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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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@Kaesus My character not only has electric powers, but is already using the nickname Spark. I would suggest looking at the existing characters in the CS tab and see what we don't have just yet.
Lydia - Into the Woods

Other than the odd behavior of the boy walking out further into the forest the young woman didn't mind being lead per se. One part of the forest wasn't that much different from another. Her enjoyment of walking in the rain was interrupted though by their sudden stop and following questions.

And to the questions she seemed to turn away instead of cooperating all the sudden. She wagged her finger and shook her head slightly. "No no no, I'm not sharing any more." Looking off into the distance she seemed to forget where she was going and started to walk off in another direction. She had put something out here one day and left it. Maybe that's why she came out here. Hard to say, thoughts jumping around too much.
Sorry I haven't replied yet.

This boy liked to poke fun, and were she still male herself and less experienced she might have been more defensive. But the power of friendship helped keep that in check. That said she realized she didn't have to be so formal around Elroy. Hopping up to her feet she grinned and shrugged. "Well I suppose I do have some kind of agenda in that I want to protect the people of Penrose. Might sound cliche but I do love my job even if it is technically coerced. I just believe that it's better to make friends than enemies when at all possible."

Glancing around it didn't seem like anyone else was going to show. The other person didn't seem to want to reveal themselves but she wasn't going to press to make them known. "Okay then, looks like it's just us for now." She gathered the remaining food items and packed them away. Taking her staff in her right hand she whirled around next to Elroy and hooked her left arm into his right arm. "Shall we go meet your sister then?" Her timidness seemed to have vanished all at once though there still wasn't any hint that her willingness to cooperate wasn't genuine.
@Card Captor

One of them is the dude from steins gate. I think the pictures are all of people who use time travel to try and solve a problem and fail... many times.


I can see @DarkwolfX37's confusion, as time girls can passively sense gravity distortions because they distort time in the CYOA. But it doesn't say they can sense time distortions.

I'll be responding to Elroy later today.
Hm, I suppose technically my new character should be at the guild hall, since we were planning to have the job having taken place before the skip but I don't think I can use her just yet. Need to work out some details. Hmm...
@BrokenPromise No, I've just been busy so I've been dividing my time.
Janet and Justine von Visceral

When Janet awoke, she found that she was chained to a wooden crucifix in a dimly lit stone chamber, her arms spread to her sides and feet tied up to the central column. She was wearing a stylish black dress that accentuated her form in a risque manner with the top of the dress extended with a fishnet layer, yet also had cute accessories such as red bows on her skirt and a frilled choker around her neck. Janet soon realized she was in a castle dungeon of sorts, with cells in the hallways around her, and what looked like a standing coffin at the far corner of the hall. It was stylish, with a symbol of a heart with bat wings adorned on it's lid.

Then, the coffin moved in it's place, and Janet witnessed as the lid fell down, revealing Justine von Visceral; she was sleeping with her arms crossed until her eyes opened, and she gave a wicked smile.
"Aah, Janet, you have woken at last. I have looked forward to spending time with you...privately," she spoke in a sultry tone as she stepped out of the coffin, and slowly walked towards her.

Having finally got her barings Janet tried to get free herself from the bonds but that seemed to be a fruitless endevor. Still gagged she was unable to transform to make use of her magic. What did this girl want with her of all people? Forced to watch she glared and hoped to gain a little more information as Justine continued.

Justine gave a little giggle.
"Oh ho, resisting until the end: as expected of a Beacon. Brilliant light that beckons for the true path...Well, I know of something far better."
She went right up to Janet, and placed a hand over her cheek, gently caressing it.

"You see, I require someone who knows how the Beacon works, knows where they scheme and plot. Not only do you fit that description, but this presence...You are a pure magical girl. You don't blindly follow Beacon, do you? I can see it in your eyes: you know how cruel and unforgiving Beacon can be. How it treats you like a dog without caring how you feel. But we will change that. Yes, the two of us can change the world..."

Justine looked deep into Janet's eyes, and she felt like her vision was turning blurry, as if a bloom filter was placed over her eyes. Whatever the magic was, it was slowly starting to affect Janet's consciousness, her charismatic voice ringing in her head and her touch on her cheek burning like fire.

