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... Well, she sure regretted not stabbing Siris in the neck when she'd had the chance. If the disturbing answer he gave the other oni wasn't a warning sign enough, the creep actually went and winked at her a moment after. Every cell in Sayako's body crawled, and she felt like nothing short of being submerged in boiling water could make her clean ever again.

Was it too late to stab him anyway?

The answer seemed to be yes; by the time she recovered enough to be able to reach for her weapon, Siris was already fleeing the crime scene like the drive-by pervert he was. Ugh. Shithead got lucky this time.

Meanwhile, his murderous ladyservant seemed to have done a one-eighty in terms of demeanor. Suddenly the pinnacle of hospitality, she offered to walk the group to the creep lord's estate. Sayako really, really didn't want to follow this potentially murderous woman into some debauched noble's house - but she also didn't want to wander off on her own, especially with said noble still out and about. God, just the thought of running into him in a dark forest made her shudder.

Besides, everyone else was going, and she never was one to deliberately try and stick out. ... Or was she? She seemed to... have conflicting memories regarding that. The same went for the woman's faux politeness. Part of her thought it normal. Part of her wanted to stab her for it.

... Oh, everyone was moving.

Sayako gathered her wits and, with one final glance behind her to ensure the pervy lord wasn't coming after her, she followed after the rest of the group.

At least the way to the estate was pleasant enough. It was quiet and peaceful, and allowed Sayako's thoughts to wander back to what she'd learnt so far. Like the mention of... what was it, Emet'etal? Why did that sound so familiar? She was pretty sure she couldn't - shouldn't - have heard the name before, yet it felt like something she'd known her entire life. Was that the deity they'd seen? How were they supposed to... to "fix the cycle", as he'd put it?

They arrived before Sayako had come up with any concrete guesses.

The others promptly asked after a washroom and food, but after everything she'd just been through, Sayako had a far more urgent request to make. She turned to Yda, the desperation in her tone transforming her question into a pained plea, "Is there alcohol?"

She looked the woman straight in the eye, her expression practically a non-physical equivalent of grabbing her shoulders and shaking her violently. "I need alcohol."
Thinking of playing Xayah, or if Stern doesn't go for Kindred, them. Or maybe Vi...? Hmm, then there's Akali... Damnit. Will think on this.
"Sure feels like a maze," Duncan shook his head, "But not... you know, that kind."

If all the previous stuff they'd found was any indication though, they'd probably be needing the paper later. Perhaps that was the case with the radio too; at the moment, it didn't seem to offer them much else than static. Bummer. "So much for the background music, huh. But, yeah, least it works. Kinda doubt we'd get reception though."

If their phones did not, that old thing definitely wouldn't. Which sucked. At this point, he was feeling starved for any kind of connection to the outside world, even if it was just one-way. Just to... make sure it was still there. Which it was, of course. He knew that, just... the longer they spent locked up here, the more his mind started to conjure up post-apocalyptic horror scenarios. Too many movies, probably.

Duncan was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Pebs cheer - and realized that the car, at least, had moved! Excited by the prospect, he stepped away from the radio in favour of focusing on the remote. He waited until Pebs had reached it before making it back away just in time, then kept making it move back and forth, make a few turns, and finally stop next to Pebs just as he did. There was a giddy gleam in his eyes. "I always wanted one."

An instant later, he realized how silly he probably looked. With a quick cough, he nodded towards the key. "Hm, but, um... yeah! Key. Door. Have at it, tiger."

He picked up his new toy and positioned himself next to the door with screwdriver in tow, ready to take on whatever awaited them on the other side - figuratively or literally.

Caw's Turn | Init: 5

HP 09/09 | Status: None

After all that had happened, the shadows brought Caw comfort. Slinking through darkness was much more familiar a thing to him than conversing or fighting, and it required less thought besides. He had said very little while inside the house, still deep in thought over what Vaal had said. If only he'd had the words to reply. If only he'd had the voice.

