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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Ordinarily Sakura would be reigning in her sister through this interaction. She tended to be the "voice of reason" if you would. But so far she hadn't really felt that she'd done anything wrong. Mariette was their friend after all and they wouldn't do anything to put her in any unnecessary danger. And the thing they were proposing sounded pretty crazy. Not sure I like how this plan sounds. She said mental to her sister.

Things started to break down after that and everyone else started leaving. First Sue mostly because she couldn't keep her disguise any longer and things were getting awkward. After turning back into a bird she flew away and left her things which Voilet took care of. Reaching out Sakura was handed the bag by her sister. The others were pretty much ready to leave but the girl didn't feel right about leaving things on such a sour note. Before parting ways though Lily made a wish, a couple wishes actually. Though surely she didn't know who they were talking to because people were usually more careful about that. So now they had two options, to grant them or leave them. To say that they weren't tempting to Sakura would be an understatement, especially considering that under her bright and cheerful attitude lurked the twisted humor of a Djinn.

"I'll be right back." Having excused herself she stood up and followed after the others. The wishes could be fun, but maybe if she could manage to nudge them ever so slightly away from Mariette. Connecting hearts and such was a hazardous venture and if she hadn't been friends with one of those involved she probably would have jumped at the chance to grant the wish and watch the fun. Sue, Lily and Alex having stepped out she held out the handbag that had Sue's things in it. "Don't forget this." She paused a moment before picking up her pace and getting ahead of them without getting in the way. "Sorry about my sister. She can be rough around the edges. Mariette is also a new friend of ours and we just want what's best for her you know?" She smiled before moving on to the real matter on her mind. "Did you really mean what you said at the end? That could be more than you bargain for. You got pretty angry that one night when you thought your boyfriend got hurt." Sakura wasn't afraid to reveal that she had been in the area when that happened. It was quite a show. She also couldn't help be tease about the two being a couple.
<Snipped quote by Ariamis>

I know but I'm not talking about that Dark Magical Girl CYOA section. It's mentioned in the primary module as well (There's Purification artifacts for instance) and it's mentioned in the section on light powers as being a kind of halfway point between Fire and Reinforcement, or something like that. Or am I just getting myself confused and it has no benefits aside from plot specific applications?

The function of a Purification Artifact is clearly defined as is an implement to keep an area "pure" rather than purifying a person in particular.

The extra sheet is for reference for perks mostly and the version it comes from does not blend well with how this RP is run (there are roll checks for corruption and purification that we do not utilize). That does not mean that corruption or purification is not a things, merely that we do not hold strictly to the sheet and such would be a special case rather than common.
Sorry I didn't post! Spent most of yesterday floating down w river in an inner tube. :P

San Marcos?

Having been shuffled into the next room any conversation had been cut off. But it hadn't been a lot of time and they'd been warned so it wasn't like the was a surprise. Anyhow, they were briefed on their first mission and it wasn't all that surprising.

Before things could get underway another burst in and momentarily stalled the briefing. However things didn't get sidetracked too much as Onyeka dragged it back on topic pretty quickly. Referring to the others as grunts was a low blow, but not really enough that Harriet would make a big deal out of it. The new arrival responded quite logically and corrected the woman though. That probably wasn't going to go over that well considering her prior behavior.

Even though the plant woman didn't intend to respond in anger she did sit up and raise a finger. "Grunts? Listen, I resemble that remark." She smiled and rolled her eyes slightly. All things considered, and given her background, she would probably qualify as a grunt. Holding no high position or rank before her transformation she hadn't even had the chance to get that far. Either way she didn't intend to get on anyone's bad side if she could help it.
Well I guess Ariel isn't talking with anyone anymore. Nor is my other character I suppose. Need to figure out just exactly what I'll be doing with Cyra.
I am not 100% on what I want to be.

I rolled first to see what I got and took inspiration from that.
Hm, need to do something with Shannon.

@Card Captor@PlatinumSkink@BrokenPromise@Ariamis

Seeing as her sister went, Sakura followed. "Guess we're doing this." Stepping through the portal she ended up in the same spot just before someone rounded the corner, narrowly missing her sudden appearance. A sigh of relief escaped her lips before heading to the diner.

The public setting was a little unsettling, as were the two newcomers to the table. She wasn't quite expecting to meet anyone new. Though she purposed it wasn't that big a deal. At least she knew everyone else present. She waved sheepishly and took a seat. Despite the uncomfortable gesture she still had a smile on her face and said cheerfully. "Hi there. Good to see you again Sue."
Hm, suppose it's about time for me to post.
I read everything.
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