H3110! 1'M V31L! 1'D 0FF3R MY PR0N0UN5 8U7 1 D0N'7 H4V3 4NY ^.^
I should do this in English, like the title is. Alright. I will; but I do talk like ^that^ a lot. If you can't understand it, ask me to be normal and I will. Anywho, onto the important things.
I'm looking for roleplay partners. Please be over 18; I could care less what you do, where you're from, what gender you are; as long as you can write, you're an option for me. I'm not super picky about characters or genres, but I do not do romance under any circumstances.
I've been writing since I was 7 and roleplaying since I was 10. I'm 21 now, for some context of time.
So yeah! I'll update this once I figure it out a bit more, but this is what I've got to start my search. Thanks for reading and feel free to message me! ^.^