Avatar of twannyman


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12 mos ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
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4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
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5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
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5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


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Yap always the junglers fault xD

Also excuse me zombies have genders :P

I'll hopefully get a post up today/tmr, last day of school starts in about 2 hours
That is true, crazy powers are cool, and I can be more edgy
Maybe you're right ill just play post death pyke
Also just noticed, Pyke is the only duuude xD

Also I think I'll do pre-death Pyke
If you want to reign terror upon your enemies with a jungler, play Lollypoppy, with Electrocute Build blue smite, skip enchantment go trinity force
One shot ADCs, go full tank afterwards, be an absolute terror and go 18/3/12.

Also people playing for fun are totally cool, I'm just a generally competative person
I think it would be better to stick to them being as powerful as they are in canon. That being said, in any instance where it's not clear how powerful they are, it's fine for them to be fairly strong. I'm not really going for the 'possibility everyone will die' approach. This isn't a D&D Campaign.

Besides I don't want my character to be as useless as I am.

I guess you aren't that good at LoL then?
I'm just gonna brag about the reason I'm picking pyke, it was the champ I played my first challenger game with :D
Also what I said in the check, was basically I meant can we use our own perosnal OOC LoL skills as power

Also I'll go for Pyke if nobody else wants to play him.
I don't see pantheon being banned, even tho he is literally immortal, due ot him being a personification of aspect of might. When Pantheon dies, a new "Sleeves" will just appear.

And in the case of Pyke, pre "death?" since then Pyke sounds really dope to play.
Otherwise I'd love to play Pyke/Talon/Ekko
Sounds pretty dope..
Also can we aboooose in game skill for RP Kappa
Hendrik Bakker

It was 6am in the morning when a faint buzzing sound arose from underneath Hendriks pillow. A few groans and seconds later, the greenish eyes had once again opened up to the world around Hendrik. Getting up from bed a little later, grabbing a pair of light gray jogging pants, a blue sport shirt from his closet. Hendrik went through his usual morning ritual of brushing his teeth, refreshing his face and grabbing a quick scoop of nuts. Then he grabbed himself a bottle of water and his earbuds and put on some music. It was time for his early morning jog.

It was around 6:30am once Hendrik was done streching and doing a slow warming up. It was time to crank up the pace a little. So slowly and surely Hendrik would pick up the pace, until he was a a normal jogging pace, well atleast for him. A short fifteen minutes later, very slim rays of sunlight would cover the trees in the park. A very slight breeze going through the leaves, all with all a very calming sight.

Without really realizing another twenty minutes had passed, thus Hendrik's set alarm would ring from his phone. Time to return home it would seem, Hendrik always knew how to pace himself to not overburden his muscles, and as every active athlete he understood the value of cooling down. Which was exactly what the plan was for the way back, a cooling down.

Once home, both his parents had already left the house, most likely out on another "Business Appointment." Hendrik always felt like their parents used it as an excuse towards each other. Luckily for Hendrik, this made sure he had become quite skilled at some chores, cooking for example. So before grabbing a shower, a few slices of bread had been grabbed from the fridge and laid out on a plate.

Then it was time for a shower, another part of the usual morning ritual. After a short ten minutes, Hendrik had finished and was again in front of his closet, thinking what to wear. In the end, a white shortsleaved blouse, with a nice set of shortened gray jeans with his usual sneakers was decided upon. Having finally made a decision, it was time to make some scrambled eggs with cheese, put it on the slices of bread, and well have breakfast.

It was only around 8am when Hendrik grabbed his schoolbag filled with school supplies, stepped outside and went into the garage to grab his bike. He really did enjoy cycling towards school, not only was it a really easy way to slip in some extra conditioning exercise, it was also an easy way to clear his mind if his parents decided to have another fit in the morning. On the way to school he would run into a few familiar faces, people he would see around the supermarket he worked at, or other fellow morning joggers, nothing to spectacular.

Hendrik would arrive at the schoolground around 8:15am, he would drive up to the bikeracks, doing his best to avoid the stream of people from the last bus, which had recently arrived. After parking his bike Hendrik spotted some more familiar faces and did his round of smalltalks, before heading over to the general welcome back assembly

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