whom adopted Gabanre.

This is what i have now. About the highschool i do not really know what to do with so if you have any idea's please feel free to let me know
| Family |
His dad passed away already. His mother left Red Lake short after that. He lives on his own with his pet dog Pebbles. He has his sister whom is also his guardian

| Strengths |
Physical Strength

| Weaknesses |
Has Anger problems
Finds it really hard to trust others
Is not really patient
He tends to overreact on others whom he dislikes
[ hr]
The Other

| Theme Song |

| Extra Information |
If anything needs change, please tell me

I have read the rules
Im from the opposite side of NL, Den Bosch
It would probably strike as more realistic given another decade or so - reputations for teenages might grow that fast in some movies, but otherwise...

Thx, he is 25 now
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