Avatar of Vertigo


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gone until next week (con weekend), posting will resume after



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Ayame hadn't been paying much attention to the conversation going on in the room, so it wasn't difficult to pick up Athena's voice over it. She turned to find the Godddess at the stairway, asking for her to follow. Finally, it was about time!

Before the renard could actually stand up however, another voice called out from behind the Goddess. This one was... not quite as pleasant to the ears. That was to say, Ayame could hear the depravity in the man’s voice, and it made her tail bristle. What manner of filthy lout did they keep in this familia? First the mutt, now this. To make matters worse, the oaf dared divert the Goddess’ attention from her. Ugh, as if she had not waited long enough. Was she truly forced to listen through this... drivel before she could get her turn?

Then the dwarf noticed her.

In an instant, his eyes lit up with disturbing, childish glee. Upon hearing she was going to be joining the familia, he started to waddle towards her - and then proceed to attempt a bow. Oh. Well now, at least he had some semblance of manners, even if the execution wasn’t quite right. Perhaps she had misjudge---

"Brozar, you just wanna squeeze her butt when she stands up!"

"Hah! What's wrong with 'at? She'll be family soon enough!"


Ayame said nothing, but the strained smile on her face spoke plenty. Flames burst into being upon her palm, dancing and writhing as they licked at the air hungrily. Without a word, she pulled her hand back-- and then blasted the entirety of her Foxfire straight at the dwarf’s stupid, ugly, lecherous face.

She could only hope it hurt, even though no lasting damage was likely to occur. Her fire was not potent enough to kill.


With him taken care of, Ayame stood up, dusting herself with a few delicate swishes of her hand. She looked to the Goddess with one of her most delightful smiles - as if nothing was amiss at all, and spoke in an unfittingly light tone, “Shall we? I do believe I’ve had enough of waiting.”

With that, she begun to make her way towards Athena and the stairs - only to see Triss breeze past her to introduce himself to the dwarf. Oh. Why, how perfect, the boy made for a nice distraction!

"Hurry now, I simply can't wait!" she exclaimed as she hurried up to Athena, swiftly locking her arm into her own. With no second thought given to the fact that this was an actual goddess she was dealing with, she begun to practically try and drag her up the stairs.
Got a lousy 5, though it's sort of fitting icly.
Hrm, actually, if you could hold the hammer for one more day, that'd be grand! Been busy with doctor's appointments and lab tests this week, but I got my post started today and should be able to finish tomorrow evening.
So it looks like midnight caught up to me. I've friends coming over for the weekend, but I can get a post in for this on Sunday when they leave! Sorry for the wait.

She was still falling.

If she was dead, why was she still falling?

Nothing had changed. All the sensations she remembered were still there: the sinking feeling in her stomach, the deafening howl of the wind, the sharp pain in her eyes when she dared try and open them. The only thing missing was the rain. And... it was brighter too, she supposed. She was no longer cold.

Oh, and someone was screaming.

She was curious as to who and why, so she opened her eyes a little - but all she saw was the sky. It was strangely blue. Sort of calming, actually. If she was cursed to fall for all eternity, at least the gods had the courtesy to make it a sunny eternity.

Then she hit the ground.

Her entire world exploded into a flurry of dirt and grass, with a splash of petals to give colour to the chaos. Then, after a moment, everything settled. The sky was still blue, and she was still staring up at it underneath her new, makeshift blanket of mangled flora.

... Huh? Wait, was... that it? She’d expected it to hurt more. A lot more. So much more that she’d died on the spot in excruciating agony, with police sirens going off in the distance.

Saya sat up, realizing she did so in a crater. Crawling out was a menial task, but finding her balance afterwards was not. Her legs felt weird. Her body felt weird. Her head definitely felt weird, as if she had carried an extra weight that threatened to tip her forwards.

She took a step - and forwards she tipped, losing her balance and crashing right in front of some guy on a horse.

He asked if they’d just plummeted from the sky. Considering she was still lying face down on the ground, she could not see his expression - but she could hear his enthusiasm.

She hated him already.

But not enough to pry herself off the ground and give him a look.

Nah. The ground was, all things considered, quite comfy.
Reinstituting the speaker turned out to be a trivial task, done in a jiffy. Just in case, Duncan turned the thing around to make sure everything else was in place. Like batteries. Man, how many things even needed batteries nowadays? Talk about a blast from the past.

Pebs seemed to be done on her end as well. ‘Bout time, she’d been messing with the plant for a while.

It looked like whatever she’d been doing had went well though, if her face was anything to go by. The giddiness made Duncan smile a bit too, despite the circumstances. But hey, at least they were making progress. Anytime now, they'd get back to civilization and could go over their experiences over a beer or something. If she drank beer. .. Wine? Who drank wine, anyway.

Duncan grinned at her appraisal, and couldn’t help but chuckle at the words themselves. “You kiddin’ me? This old piece of scrap hasn’t been new in a decade. We’ll be lucky if we still get a sound out.”

She held up keys and another piece of paper. Apparently they were something the plant had coughed up. Well damn, he wouldn’t have... thought to check that. Who hid their shit in a plant? Well, whatever, he wasn’t complaining.

“Fingers crossed.” He crossed his for a brief moment, then set the car on the ground. With remote in one hand and the other hovering over the radio’s play button, he went on to announce, “Background music for suspense--- is a go!

He turned on the radio and tried to steer the car forwards at the same time, hoping he had one more hand to cross fingers with.

Will get a post in tomorrow!

