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@Vertigo You good man. Although Snom starts at 1. We don't really have a 0... Or at least I don't think we do.

Regardless it's good to go. You can give Snom a 4th move though.

The first post said this, so that's why I went with 0:

You can only start with 2 types, Baby Pokemon that are hatched freshly start with 0, while any other starter will start with 3. Eeveelutions uniquely start with 5 while Eevee itself starts with 3.)

I can change it so that it isn't freshly hatched, if you'd prefer. As for adding a move, I can do that too, sure. The reason it had 3 was because Snom only learns 2 moves before it evolves, and we were only allowed one egg move. But I can slap a Fairy Wind on it as a second egg move.
Adding onto the interest train!
You have my axe gun.

But give it back later I might need it along the way.
Awesome, thanks for the answers! I love all the kingdoms, so will most likely play two characters to help me decide what to play and from where, ha.

So right now I'm thinking of either a princess from the fruit kingdom or a noblewoman from the sweet kingdom (but I see someone else already planned that, so might go with my original fruit idea instead), and a warrior from the meat kingdom.
Oh boy, love this. Thinking of making someone from the fruit kingdom.

Got a few questions, though:

- You said we could be nobles or lesser nobles, but can we be royalty as well?
- Do you take reserves for positions/kingdoms?
- Can there be multiple people from the same kingdom, or just one from each?
- If yes to the above, can we have multiple characters?

I feel like I had one more question, but err, it slipped my mind so I'll get back to you on that.
So I wasn't sure what your stance was on Hidden Abilities (if you did mention them in the doc, I'm blind.) So I took the liberty of using a few.

But yeah, here we go, do tell if I need to edit something.

Not familiar with the titles in question, but this sounds wholesome af. Will keep an eye on this!
I meant to toss my hat in when this was first posted, but holidays happened. Err. Still got room for a mono (ice) type trainer?
Caw's Turn | Init: 19

HP 09/09 | Status: None

It was ironic, Caw thought. Though he could not be sure, he assumed the party chose to fight the strangers due to their association with a winged Kobold. Yet when the dust settled, it was the kobold that that escaped the scene unscathed, the contents of its sack left unquestioned.

But if so, why did the two humanoids need to die?

The question did not leave Caw, even as he resumed his position in the shadows. He did not feel entirely at ease walking in front of the group, his cowardice threatening to buckle his knees come every corner. Yet he knew he was more apt at staying hidden than the others and therefore, an ideal choice to scout ahead.

Thankfully, no danger lurked behind any of the corners they turned - until the very last one.

Caw stopped dead in his tracks. It felt as though his heart did, too. Ahead, he saw a large group consisting mostly of kobolds, including the one that had slipped away earlier. They spoke in a tongue Caw did not understand. Even so, he found himself memorizing the way the words came out, the throaty tones, the frantic speed.

Though he could not be sure, Caw feared the kobold was speaking about them and the encounter earlier. So when a few of them took flight, he shrunk down to avoid their gaze. They had bags too, he noted. If he shot one, would it burst and reveal its contents? Likely. But it would also reveal him.

He decided it was not worth it.

The rest of the kobolds spread out, scanning their surroundings with eyes aglow. One of them turned to him, and Caw's eyes widened with fear. He wanted to reach for his bow in retaliation, but his hands didn't move. He couldn't even breathe. It made sense, though; all he wanted in that moment was to be part of the wall behind him, and walls didn't breathe.

The kobold looked away, and the kenku's lungs filled with air. He was alive.

Once immediate danger had passed, Caw turned to glance behind him at the rest of the group. They were outnumbered, particularly so when it came to those who could fight. He wanted to keep being alive. He didn't want to fight. He wanted to tell as much to the others, but his face was hidden and its avian features lacked human expressiveness besides.

He raised a clawed finger in front of his beak - then turned back around and begun to move. He stuck to the shadows, hoping to sneak around the creatures in their way. And really, truly hoping the others could do the same. Armor and children did not make for quiet company.

"Pony, huh?" Duncan was unable to stop himself from grinning at the revelation. Yeah, he could see it. She definitely struck him as the type to want one, even in this day and age. "Now ain't that a cliché," he teased, then gave a quick wink. "Cute, though."

He fell silent for a moment - only for a moment - then declared, "Tell you what - if we make it out alive, we'll get you a pony."

Despite the lingering grin and the carefree tone, there was a sense of determination to be found on his face. He was, in fact, serious. Yeah, there might be some issues with finding the money and lodging for a pony, but hell, you only lived once. If nothing else, this damn place had reminded him of that. So when he got out, boy, he was gonna live. He'd get himself that sports car, too. The newest, fastest damn thing on the planet.

"We can always cash in on our story to get the dough for it. Must be someone out there willing to make this a movie. Hell, I could play myself - always knew I was destined for stardom."

While he was busy blathering, Pebs opened the door without any issues. The darkness that awaited them on the other side was familiar by this point, and Duncan was no longer all that unnerved by it - especially after the discussion they'd just had. Somehow just thinking about life after they got out filled him with newfound vigor.

He pushed the door as open as it would go, hoping the light that poured through would help illuminate the way a little. At least until they found another switch. Duncan squinted his eyes and walked forth, only stopping when he realized the corridor split into three. He tried to look around in each direction to see if he could spot the familiar shape of a light switch - or some other source of light.

"Guess we found our maze," Duncan mumbled, scratching the back of his head. He turned around to Pebs, arms crossed across his chest. "So what's the plan? Don't think splitting up's the way to go here, and we dunno how long each of these goes on for. Wanna whip out the map again and see if it fits the bill?"

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