The kenku pushed that thought aside and let the shadows take him. Molded by experience, his body moved on its own and quickly fell into a familiar rhythm. Every now and again, when the others weren't making unnecessary noise, he could almost pretend he was alone - and not with a party whose lives he was responsible for. He was not good with responsibility. It made him fidget.

Then, they stopped.

Magdar had seen something. Caw tiptoed over, peeking past the people bigger than him, and looked. Two strangers, associating with a kobold. But... weren't they also associating with a kobold? Not all of them were bad, he'd learnt. Perhaps Caw could have mustered up the courage to bring up that point, had the others not already sprung into action. Rhayela was the first to do so, and once her staff drew blood, there was no going back. Before Caw knew, many others had already joined the fray - and one of the two strangers lay dead.

But did he deserve death?

He had no time to think on it further. The elven woman was quick on her feet, and Rhayela was close by. If someone had to be hurt, it would not be his friend.

Caw readied an arrow. For a moment, his hands shook. But with a deep inhale, he steadied himself, killing both his breath and his doubts - and let go.

He didn't see the arrow travel through the air, but he saw it hit true. It burrowed straight between the woman's eyes, pushing her off her feet and onto the ground.

She did not get up again.

I was gonna yeet her somewhere on the streets, with the plan for her to look for people that are "less fortunate" (her words) that she could help. She figures that maybe she has to do a good deed (oh, the humanity) to prove herself.

Only chaos can ensue.

I can make a short post with her looking around, or if you wanna toss me some hooks related to that, I can jump directly at one of 'em.
The old dwarf's cries of pain were music to Ayame's ears, putting a little skip into her step as she dragged the goddess upstairs. Eventually, Athena regained her composure and assumed the lead instead.

"Offended? Certainly not," she spoke in an almost eerily cheerful voice, her smile not at all a match for Athena's serious expression. "I simply took note of a pest problem and saw fit to take care of it. Most roaches fear flames, after all."

At the notion of needing to undress, she hesitated. Undress? After what had just happened downstairs? If it was just her and the Goddess, she supposed it was quite fine, but... just in case, she made sure to ensure there was no one else around before starting to loosen her shirt.

A moment later, she sat on the bed with her legs neatly folded and back revealed, hands holding up her robes to cover her front.

"Pardon me, but what exactly is... involved in the blessing?" She asked, a little nervous.

It better not be anything that would mar her perfect skin!

With the fox-girl seated on the bed now, Athena simply moved behind her, with rehearsed movements. It was almost uncanny how the goddess managed to reposition herself behind the youth without much effort or sound. At the renard's query though, the goddess simply smiled softly.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt and it doesn't take long." She assured.

Given the girl's reaction, and later comments to, Brozar and his antics, Athena could deduce that this little lady was of the type who didn't relish physical or intimate contact with people, especially those she was unfamiliar with. A fair and understandable standing, being touched by those you hardly knew without permission was hardly pleasant most the time. To that end, the goddess would strive to make this quick so as to not cause any more discomfort for this girl.

Wouldn't hurt or take long? That was all fine and well, certainly, but it didn't ease the biggest of her worries; getting some sort of an ugly brand on her back. She didn't really know how these... families worked, but hopefully they did not involve needing to be physically marked as members. A little pain would not even begin to compare to such a cruel fate.

While waiting for the Goddess to begin, Ayame let her gaze wander around the room and ponder its plainness, hoping that whatever room she got assigned would be decorated more grandly.

"Here we go then." She stated plainly, reaching both hands out to Ayame's back and hovering her palms an inch or so above the renard's skin.

The light from before, just like with Dahlia, suddenly appeared, casting the bright light backwards and casting the front into slight murkiness. The fox could feel a soft, gentle warmth on her back as Athena uttered the practiced words she had used time and time again on those who joined her Familia. It didn't take long at all, before the light slowly faded down and Ayame's back was neither slightly warmer, nor aglow with mystic divine light. Athena retracted her hands, repositioned her legs so as to sit slightly sideways, looking at the foreign fox with a satisfied smile.