"You want to serve me, your dear, precious Mistress...You want to devote your entirety to your Lady..." Her touch began to flow with dark magic that swirled around the two. Black bubbles also floated around them, giving the scene a romantic, if horrifying, atmosphere.

Despite the disorienting effect that Justine's magic had, the Spark given to Janet by the Beacon came to life as she focused on resisting the influence. Even though she at times had disagreements with how the Beacon did things it was clear to her that Justine's intensions were less than pure. Contact alone made that clear enough. Janet's defenses were not quite equiped for the influx of dark magic. The two magics warred for supremacy. The lone light in the darkness was close to being snuffed out.

"Just give in to it, Janet...There is no need to be afraid of the dark, for it gives clarity, and peace..."

Justine sensually whispered to her ear, her lips creeping closer and closer to her neck, causing her to feel the vampiric girl's breath. She was patient, and willing to slowly break down the Spark over a long period of time, like she did with Stephanie when she was turned into her loyal little suicide bomber. But, Justine learned from her experiences, and was prepared; the dress Janet was put to wear was drenched in corrupting magic, isolating the Beacon's influence from her and making her vulnerable to her temptation.

She looked as Janet's struggle weakened, and then her lips parted to reveal two sharp teeth.
"Become mine, Janet~"
In that tender moment, she seductively bit into Janet's neck, like a lover's kiss; she felt a faint, dull pain of her vampiric fangs piercing her, followed by her corrupting magic seeping into her until it enveloped her whole being.

Already losing, and having been weakened and isolated for however long she'd been out, Janet's constitution folded. The corrupting magic consumed her and Justine's suggestions took root. Her mind was like an open book to be rewritten and the magic flooding in could do what it willed. Going limp Janet stared blankly and uttered the faintest whisper. "...Y-yes...my...Lady."

"That's right...Your Lady is right here, granting you sanctuary..." She quietly spoke as she stepped back, and with a handkerchief daintily wiped her lips.
"Now then, let us unleash your potential, Janet! Release your feelings hidden in your heart, and take your true form!"

She lifted her arms, and dark magic coalesced in her palms into orbs, followed by her directing the magic into her, like a beam of darkness. Showered in the umbral magic, she then began to transform.

No longer resisting Janet gladly complied and accepted the magic directed toward her. It was more than her ordinary magical girl form could take and as more flowed in her body began to shake and quiver. Her body seeming to lose structure and collapse she slipped from her bonds and fell to the floor. Even though she didn't fight the changes the process was still rather intense and painful. The dark magic was destroying her body. Crying in pain and writhing on the floor she began to transform. Her flesh was melting, transitioning into water from head to toe. Though perhaps toe wouldn't be right. Janet's legs were losing form, dividing and becoming tentacles. Over her head a bell of water began to form. The imagry her transformation implied before had become her new form as a full monster girl.

Breathing heavilly from the transformation Janet inspected what had come of her. after a few moments a smile spread across her face. The red of her iris contrasted the pure blue of her body and looked wild and crazy. Lifting herself up she turned to Justine and bowed slightly. "Thank you, thank you my Lady! I cannot repay you enough for freeing me from the clutches of The Beacon." Though she just bowed she dropped down and clutched Justine's hand tightly.

Justine smiled widely upon seeing her new servant rise, the mark of Visceral shining brightly red on her chest, forever claimed as Justine's.
"Yes..You are perfect. Simply perfect! Haha...Ha haha..Ooohhohhooohoooo!" She laughed while holding the back of her hand to her mouth.

Elated that Justine was so pleased with the results of her corruption Janet shivered with excitement. "What will you have me do my Lady?" Her eyes flashed with a wicked gleam. She could not wait to fulfill her Mistress' plans.

"All in due time, Janet. All in due time..." Justine spoke, and turned around, stepping confidently away. Beneath the graceful composure of a noble lady lied the most vicious smile, her fangs bared as she held back another bout of laughter.
This will be the beginning to a pure world...

"Specialties? Well my expertise are probably not what you would expect to be among pirates. I'm a doctor with a focus in medical biology. So if your crew needs patching up then I should be more than qualified to care for them." Glancing at the coffee she went ahead and poured a cup. While it didn't have the same affect on her it seemed a little rude to turn it down.

