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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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@Leaves You can kill a horse with a cattle prod BTW.
Lydia - Together at Last

To some extent the teen wasn't really paying attention to the boy that was leading her. When he stopped she nearly ran into him. The sudden change in demeanor from the boy prompted her attention. Things were happening fast, a pace that Lydia thrived on. Activity gave the needed mental stimulus to keep her engaged with what was going on in front of her. More people were running back to the neighborhood. Someone was being taken? Interesting. The boy taking off running and being called to follow was enough to get her to come along. This was fun. What was going on, what would she find.

Upon arrival she stopped to observe the scene. The children had arrived before her despite her moderately increased speed. A little trick she discovered due to her mind and body reacting faster to the signals sent. Blinking several times she watched as a teen boy bounced comically off the ground. Eyes darting every which way the whole thing made little sense in the normal world. A girl with a bow and arrow, a lizard man, a metal girl, children that appeared to be possessed. Ordinary people would be stunned by the whole thing but the asian girl just grinned.

Walking forward casually it quickly became clear that what was going on here was hazardous to everyone present. She didn't quite know who was the aggressor though since the children seemed to be the ones attacking. What they called "play" she severely doubted meant the usual fun a child should have. Twitching slightly her body began to hum like a live wire as she began to build a positive charge. If they wanted to play then so be it. "You want to play." She extended a finger to the child approaching Kurt.

An arc of electricity jumped from her finger and struck one of the kids moving toward Kurt. There was no intent to kill, but it should be enough to seize up the average human body and drop them to the floor. With any luck that would make her a priority target and bring them all to her for her next move. Pausing as if she hadn't just tried to electrocute someone she slipped off she shoes and set them nearly to the side.
Nope, there aren't any. The rolls I made were for the sibling of one I already have.
@TsundereStorm I can't make any more characters, otherwise I would have made one that I rolled that had a female to male transformation.
Ariel - PW Guild Hall

Running her fingers through the leaves on her head, Ariel really wasn't sure there was a solution. Unsure what to say for a while she just shook her head. "Well... I assume you're going to the island with the others. So our training will have to wait for that." For just a moment she flickered orange.

Shutting her eyes for a moment she stifled her anger. Standing here talking with Penny wasn't really doing her much good. Groaning she turned away. "I'm sorry. I can't do this right now." Stepping away Ariel just wanted to slink away. Though she really could use the Phoenix Slayer's help it didn't look likely to happen for a while. On top of that the woman felt betrayed from the whole situation.

It took a couple minutes to get back into a more agreeable mood. Penny was going to have to figure out what she was going to do on her own. Returning to Nolan she noticed that the girl she had been watching moments ago was speaking to him. "Hello there." The girl was giving off an odd sensation, presumably magic related as it was the one thing Ariel had begun to become more sensitive to. Hard to say what the magic was though.

Smiling Shannon leaned against her staff. Judging by the two's responses they were having a hard time both with not having a patron and with finding allies. It did make her wonder what their motives were to cause their situation. Regardless though she wasn't going to throw the book at them.

Rubbing her chin a bit she bobbed her head a bit. "I'm sure we can work something out. Don't know if my patron can pay you all that much but I think I can manage a place to stay and some level of protection." Thinking back she tried to single out the moment Elroy mentioned about them getting attacked. "So long as you're not part of the evil attacking Penrose I don't see any reason we can't work together. From what your brother told me your attacker may be a mutual enemy."

Crossing her arms she glanced up at the sky. She hadn't had the chance to meet up with even Lily at this point. The commotion going on seemed to constantly be derailing things. [color=tan]"Apparently someone else tried to unite the magical boys and girls here against that threat, but wasn't able to. Sadly she was killed and groups like the Beacon refused to work with monsters and dark magical boys and girls. I suppose I would like to unite everyone but I'm not so idealistic to think I can get everyone to work together."[color] Looking back down to Regina and Elroy she smiled. "But a girl can dream. So with any luck we can take care of your attacker and you can be free of that hm?" She offered a hand to Regina.
@YipeeXD We has a Discord.

@YipeeXD It alright. :)
Ariel - PW Guild Hall

Having her arms crossed while listening Ariel held her tongue until Penny was finished. Leaning on one leg she sighed and put her hand against her brow. She was doing her best to stay in the state she was already in and not go off the deep end. "Penny..." Pausing for a moment she sighed and looked away for a moment. "I'm not sure what to say. I did notice your absence and I've tried not to use the magic like you said but it's getting harder."

Leaning closer she tried to keep the next part low so others wouldn't hear. "Also I feel like my ability is getting out of hand. The last job I went on I ran into god magic and that's a whole other kind of scary. I just don't know what's going to happen to me, what I might become." Keeping her composure she had managed not to lose it so far.
Ariel - PW Guild Hall

Standing there quietly Ariel had her arms crossed casually. Things hadn't really been explained to her just yet but she was willing to wait. Thankfully her current emotion afforded her patience and she intended to keep it that way as long as she could. Whilst standing around she noticed a young girl enter the guild hall. She leaned her head slightly and watched the door for someone else to come in after her. No one did though which she found odd.

Ariel was about to head toward the strange girl but her attention got diverted by Penny. It had been a while since they'd talked properly. In fact just earlier that morning she had been raging about being abandoned by the Phoenix Slayer. Putting a pin in talking to the new girl she turned to Nolan. "I'll be right back." Stepping away with Penny she positioned herself so she could keep an eye on Ethel while they talked. "Is everything alright?" There were a lot of other ways she could have responded to Penny at this point. But she really didn't want to come down on anyone if she didn't have to.
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