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Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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@PandaBrady Will your characters be interacting with Ariel?
<Snipped quote by PandaBrady>

I would say that it is similar to this image. The only exception is that there is a second floor with a balcony that has a view of the ground floor and the building doesn't look worn down.


<Snipped quote by t2wave>

That too, thanks :D

Bigger image is bigger.
Slowly working on a post. Work has me scheduled a lot.

Edit: Is there a written description of what the guild looks like? (Phoenix Wing that is)

Not really. But it probably wouldn't be that far off from Fairy Tail.
@Flamelord Shannon could do that pretty easily. But not right now. Don't want to delay things any further than they need to be. But once things progress.

That's the one Lily fried with her lightning. She said mentally to her sister. sakura could tell thanks to her Third Eye. The soul jar had the same magical signature. Pondering over it for a bit she shrugged slightly. "I don't see why not, so long as she doesn't intend to harm us or our friends here."

A waiter came by and she stopped him briefly, ordering some milkshakes to go. Seemed their business here was done so they might as well hed out. Plus Mariette had some business to attend to and she didn't want to keep her any longer than needed. She turned to Amber and Helga. "I think that's a fair request. What do you think Helga?"

Since Violet had already pretty much decided, Sakura just wanted to sweeten the deal a bit more in their favor since there was a lot going on here in Penrose. And the last thing she wanted was her or her new friends getting backstabbed thanks to a wish getting granted.
@PandaBrady Out of curiosity, how are Percival and Elena communicating? Is that internal dialogue?
@PandaBrady The man running the shop paused what he was doing long enough to have a slightly bewildered look on his face. "You must have been traveling for the last few months to ask that. The nearest guild is here in town, Phoenix Wing. They participated in the Grand Magic Games just a few months ago which was a big deal." Nodding his head slightly he pointed off down the street. "It's in the center of town, big building. Just head five streets down, make a right, two more streets and left, and you should be going down the main road that'll take you by the place. Can't miss it."

Considering the mage was looking for a job the shop owner considered they might not have much money on them. That didn't mean he couldn't make a sales pitch though. "And if you're ever in the market for some jewelry be sure to remember that Ol' Pete pointed you in the right direction." He grinned and pointed to the fign above that read 'Ol' Pete's Fine Jewelry'

Ariel - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Since everyone that she had been talking to appeared to be busy Ariel wandered over to the job board. There were still a fair amount of things to do. One in particular seems to have been there for as long as she could recall. It was titled 'Myth Or Legend' and was a research mission. Which to be fair didn't sound like the most thrilling job in the world. But it did sound like something not too terribly difficult. Pulling the job off the board she decided that she would do it.

It would probably be a good idea to be sure that everything was cool before she left though. That might be a bit since it looked like the guild leaders were having a meeting. Folding up the paper she tucked it away and headed outside. As per usual things were getting busy in the hall and she could use a little fresh air and sunshine.

Once in the rays of the sun the slight gloom that had settled over Ariel lifted. It felt like things were going to just get more complicated but she couldn't let that get her down too much. As her spirit lifted she changed to her Light magic, the color of her hair, eyes, and clothing changing from blue to a light yellow. Raising her arms over her head she stretched and grunted. "Ah, much better."
@t2wave Elena would be very interested aa to how it works, even thinking of her as a next target, if she can get out of Percival. Though, she would want to make sure she doesnt end up absorbed.

Yeah, how that might result could be risky.
@PandaBrady No problem. I've do it before myself. Hmm... I wonder how Elena would react to Ariel's ability.
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