She did make sure to dilute the coffee a bit as straight coffee was a bit more acidic than she preferred. "I've learned a fair amount of fighting and use of firearms during my time with Vanderos. But I wouldn't call myself an expert in combat." Though she wasn't really acting all that friendly beyond answering questions her natural presence seemed to soften her responses in ways that were not quite explainable.
Ariel and Nolan

As the sun began to peek through the windows, Ariel rolled over and took a deep breath. Opening her eyes slightly it took a moment to register that she was somewhere unfamiliar. She reached behind her, where her clock would usually be sitting, to check the time but found someone else was there. Sitting up send looking groggily she was met by the sight of Nolan. If anyone was watching they could see the gears slowly start turning as she began to connect the dots.

They were at Nolan's place. She'd gone there to talk with him about the God she'd run into. He'd also asked her to stay and they went to bed and... The lights finally came on in Ariel's head and she tried to get up but fumbled over herself and fell off the side of the bed. "Ow, oh crap." Scrambling around she got herself together as surely her panic had woken Nolan.

A thump had stirred the sleeping Nolan and slowly, his eyes opened. He yawned and propped himself up with one arm against the bed, looking for the disturbance. "Dalton I swear to whichever god is watching, I..." It was not long until his eyes fell upon Ariel and his face turned into a deep red as he remembered what happened last night.

"Oh, um... Hey there, Ariel." Nolan fully sat up and scratched his neck. Good lord this was awkward; his girlfriend was caught rushing out of bed like deer in headlights and he himself was just feeling embarrassed for letting his emotions get so heated up. "Are you okay?"

Considering Nolan was acting rather chill about things, Ariel wondered if she was mistaking something. After a few seconds of silence she spoke up again. "I guess so. Uh... Do you recall anything from last night?" She asked sheepishly.

His face grew redder and he nodded in response to her question. "Yeah...um, we..." He felt his throat felt like it had something stuck and he was trying to force it out. Last night was something that he was trying to process still. "We...did it." He responded with an equal amount of awkwardness that Ariel was feeling right now.

"That's what I thought." Running a hand through her hair she was at a loss for words. Her hand slid down her face over her chin. It was clear she was conflicted. Sitting back down on the bed her eyes wandered around the room..

Nolan sighed and wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind. She could feel his warm breath against the back of her neck as he held her close. "Do you regret it?" He asked, not even trying to hide his concern at this point. The last thing in the world was to screw up their relationship.

Ariel took a deep breath before answering. "It's not that I regret it completely. It's just too soon. We can't take it back now but I wanted to wait." She turned her head so she could see Nolan.

What she saw was Nolan looking down at the bed, his gaze avoiding her's. It was not hard to see that he was ashamed of going against what Ariel wanted. Why did he not ask her if this was okay? Why did he not stop himself and ask himself if this was okay?

"I see..." He sighed heavily and flopped back down against the bed. Nolan just stared at the ceiling for a bit in silence before he broke it."It's not like I planned for this either. I was just... vulnerable and you were too. I needed you and you needed me. By the gods that is cheesy." Nolan muttered the last part to himself.

Huffing Ariel turned around and tried to work out how to say what she was thinking without sounding harsh. "I said that but it's not the same thing. I wouldn't ordinarily say it that way. I did want it but I didn't at the same time. I know that doesn't make sense. But that magic last night is very... passionate. And once we were in the moment it sweapt me away." She wrung her hands a bit before looking down.

"Until we're more than dating you have to be careful with me. You know I don't work like regular people do. When I feel something it's either really brief or really strong. I wish I were normal like everyone else." Turning she dropped down with her face into a pillow. She wanted to cry but her feelings were dragging her around in circles.

She could feel his hand lay on her back, slowly and gingerly rubbing it. "I wouldn't change a thing about you. Your quirks, your faults, everything that is a part of you. If you changed them then you wouldnt be the woman that I fell in love with." Nolan smiled and his hand travelled up her back to her hair.

"Love is a funny thing; you put the person you love the most on a pedestal so high that you don't feel like you're worthy for them. Even now I see myself as someone who wonders why you would date someone who is the dirt beneath the soles of your shoes." He chuckled a bit as he stroked her hair, his fingers caressing it gently.

