Avatar of twave


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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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I'm okay with using Discord, although I'm primarily a skype gal, i do have it and do use it.

Eww, Skype. It's alright but limited when you want a lot of people.
I brought up Discord forever ago but nothing really came of it at the time. i'd be down.
Also you haven't added Ash to that tab lol
Ash isn't given enough love around here. Not in Cait's tab, not in your tab, where's the love XD

It was in my list, that's where.

<Snipped quote by Expolar>

I mean I don't want to get in the way of Lug's system of getting people placed in Frenzy Plant. Cyra would have to beat a C and B class mage before she could fight Enma or Ash.

Yeah, that's the way it works. It was just initially Lug was preoccupied so Cyra never got anywhere. He did reply to a post of mine like he said he would but we didn't get any further.
@DarkwolfX37 Edited.
Totally forgot to do mentions in my post. I'd edit it in but that doesn't work so... @BrokenPromise@t2wave

That post makes a lot more sense now. I will edit.

For a while Shannon didn't know where Elroy was going with his spiel. Being called scarf girl didn't bother her much, she'd been called worse by worse. However once she knew what the boy was getting at she smiled. "Well the food is more a courtesy than anything. But if you want to get to the meat and potatoes then I want to talk. I got here when the hospital was under attack and I haven't really been able to contact anyone. Seems like everytime I turn around everyone is fighting one another."

"So yeah, I guess I'm here to make friends. There's something here threatening Penrose and we're better together." Putting her hands in her lap she nodded a bit. "I don't want to just drag the conversation around though so if you have anything you want to talk about feel free to take over."

Her attention was diverted for a moment. Something was moving around them at a distance. It could be an animal but they usually didn't circle. Putting a hand lightly on her staff sitting on the ground she tried identifying what was there.
@Expolar@Lunarlors34 Didn't know that was a thing. Though Cyra hasn't fought anybody to join the guild. While she talked to Indigo that is the extent of it.
Alright I need to have Cyra join the Rune Knights. That's the group the Magic Council has right? Get things rolling.
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