There came the light and the warmth, and for a fleeting moment, the renard worried no longer. She closed her eyes and relaxed - and then, just as quickly, it was all over. The Goddess confirmed as much with her words. Ayame looked down at her hands, then tried to steal a glance at her back. She couldn't see any ugly marks, but she could feel energized, somehow.

She felt as though the next time she blasted that old creepy dwarf's face with flames, his beard would not survive the ordeal. Hopefully.

"There we go, all done." She stated, as if it had been the most simple and painless ordeal in the world. "You should feel a slight surge in your body, as you've become a bit stronger simply by virtue of the blessing itself." The goddess said, holding a small scrap of paper in one hand and eyeing it closely. "This is your status, by the way." She looked at Ayame with one eye and lightly waved the paper. "You should take a look at it, and ask me anything about it if you have questions." She finished, handing the tiny note over to the renard.

The fox turned around, only to be greeted with a piece of paper held out to her.

"My... status?" she repeated, taking the paper and peeking at its contents. What did that mean?

"Yes, dear. Your status. It tells you how well-developed your various attributes are, as well as lists any special or unique skills or traits you have, including any spells you know." Athena explained, having already read the sheet herself.

The goddess shifted her weight and slid a little closer to Ayame on the bed, using a slender finger to point out the various physical attributes, the renard's magic and known spell. Though as she did so, she also looked at Ayame straight in the eyes, a serious expression on her own face.

Ayame nodded along as the Goddess explained each attribute, trying not to bristle her fur over some of what she saw. Why, if you asked her, she should've had straight A's across the board! Who was responsible for these numbers? She wanted to speak to their manager, stat. She could only assume such lowly numbers meant she had incredible potential ahead of her yet. To think that she could even improve upon perfection this much--! She must've been a Goddess herself.

"Many adventurers have a hard time adjusting to the drastic changes in their body right after a rank-up." Athena explained. "It can take some time to get used to your new strength, speed and even your newly strengthened magic." She warned. "For example, your little prank on Brozar earlier was fine for the most part because your magic then was relatively weak... But if you were to pull the same stunt again, you could potentially injure him quite severely. So please be careful and try to adjust and familiarize yourself with your new power." Athena urged, scooting back a bit to give the fox-girl some space once more.

Ayame peeled herself from such thoughts in time to catch Athena's warning about her new powers - and what it could potentially do to the lecherous dwarf if used against him again so carelessly. Injure him quite severely, she'd said?


Ahem, what she meant was--

"I'll be sure to handle my power with care," Ayame reassured her, gently holding a hand to her chest as if to signal she was speaking from the heart. Which she probably was, just not quite in the manner she tried to pretend. "After all, it is the duty of us strong and beautiful to ensure we do not needlessly bring harm to the thousands that stand below - and admire - us."

As long as he kept his hands away from her butt.

Hands on butt meant all bets were off.

Athena nodded slightly at the renard's affirmation of her new power and the responsibility of using it carefully... Though, the Goddess did raise an eyebrow at the comment about being the strong and beautiful who stood above the thousands... It seemed this girl either had a strange sense of humor, or her head was quite full of nothing but herself. Well, no matter - such small details could be solved with some lengthy disciplinary lectures and instructing later on. For now, she was just happy that the girl didn't run off to burn off what remained of poor Brozar's beard.

"Yes, well. IF there's nothing else, I believe we're done, Ayame." Athena said, sliding off the side of the bed and getting up onto her feet. Turning to the fox-girl, she politely gestured towards the door. "Shall we go then? I believe there's one more who wanted to join us." The goddess commented, though before anything else, proceeded to remind the renard-girl. "Remember now, you're not a full-fledged member of the Familia yet. Prove yourself in these next seven days, and you'll have earned your stay with us. Otherwise, I'll have to revoke my blessing from you." She warned, though neither threatening or malicious, simply matter-of-factly and professional.