"Everyday I think I should change for you, but if I did that you would tell me not to. So don't think you need to change when you're already amazing." Today was just one of those days where all he seems to be saying is pure cheesiness at this point, but he was telling her the truth.

Shaking her head she eventually rolled her head enough so she could see Nolan again. "I can't live like this Nolan. I don't have control. I can't trust myself not to do something."

His free hand gripped the sheets of the bed tightly enough that his knuckles had turned white. "Why do you think you're alone in this? You're not the only one hurting here, you know." Nolan said with a hint of frustration. "It's not just me, but there are so many others in the guild that care and worry about you. Why can't you place that weight on us and let us help?"

He knew how much of a hypocrite he sounded and perhaps he was telling her this out of his own frustration of not relying on their guild too. That was etched on his face and there was a certain kind of pain in his voice."You're not alone anymore... Neither of us are."

Picking herself up off the bed Ariel ground her teeth. There was fire in her eyes and she looked like she might set something ablaze. "Why do you think I came to you? She turned red with Blood magic, something she'd only ever used once when she had been kidnapped. "And when I needed her Penny left and avoided me." She punched the wall at the head of the bed. "So it's not like I'm not trying!" She punched the wall again harder.

Getting fed up with the situation she stepped down to the floor and started marching out. Was she overracting, maybe. But reason doesn't play that strong a part in a rage. She was actually probably dangerous to let out into the public. There was no telling what she might do if someone caught her bad side.

She would feel her wrist grabbed and her arm was pulled back slightly. Nolan had quickly grabbed her before she could walk out of the room. "Ariel...please, calm down." He was not stern, but he was pleading to her. "I didn't know... I'm sorry... I didn't know." His arms was shaking not because it was hard to hold her back. He was just barely able to hold himself together.

He did not know what to do and it was written plainly over all his face. All he wanted was to make her happy and in the end he was useless; he just made things worse. It was killing him.

Ariel struggled to get free. Thankfully this magic was so rarely used it hadn't had much chance to get very strong. So for Nolan it wasn't that hard to restrain her. Let go of me! She fought against his grip until the rage subsided. In a 180 she dropped to her knees and started crying. "I-I-I'm sorry, I can't...."

Nolan got down to his knees and held her as tightly as he could, letting her head rest into his chest as she cried. "It's okay Ariel, everything is going to be okay." He whispered softly. It had been a long time that he had seen her breakdown like this, not since the time they were trapped in the painting together. "We'll get through this together. We will."

Given how overwhelmed she felt she didn't speak for a while. She cried until it hurt. It was easy to tell when she reached her limit because her Dark magic came to the surface. It was as close to a reset as she had. She sat down calmly and casually wiped away her own tears. "I'm fine."

Nolan knew that the last thing in the world she was, was fine. He sighed and unwrapped his arms from around her and kissed her forehead. "How about you go have a shower and I'll go make breakfast? I'll make whatever you want." She did not need the subject to be pressed further down on her. He'll give her some space and let her collect herself together. She'll talk when she wants to talk.

"Okay." Thinking for a moment she shrugged a bit. "You can pick." Standing back up she headed toward the bathroom. Before getting too far though she paused and turned back. "Thank you, Nolan." She turned back and continued on.

Nolan smiled and nodded before he decided to get dressed. He ended up walking out of the bedroom wearing loose black jeans and a red tanktop. When he got to the kitchen he grabbed a white apron and got everything needed to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Normally he did not make such a big breakfast, but he decided to make a special exception.

He was hard at work, making pancakes from scratch while watch closely on the bacon and sunny side up eggs. In the background, a lacrima was playing calming jazz softly in the background. While he was cooking, he did notice the tea kettle he placed on the stove yesterday and wondered why it never boiled. It then occurred to him that he never turned the stove on for it.

"Yup, definitely not telling her that." He muttered to himself as he prepared another pot with fresh water.

Ariel entered the kitchen after taking her shower. Seems she hadn't really taken her time with the process but Nolan still had enough time to get breakfast together. "Smells good." She took a seat at the table and watched Nolan as he fixed them each a plate.

