Avatar of Urizen


Recent Statuses

21 days ago
Current I'm free
1 mo ago
I am vengeance.
1 like
1 mo ago
Having the right Players in your RPs and yourself at heart goes a long way, I thank everyone.
1 mo ago
Never meet your Heroes, be your own Hero, value your freedom.
1 like
1 mo ago
I'm a rising and revolving Empire.


You Will Know As You Watch Me...

I recognize what I can control and cannot in a situation but that doesn't mean I'll be easily giving up.

In doing so, I determine my reaction to crises including others, so I may display objectivity and compassion.

I may ignore people, dominated by their negativity but not fully, I extend compassion to those who badly needs it, carefully at the same time.

I continuously master myself to be virtuous.

Learning to move on may be tough but it's a necessity to be the storm that approaches!

To the people I've worked with, good or bad:
I was Masaki Haruna and Floch, I'm not gonna be ashamed for who I was.

Everything will be in Keikaku.

Most Recent Posts

Decided not to join... for now.

It's cool, I can manage on the GM tasks and thanks for the server assistance.
Image goes here

Name goes here

*Insert what type of hero* Hero - Hero Name

Day-Month-Year (in numbers) · Age

A brief explanation of your personality & backstory bits, I don't want backstory detailed when it can be discussed to me privately, 3 paragraphs minimum.

Minimum three non-quirk related talents like are you good at cooking, etc.

Minimum two support items, maximum three.

Quirk Name – Quirk Type
Explanation of Quirk.

To add, is your Quirk Awakened or Repressed or Evolved?

Awakened means you know the basis of your Quirk.

Repressed means, a trauma PTSD or such, holds back your Quirk from its fullest.

No one is getting Evolved yet.

Protip - click view raw and copy paste.


The Fall of All Might & All For One, birthed the norms of a comicesque society in Japan. Businessmen coined the Herobiz while Authorities saw Heroes as another form of police in the Nihon Justice System while some as mere Vigilantes. Dynasties of Hero Families rose and so did Villainous Empires, fiction became reality yet stranger.

The world turned upside down as each day just turns greyer than the last, Heroes & Villains were no different from each other. Labor to them is nothing more than an ordinary chore and making ends-meet just to survive in the saturated cruel game called life. People rarely see the difference and are indifferent to the norms, having different yet entitled opinions and even romanticizing villains. Others just don't want to be saved, declaring themselves independent and capable without the need of heroes but Eirei Academy digressed and still hopes despite the odd future.

Even if it's hell that genuine Heroes are walking into, they will strive to become an ally of justice and transform what's just because is correct, doesn't mean it's right.

So begins an adventure into the unknown...



Quirk System


Eirei Academy

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