S A Y A K O *
* or just Saya for short; honestly, either one feels just as foreign to her

R a c e:


P e r s o n a l i t y:

Saya is not quite what one would expect from an oni. In fact, in many ways, she's the exact opposite, having retained large chunks of her personality from the life prior. Calm and reserved, she prefers to keep to herself and observe any given situation - or person, as the case may be - from afar until she can figure out the best way to approach it. Saya seems to consider every word carefully before letting it pass her lips, and has a tendency for needless formalities - much as she dislikes them, in truth. Somewhat of a pessimist, the list of things she genuinely likes is tragically short, and she isn't the warmest of persons out there. She isn't sure why, but it almost feels as though she's unused to both giving or receiving affection. Regardless, she will always try to solve any given problem with diplomacy first, provided she doesn't just try to ignore it in the first place. Her desire not to get involved with trouble runs deep, and she's become quite adept at simply 'not noticing' things she doesn't like.

However, with her new life, new body and new, strange blood running in her veins, Saya's calm, patient nature has started to show cracks here and there. While she used to keep all unpleasant feelings bottled up inside, where they could not cause any discord or trouble for her or the people around her, she's found it to be much more... difficult than she remembers nowadays. That is to say, when her feelings reach a fever pitch, they burst out violently - followed by literal flames. This has presented her with a dilemma; either she has to let her grievances show at the moment of experiencing them, or she must risk them boiling over and exploding all over the place at random. Neither option sounds all too pleasing, and she's yet to figure out which is the less of two evils.

A p p e a r a n c e:

Though she would prefer otherwise, it is her horns that people tend to take note of first. Long, sharp and distracting,, they protrude forth from her brow towards the sky. They're reddish brown in colour, and gain a deep red glow whenever she utilizes her magical prowess. They're also what cause people to make assumptions about her, and they make sleeping inconvenient at best, a hazard at worst. She hates them.

Apart from that, Saya isn't really all that memorable as far as appearances go. She's somewhat on the taller side, standing firmly at 5'7'' with a lithe build ideal for a martial artist. Which is weird, because something tells her she wasn't quite as physically active in her past life. She's somewhat curvy, though not really eye-catchingly so, and muscle makes her clock in at a heavier weight than one would expect. She has red eyes that seem to always be judging you or yours, and like her horns, they, too, flare up when she uses her fire magic. Her skin is pale and her hair paler, cascading down her back in long, white locks. She doesn't remember her hair having been this long either, and has some trouble keeping it out of her way.

When it comes to first impressions, Saya doesn't necessarily leave a lasting one. You'll probably notice the horns, assume she's a savage warrior from a tribe to the east -- and then quickly find yourself taken aback by her stiff speech and mannerisms. She'll probably get angry about it at some point and self-combust, and then you go right back to the savage assumption again. That is, unless you've forgotten she exists by that point. Despite everything, she blends into the background pretty easily, to a point she'd be pretty adept at surprise attacks. Is that another skill of hers?

B l e s s i n g - way of a million blades

Saya's blessing takes the form of a wakizashi, found on her hip upon spawning. Though unassuming in appearance, it is magical in nature and holds the capability to become whatever weapon its wielder wishes - provided they have witnessed the desired form before. That is to say, it cannot become an imaginary thing, or one of the world prior, nor something its wielder has only heard spoken of. Furthermore, it will only mimic the physical traits of whatever it transforms into, and cannot, for example, copy the magical traits of another weapon. There is no limit as to how often the wakizashi can change form, allowing for a number of combination attacks; from the stab of a spear to a few quick slashes and then a finishing blow by an axe.

While the wakizashi is the physical manifestation of Saya's blessing, there is another, purely magical component that accompanies it. After all, what would a weaponmaster be without knowledge of their craft? The first time Saya holds any weapon in her hands, she intrinsically understands how to use it - as if she had done so her entire life. She can wield her weapon as an extension of her body, and instinct can guide her where her mind cannot. This allows her to challenge a variety of opponents she would normally find herself instantly felled by. It also allows her to adapt to a variety of different fighting styles, going from a rogue-like stealth with a dagger to powering her way through enemies with a hammer.

At present, having just spawned, she only knows how to operate her wakizashi in its base form - as a simple short blade.

A b i l i t i e s - perfect flow

Though Saya doesn't remember having ever fought before, her body seems to know its way around a fight. Her movement in battle seem practiced and nimble, she isn't prone to exhaustion and the switch from one fighting style to the next seem impossibly smooth - eventually. Right now, all she can do is display some impressive side-stepping abilities and stab you with her tiny little sword over and over again.

M a g i c - dancing pyre

Unrelated to her prowess with the blade, Saya seems to have a strong affinity for certain type of magic. Namely, fire magic. However, her control of it is shaky at best, as it seems to be strictly tied to her emotions. Whenever excited, startled, angry, or experiencing other such sudden, strong emotion, fire bursts into life within her. Her weapon, being an extension of herself, can utilize these flames in all of its forms, from fire arrows to a burning blade - but Saya herself doesn't have much control of it, at least at present. Luckily, the flames don't burn her or her clothes, though her other belongings aren't quite as lucky. She probably should not be tasked with carrying any important papers anytime soon.

Whether she has potential for other similar types of magic, such as lightning, remains to be seen. More pressingly, she just wants to learn to control what she has access to now.

E q u i p m e n t - from one, many

Saya's only equipment, in addition to the clothes on her back, is her wakizashi. For some reason, she feels compelled to give it a name.
Oh! Right, see, that's what I thought since you have the same avatar and everything, but then your role says Vaal so I was confused :'D @CollectorOfMyst you might wanna fix that.

@Tangletail come claim your kobold back!
Just in case people missed it-! Discord link above. Come join us. @Eleven, @The Harbinger of Ferocity, @Lucius Cypher

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