"Heh, I would hope so. It's mainly for you too you know." Nolan said with a wide grin and handed her a plate that was stacked with food. He also gave her a cup of black tea with milk in it. There was some sweat dripping down his face from the heat of the stove. It was clear he was working hard for her sake.

He walked back to the counter to his own plate and if she watched him carefully, he was stepping in time with the music with rhythmic motions as if he was dancing a bit.

She didn't really notice the dancing bit but she could tell that Nolan was doing his best. "I'm sorry for any trouble I'm causing you." Looking at the plate it was a lot of food. Though if she were honest with herself she could probably eat it all in one sitting. All the different magic changing had a way of building her hunger..

Nolan had grabbed his plate and sat down with her. He smiled and shook his head at her. "Why are you apologizing? You're my girlfriend, I'm here for whatever troubles that you are going through. You'd do the same for me." He smirked at her and leaned against the table, propping his head against his arm. "With the way you've been eyeing the food, I think you should be telling your stomach sorry for denying it some grub. Eat up!" Nolan said in a teasing manner.

Ariel nodded and started eating. As per usual Nolan proved himself to be a good cook, even if breakfast wasn't the most difficult meal to make. She took her time though and made sure to enjoy it. "This is good."

Though she didn't talk a whole lot her mood seemed to be better, even if it was muted quite a bit. Her little tangents were taxing and seemed to have a way of spirling out of control. When she was finally getting toward the end of her meal she spoke up again. "While I'm somewhat stable, I have a question.

"Lay it on me. I told you yesterday that I'd tell you whatever you want to know." He took a long sip from his piping hot cup of tea.

"Do you think we should get married?" Despite just asking a loaded question she returned to eating.

His eyes widened and he nearly choked on his tea from shock. He kept coughing and he held a finger up to tell her he was going to need a minute. "Married?!" The only thing he could do is stare at her bewilderedly as he tried to process what she had just said.

"I mean I would like you to be my wife... It's not like I haven't thought about it as a long term goal, but to bring up so soon..." His face was flushed red and he could barely look her in the eye. "What brought this up Ariel?"

Munching on her meal she answered. "Well that was my plan for what we did. Wait until I was married. But that kind of didn't turn out." Another bite; "Also my father might try and kill you if he found out." Her tone was rather nonchalant given the subject matter.

"I think your dad just doesn't like me in general." Nolan stated rather bluntly. "Not that I blame him. This whole relationship came pretty much out of left field." He sighed and leaned back in his seat, scratching his neck. How in the world does he get into these kind of situations. Of course he wanted to make her happy, but rushing off to get married? And he did not want to make her feel like she was used by him either.

"Ariel..." Nolan stopped himself, hesitant on what he should say. "Before we can have this conversation, I think there are things that we need to talk about. Get some things out of the open."

"Alright, like what?" Having finished her meal she moved on to the tea and sipped it calmly.

He sat in silence for a bit trying to find the right words. "It's...I'm tired of having secrets, Ariel. At this point I am doing myself more harm than good trying to keep you away from them." Nolan sighed softly and continued, "I know your life, but you don't know mine. I know you said you don't care what happened in my past and that you care about the me now, but it matters to me." Even though he wanted to tell her everything, her apathetic side made it really hard to talk to her at all though he could not bring himself to tell that to her at all.

"I see." There was an awkward silence for a while and it didn't seem like Nolan was going to tell her anything right now. After a little while longer she figured that perhaps her current personality was offputting. Others in the past have at least indicated as much. Closing her eyes she focused on feeling something. Moments later she changed to her Light magic. Putting a hand on her head she had a slight headache. "Ow, changing back kind of hurts."

"You've been changing your magic too much in a short time span. I'm sorry you had to change again on my behalf." Nolan sighed, but at least when she was in this form she was much easier to talk to. "Do you need me to get you an aspirin?"

"Worth a try." She rubbed her temples a bit before rolling her eyes again. "Oh man, this is a lot better though. I don't like those negative emotions." She let out a soft sigh and smiles at Nolan.

"No one likes them in general." Nolan smiled and he got up from the table. He went over to a cabinet that had a bottle of aspirin and popped out two pills. He soon came back with the pills in hand along with a glass of water. "See if this helps." Nolan handed her the glass and the pills before he sat down in his seat.

