Avatar of twannyman


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1 yr ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
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4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
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5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
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5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


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Disclaimer: I'm Not native english, so my grammar can be bad

Would this be good? If not please tell me

Christened Name & Surname: Gabanre Van Houten

Desired Role: Ruler
Possessions: Hand gun and sword which can be set on fire.
Hoards of gold.
Wears full plate mail
Personality & Bio: Greedy, Cruel, Proud, Ambitious and Strong-Willed

When he got born from his mom and dad, His mom died due to sickness, Gabanre still thinks this was a sacrifce made for him to get immortal, Soon after his dad passed away aswell leaving him alone at the tender age of 5. He got adopted by a couple which could not get childeren and learned a lot about history and politics.
After his first dead, he got born again and knew everything. He tried to make good use of this and got really greedy.
Ah alright that's cool then
With posession you mean the memories of his last life?
@HostileIf any change is needed tell me please

Note: I am not a native english speaker, so my grammar can be really bad.

Name: Gabanre van Houten

Titles: Killer of Dragons(Background story in history)
Drawer of Barakiel(Background story in history)
Barbarian of the Gods(Background story in history)
Slayer of Armies

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Dragonborn

Occupation: Independent Slayer of armies

Affiliation: Ray of Darkness
The Ray of Darkness is a mercenary band founded by Gabanre's Father. It does fight for the one who pays the most coins. Their name is due to the power of Gabanre's dad, Ray of Darkness making people vanish into darkness.

Chiefdom of Britisk
An old chiefdom founded by Britir the Cruel. The Chiefdom is pretty small and has not a lot of power in the north where it has it's territory. They are well known for training youngling the spartan way making their army small but strong.(I can expand this if needed)Gabanre got here at a young age getting trained.

Gabanre's Dad: Passed away(Just a little note)

See Racial desreption

Personality: Strong-Willed, Short-Tempered, Greedy and Proud. Tends to work really hard for his employer.

History: At the age of 1 his mom died due to illness. Leaving him alone with his dad the leader of a mercenary band. Traveling around the world Gabanre learned quite a lot about other races. At the age of 5 Gabanre started learning how to use swords and axes, and after a while his dad saw a great potential in him. At the age of 12 his dad left him with the Chiefdom of Britisk to train. Here Gabanre was teached other weapons as well as how to lead others. He had a great time here, mostly because he was really strong and kept on beating his seniors. He has developped a weird sense of justice due to winning almost every sparring fight. After 3 years of training the Chiefdom did not know what to do with Gabanre, he was out of their league and people were getting envious and thus they decided to send him on a suicide misson. Gabanre not knowing it was a suicide mission accepted the challenge to kill a dragon.

After leaving the Chiefdom he was on his own. Slaying animals for food was not a big deal, sheltering himself neither. He travelled really far and after a while he found someone in a random town claiming he had seen a dragon. Gabanre was really curious where he had seen it. And thus he kept on asking questions until he knew more about the dragon. Gabanre decided to kill it with his sword he got from his father. After a while he found the dragon's cave. He rested and entered the cave. He saw some carcasses here and there but no signs of the dragon. After about 30 min he saw light coming from the back of the cave, and felt a small heat. Then he felt chilly, and he heard a voice saying: "Go, Go kill the dragon and I shall grant you power." At this point the dragon emerged from the back with a fiery breath and attacked Gabare. Gabanre entered a furious rage after the dragon breath burned his pet wolf. At this point the battle became one-sided with Gabanre ending as winner. And thus he chopped of the head and went back with a lot of scales in his backpack.

Once back in the random town, people got scarred of him with a dragonhead and he went back to the Chiefdom of Britisk. Once there the Chiefdom was suprised he had been able to kill the dragon. His dad was there for a meeting and was proud. And he sparred with his dad winning with ease. Thus his dad took Gabanre with him again.

As Gabanre traveled to the next slaughterfield. He stopped by at Ragnas a big city in the north. He stopped here because there was a really big festival, which was ment for someone trying to draw "Barakiel" a big sword sealed in a magical Tree stump. And when he saw the man failing, he said to himself, maybe i can do this. So he asked the ruler of Ragnas if he could try. The rules agreed and thus he was led to the Treestump. Again he felt chilly and heard the same voice saying: "Gabanre, here is the power I had to give to you." And he pulled out the Sword. Everyone was astonished by Gabanre as he did draw Barakiel.
Once Gabanre got 20 years old, his dad got killed in battle and none other Gabanre survived as they were the last two standing. Gabanre Survived due to him going full Barbarian rage killing the remaining 135 man on his own.

After this he became an indepentent mercenary on his own. Which is where we are now

Weapons and Equipment:

Barakiel is a special sword which enflames when the drawer says the line.
"With my Strongest, I'll become your flame"

One of the strongest armors in the world.

Skills and Abilities:

Weapon Universalist;
Can use all medival weapons is it a sword or a bow.
Fast Weapon control;
Learns how to use other weapons really fast

Barbarian's Rage;
Gabanre enters a state of supreme killing instinct and gets really high regeneration powers and does not feel any pain. After this state he tends to get really chilly.

Magical Spells:

Last Rites, Cunning of Frozen Hells;
Gabanre's fist becomes one with the Ice, making him freeze everything on contact. If used on humans, it makes them feel really cold to the point of high fatigue


"Wanna fight, so does my mind."
"You challenge me, how you dare to challenge futility!"
"With my Strongest, I'll become your flame"

Theme: nothing really
Guess its time to go on a typing spree :D
Really interested
I'm pretty good at sports, but in the pool pls not at court, i play waterpolo
@Buddha Ah korean vs japanse i guess, karate for me
Which sport?
I'm black belt to so would be fun to see how that plays out
Ow i see now, forgot to tell that i'm not english native, also made this on ipad so autocorrection made some mistakes, i will do and keep the fused with plasma out

EDIT: want me to do grammar on 2nd char as well?
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