"I do believe so, yes," Ayame agreed, clothing herself and sliding off the bed herself. She nodded and walked along, though the reminder of needing to prove herself did nearly give her steps pause. That stuff again? Even after spending such a long time in her company, the Goddess was still not convinced of her worth?

Her cheeks puffed out, just the slightest bit - but she managed to mask it under a smile quickly enough.

"Worry not dear, there will be no need for any of that nonsensical revoking business. By the end of the week, you shall be lamenting that there's only one of me to join the familia!"

With those boastful words, Ayame made her down the stairs - and then stopped on her tracks, having no idea where to head next.
Ah, that's too bad, I'll miss 'em. 8c I do think that yeah, probably better to get this beginning part over with before getting new people in.

Collab will be up in a few minutes.

Edit: and there it is! I'll decide which way to toss her in time for my next post.
@Xaltwind Should we do a collab for the blessing part, or?

Sayako had barely gotten to enjoy her impromptu post-death nap for half a minute before she was already forced to acknowledge someone’s presence. From the sound of it, the man on the horse had dropped onto the grass next to her, apparently offering a hand.

M’lady, though? For some reason, hearing that felt... wrong. Really wrong. Gross, even.

Sayako had barely mustered up the mental strength to look up and see the fabled hand, when another equally strange person practically burst out from the forest. She seemed to be choking on her own hurry to get out angry exclamations, then suddenly pulled out a sword - and lunged towards Sayako.

In an instant, the oni jumped to stand. Her form was low and tense - as if prepared for combat. Sayako unsheathed a wakizashi she didn’t know she owned, holding it up in a way she didn’t know she was supposed to. Her eyes were reflexively fixed onto the woman, and a strange sense of déjà vu filled her with dread.

Again? Did the fighting never end?

The woman was approaching fast, prancing across the field like a psychotic, armed deer. Then, at the noble guy’s orders, she sheathed her blade, and---

---practically threw herself onto the ground to grovel in front of him.

... Oh. So. She was an idiot.

Sayako relaxed her stance, but did not let go of her weapon. The ikemen guy had turned away from her to talk to the rest of the group. He’d left his back unguarded. He might have been one of them. She should kill him.

... W-wait, what? Huh? Why?! Sure, he was annoying as all hell, but-- back home, you didn’t just kill people you didn’t like!

You did in war, though.

But this isn’t war!

While Sayako was busy contemplating unprovoked manslaughter, the rest of the group did the much more sensible thing and introduced themselves. It was then that it occurred to her they were all humans - save for one, super tall, grey-skinned guy. By all means, he was the one she should have been freaked out by, especially when she happened to catch a glimpse of a horn peeking out from among his hair. But... no. It was the humans that gave her pause.

Which was weird, because last she checked, she was a human too.


Ever so slowly, Sayako started to feel her way up her head, over her - strangely voluminous? - hair, until--

“AHHHHHHH!” She threw both hands onto her head, squeezing her horns and giving them a strong, panicked tug. It nearly sent her right back onto the grass; she had to take a few clumsy steps forward to prevent it. Another gasp, and she yanked the horns backwards, also forced to mirror the action with her feet. Forth, back, forth, back.

Then she remembered she wasn’t alone. And that she was supposed to introduce herself. At this rate, she was going to come across just as weird as the girl who stared open-mouthed at the ground and the guy that wanted to tame bears-!

“...A--Ah. A-ahem. Ahem. I’m---” she hesitated, though she didn’t know why, “I’m Sayako.”

Not knowing what else to say, she tried to remember what her only kin had said, figuring he knew something she didn’t about this whole oni thing. Honestly, she probably should have said nothing. What she did say, was, “I won’t eat you either."

She contemplated for a moment, then added a very uncertain, "... Probably.”
Post is up. I wasn't sure at what point Triss did his introduction in relation to Xaltwind's post (aka was it before the dwarf finished coming down the stairs and walked up to Ayame, or was it assuming they started to ascend after it) but hopefully what I did works. I can edit if not!

Also, Ayame's face when

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