"You remember what you saw in the painting, right? My memories?" He inquired nervously.

Popping the pills into her mouth she took a sip of water and downed them. Glancing at the water a moment she answered the question. "Uh, yeah I do... She made eye contact with Nolan and gave him her full attention. Those memories that she experienced were pretty jarring. If there was more that he was hiding then she could only imagine what it could be.

Nolan sighed and he shifted in his seat uncomfortably. It was obvious that he was reluctant to do it, but he knew that he had to tell her. "What you saw was not the entire picture. There are some things that you need to know." He looked her in the eyes and knew that she was doing her best for him too. What she saw was not easiest thing to swallow, but now she needs to know the whole story.

"Before all of this, I was the son and heir to a family of merchants. When I was old enough I was supposed to takeover the conglomerate that was known as Waltz and Co. After the Heartfillia Konzern fell into ruin, my family had no more competition and they gained a monopoly over many trades." He looked down at his cup of tea and sighed, shaking his head.

"To be honest, you'd think being the heir to a company like that would've been amazing, but I resented it. My entire life was planned out for me; my hobbies, the food I ate, who I would marry, everything. I'm pretty sure my siblings hated me for stealing their chance of immense wealth and status. I think my mother was the only one who really cared about me." He chuckled bitterly.

"But you know what happens next; my father took us all to a business trip to Caelum and a storm hit us. My mother was crushed instantly by the ship's mast and my father probably drowned. I thought I was the only one who survived, but..." Nolan had stood up and walked over the kitchen counter and grabbed what looked like a magazine. He walked back over and tossed it on the table, skidding towards Ariel. "My siblings somehow survived too and were rescued. Everyone thought I was dead until two months ago."

On the cover of the magazine was a man wearing a suit that bore an incredible striking resemblance to Nolan, only this man had slicked back hair and in his thirties. "That's my older brother, Jay, the man running Waltz and Co. My sister and him approached me during the games."

Listening to the story Ariel wasn't quite sure what to say at first. There was clearly more to the story. Mulling over the story of how Nolan lost his parents she tried to maintain her current feelings. Not that she didn't want to feel anything else but it would probably be a better idea to try and not do too much changing for a while. "I see..." She looked at the magazine for a few seconds before looking up at Nolan again.

"Honestly, I'm only telling that part because my siblings have been...persistently trying to be involved with my life. I'm sure you're going to meet them one day whether I like it or not. I just don't want you to be shocked about, well, everything." It was clear that he wanted them to leave him alone, but it seemed like he has resigned himself to just accept that this was happening.

He scratched his neck anxiously, his body was shaking slightly. "I was washed up on the shores of Caelum and the people who found me were slavers. The next thing I knew, I woke up in a cage with cuffs around my wrists. The person in charge, The Madame, kept me as a pet and..." Nolan trailed off to the point he said something that was impossible to hear and he shook his head.

"Ariel when you saw the memories, you saw the me that was caught in the storm. I was seven when that day happened. I wasn't saved until I was ten years old. For three years I was her slave and she... she..." A lump was in his throat and he could not finish what he was going to say.

Ariel got up from her seat. Though she didn't intend to change her magic her Green magic came to the surface anyway. She was concerned and took Nolan's hands in her own. "Take your time."

Nolan looked down at Ariel's hands that were intertwined with hers. He squeezed hers and softly said, "Ariel, she molested me. For three years, three long years."

Hearing this Ariel froze for a moment. This information cleared up some things, or at least pointed fairly clearly to some kind of reasoning. Something like that for so long. What kind of deprived human would do that to someone? "Oh Nolan... I had no idea." This must be why Nolan was so afraid of woman. And she couldn't blame him for it.

There was only silence. Nolan just looked down at their intertwining hands. It was not too long before he broke the silence though. "It's not your fault. I made sure that no one knew." He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "It's one thing to know it happened. It's another to live with it."

He pulled his hand away from hers."But it is just one of the many things I have to live with." The pain in his voice was palpable and his face contorted with a strange hurt. "I was saved by a monk named Arjuna and he and along with his followers gave me a home and loved me as one of their own. They taught me almost everything that I know today, even my magic, but this year they..."

The memory of a temple set ablaze with corpses everywhere should've been etched into her mind, especially the white haired man. "The gods sent their messenger and killed them all...except me."

Ariel nodded slowly, remembering what they felt and saw from that memory. It was not an easy thing to recall, but she was somewhat glad that it allowed her to connect with Nolan beyond words. "Right. I remember that."

I lost everything again that day. I left the place I called home for the last eight years and travelled Caelum. I fought many dark guilds and other criminals, but I never killed.I thought they would face justice. Nolan glanced down at his hands, gripping his right tightly. Even now he could see the blood that was on his hands.

"But I snapped one day. I discovered a village's doctor had been abducting children and sold their limbs and organs on the blackmarket.... There are some things no one has to see." Nolan did not dare to look Ariel in the eyes. There was so much guilt and regret that he could not bring himself to look at her.

"I tortured him to get everything he knew and killed him. I killed so many crimianls thinking that this was the only way, but really I was just taking my anger out on the world." Even now he could not look her in the eyes. At this moment, he was convinced that Ariel was going to leave him and he would not blame her.

Hearing about what a doctor did to innocent children sent a chill down Ariel's spine. That was sickening. To be honest she didn't know how she would react to discovering something like that. Might depend on her mood at the time.

Of course then Nolan admitted to murdering not only the doctor but many others. To some extent Ariel had suspected that her boyfriend had severely hurt people and maybe even killed some in the past. Looking the man before her looked broken, hurting, and alone. While their circumstances were different she recognized the feelings.

What made a greater impression was that the god slayer had chosen to tell her these things. Clearly he was ashamed of what he'd done. All of this information of his past told Ariel that she wasn't just someone that Nolan managed to get close to. Last night in light of what had happened years ago meant much more than runaway emotion.

Ariel wasn't quite sure what to say. The silence in the room was deafening. However slowly she stepped forward and gently put her arms around Nolan. Holding him close she rested her head against his chest.

He opened his eyes and looked down at Ariel, wrapping his arms around Ariel. He pressed her close as tightly as he could, his heart raced and his body shook. "Why?" Nolan muttered softly with a quiver. "After everything I told you, why are you still here?"

Shaking her head lightly she managed a slight smile which might seem a little odd given the circumstances. "Why? You're not supposed to ask that." Turning her gaze up her eyes were watering, not quite crying. "That wasn't an easy thing to share, Nolan. Especially with me. I had no idea the burden you were carrying."

Wiping away a tear she tried to keep herself together. Loosing her grip she put her right hand on Nolan's cheek. "I said before that I didn't care who you were before. I was lying to myself not knowing. But with everything you've shared now I know you're not the same man that did all those things." She sniffled a bit before continuing. "And while it may have not been timely, I can't believe you would let me so close to you like last night. It just... I can't believe it."

"Ariel..." He brought a hand up and wiped some of her tears away with his thumb. "Come on, I'm not worth crying over." Nolan smiled sheepishly and kissed her forehead. It was obvious that he was forcing the smile on his face, but he did not want Ariel to cry for him.

"Don't tell a woman what's worth crying for. We'll cry over whatever we damn well please." She poked him in the chest playfully. She was trying her hardest not to change magics again and she paused a moment to catch her breath.

"Hey take it easy." He saw that Ariel had overexerted herself today with the constant change of magic and the intense personality changes that brought. It was not easy for Ariel to live like this and he knew that all too well. Perhaps he needed to hunt down a certain scientist?

He was a bit hesitant to ask though. After all, the man he was thinking of kidnapped her, but he's the only one that came to mind that could help her. "Do you think Tidius indicated where he would be next?"

"Tidius? She looked at Nolan confused. "Why would we want to find him?" To say that the man that had abducted her during the Grand Magic Games was not her friends would be an understatement. Although Tidius had, in his own twisted way, took care not to harm her. Misguided as he may be he didn't mean harm.

He sighed, feeling his blood pressure increase just at the thought of Tidius. The last thing in the world he wanted to do was ask for his help. He'd rather snap the scrawny bastard's neck. "Believe me, I don't want to find him, but he can help us. He may have a way to develop a limiter so can get some relief from your magic." Then again it could also be a horrible idea. For all he knew, Tidius may betray them and steal Ariel's abilities.

There were risks, but every time he looked at Ariel he saw how tired she was from the complete personality shifts. "I know you're not happy with the way you are now. It's not easy to deal with your magic and then have to deal with my baggage. Don't you want to find some relief?"

Ariel put a hand on her head, feeling the leafy hair that came with her Green magic. Ironic that they were talking about Tidius when she had this magic. The man had cultivated it using a combination of lacrama. "I do but... I'm not sure about him. I guess we can at least try and find him. Put out word or something and see what happens." Shaking her head lightly she turned and stepped toward the exit. "Right now I could use a drink of water and some fresh air."

Yeah, she was not a fan of that idea. He did not blame her though; asking the person that kidnapped her for help was definitely not something most people would not do. He grabbed a glass of water and held it out to her. There was just one other thing that they needed to talk about though the subject left a pink blush on his cheeks.

"By the way, um, about marriage..." He sighed and did his best to look her in the eyes. "I'm not sure if it is something that I am ready for yet. I've...I've only got this close to you and I don't want to rush things further than you already feel like they had. But..." His gaze broke away from hers and he scratched his neck."But maybe do you want to move in with me? To see if you can really stand being around me?" He said shyly, his eyes gazing towards the floor.

Breathing in through her teeth she thought about the offer. She had been the one to bring up the subject originally. "I don't know. Moving in really ups the chances of another night like last night happening. Maybe I'm being old school but I'd rather be married first." She couldn't recall if they ever really talked much on the subject. There was always tension that existed because of secrets that shut down the conversation. "I would have rather been married before last night but, well, a bit late now." She shrugged.

Getting outside and sipping her water she relaxed as the sunlight washed over here. The outdoors were always more pleasent to her when her Green magic was present. Taking a deep breath she looked in a better mood already.

Nolan nodded in response and smiled at her. "Whatever you want, Ariel. I can wait." He reached out and grabbed her free hand gently, letting their fingers intertwine. "I can wait." He sighed contently.

Ariel wasn't quite sure if she was ready to get married either. Her suggestion was kind of out of the blue. Then again maybe she'd blurted out her inner wants or something. Outwardly the woman seemed to be contemplating something as they walked.

He glanced down and saw Ariel focused on her thoughts. She looked so serious that he could not help, but to laugh a bit. She looked cute that way. "What's going through your green head of yours?" He said with a playful smirk on his face.

"Eh?" She hadn't realized that she was broadcasting what she was doing. Blushing a bit she squirmed a bit. "I was just..." At first she was going to make something up but given that they just spent most of the morning dealing with confessions she decided to tell the truth. "I was just thinking that maybe I wanted to get married. I know it seems kind of sudden but it's not like I haven't thought about it before." She averted her eyes from Nolan's.

"And I want to get married too." Nolan said with a blush too and he averted his eyes from Ariel's too. "But to want to and should are two different things. Can you tell yourself honestly that you are ready? Do you really want to jump headlong into this after two months?" While it would have been easy to get swept up in his emotions again, he was trying to restrain himself.

Ariel had to conceed, she was probably getting caught up again. "You're right. Huh, it's really only been two months? It feels like so much longer for some reason." She sighed and looked at the town around her. "Guess I really can't trust myself until I get a handle on things."

She would feel the weight of Nolan's hand on her head and her hair was ruffled. "Then I'll keep you grounded until and beyond then, no matter what." He looked up at the clear, winter sky and enjoyed the warmth of the sun bathing his skin.

For some reason, he looked like he was at his happiest after a long time. He knew that life was going to come and bite him at some point, but at this moment he was serene.

After taking a little time to unwind Ariel was ready to go back to the guild hall. Coming in the doors with Nolan they were greeted by Sasha who appeared to be waiting. Actually from the looks of it people were getting ready to head out. "Hello. Uh, what's going on?" She inquired stepping out of the doorway.

It figures that she leave for an evening and things suddenly start happening. Not that Ariel's life wasn't exciting enough but she didn't want to miss anything important. And despite her magic limiting her, magic was also the only way she currently knew how to unlock more of her emotions. So as much as she might wish she could sit where she was at putting herself out in the world of magic was more to her advantage.
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