Avatar of Vertigo


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heads up, away from the 17th to the 27th!
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gone until next week (con weekend), posting will resume after



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It begun as a tug at the edge of his consciousness, then turned into a pull, a demand, a wish for his existence in a time far removed from his own. Another war it was, then. But this time, would there be a---

Saber found himself materializing into a well-furnished living room; an area for relaxation, as it were. The irony. To think that a war would start from such a cozy place... he could only hope that in between clashes of steel and magic, he'd be afforded moments of peace as well. He and his-- ah, yes.

The king looked around the room in search for another, eager, wary, curious; all things, all at once. Memories swirled in his head of a master long past, and the sight of golden locks stunned him in place for a moment. But then he saw the fiery eyes that burned with unfamiliar ambition, and caught the look of discontent reflected in them. She spoke before he could, seemingly disappointed at the sight of him - despite knowing who he was. Now that was... certainly a first.

Saber chuckled, even if the mention of his sister made him uneasy. It stirred another memory, another act that he wished to leave forgotten. But far be it from a knight to let such personal matters mar his smile, much less in the presence of his Master.

"I'm afraid you will have to settle for me," he sounded more amused than insulted, pressing a hand to his chest and offering the slightest of bows. "I would not turn down tea - or your name, Master."

мαrι yαмαмoтo


Had... it worked?

Mari only dared lower her arms once everything had settled. The sounds, the lights, the swirl of magic all around the room. A bedroom, to be precise; small, quaint and in an awful state of disarray. It had been messy far before she had turned it into a summoning ground, and the powerful magic that had filled it a moment prior hadn't exactly helped matters. Pieces of paper still floated down from the ceiling like giant flakes of snow, and she was pretty sure most of her makeup was broken beyond repair. Why, oh why, had she left the powder on the table again?!

"H-hello?" She called out into the darkness. The lights had broken in the summoning process, and the closed curtains didn't let much natural light filter through. She saw a figure, she supposed, but it was difficult to make out the details. Or maybe she was just imagining seeing anything at all. "I'm-- I'm Mari. Hello! I'm your Master, nice to meet you!"

Her brows furrowed, and her voice lowered into a quiet mumble to herself. "Hm, why do they call us masters, anyway? Like, it's kind of a weird term... and shouldn't it be a mistress? Who came up with this stuff?"
If the Moon isn't taken yet, would love to spin a sheet for it!
Been gradually catching up to things I owe, will get a post up tomorrow or the day after!
𝒜𝓎𝓊𝓂𝒾 𝑀𝓊𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒶


At precisely 7 AM, the office doors flung wide open. The heavy click of heels filled an otherwise quiet office corridor, turning the heads of any worker still waffling about over their morning coffees. Some bowed their heads, some scrambled away to their desks and an unfortunate, dumb few approached Ayumi with a greeting.

The first was a middle-aged man, holding his oversized glasses in place with one hand, grasping a cup of coffee with the other. "Good morning, Murata-san!" His grip on the glasses gave way for a wave, and they immediately slipped off his face.

Ayumi caught them mid-fall and slapped them back on with more force than was necessary. Honestly, Sato would have dropped his entire head if it weren't attached to his spine. "If you've time to run your mouth, I assume your report is finished?"

He was taken aback, about to answer, but she was faster. "Clean those glasses and get to work."

She managed to take but a few dozen steps more before a man in his twenties sauntered closer. His gnarly blue suit was two sizes too big, and his fingers glimmered with fake diamonds. It seemed as though Maeda's fashion sense grew worse every passing day. "Ah, Murata-san~ how is your morning?"

In one quick motion, Ayumi pulled out a stack of papers from her suitcase and pushed them into his chest. "Awful. These need to be on Takayama's desk in five minutes, signed and stamped. Do your job on time, and hopefully we will both have a better morning tomorrow."

Just a few more corners, and she'd be at the break room. Coffee first, then she'd find Hanazawa and show him what a true demon was. The man had dared ignore her calls the whole morning, and there was no excuse hefty enough for such behaviour. Well... perhaps death. If he was dead, she'd forgive him.


Ayumi whirled around, eyes narrowed into slits at the umpteenth interruption. As her gaze fell on a young, startled woman however, her expression softened somewhat. The intern. She had half the pay of her senpai, but twice the work morale. "Takayama. Good morning. I trust you've been unbothered today?"

She bowed, hugging a pile of papers to her chest. "Y-yes, he didn't approach me this morning. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him."

And you never will again, Ayumi knew. She'd made sure of it. "And the reimbursement I wanted?"

"Done. I sent the copy to Shimada-san just in case."

"Good." Ayumi turned on her heel and continued on her way. She'd had way too many conversations before her morning coffee. At the very least, she didn't need to worry about making some; someone always made sure a nice cup was waiting for her in the break room. Black, no sugar, just the way she wanted.


Conference Room


Ayumi should have known the day was going to be awful the second she'd poured stale coffee down her throat. But as she watched Hanazawa walk into the conference room daring to be alive, she was about ready to go for his throat. Worse, he was accompanied by an unknown man - when there shouldn't have been a soul within these walls Ayumi didn't know by name. And were those horns on Hanazawa's head? Had he started taking accessorizing advice from Maeda?

Then came the real news, and Ayumi crushed the coffee container in her hand with a splat. The Taishi Corporation had been... what?! Why hadn't she heard of this before? The Goe Group? What manner of group was that?! They were instructed to direct any further questions to Hanazawa and oh, Ayumi would. She would. But first, to ensure no one lost their life, she needed coffee. The proper kind.

Without a word, Ayumi stood up from her seat and started to make her way to the break room. The click of her heels filled the corridors once more, this time even louder.
Yuh, will hopefully get to it tomorrow!

Edit, 2 days later ooff: working on it now, sorry for the wait.


Surprising absolutely no one, Sawyer woke with a pounding headache and nausea that glued him to the toilet for an embarrassingly long while. This time, though, he didn't even pretend to swear off drinking. Just thinking about having to smile in front of a crowd as Hyacinth gave his pretentious speech made him want to drink himself comatose.

In the end, Sawyer decided to settle for the next best thing and made his way to the kitchen for a hair of the stoutland. Or two. Or, you know, dozen. However many it took to wake him up and make him stand the idea of the opening ceremony. Fucking waste of everyone's time that was. He wasn't even part of the major league, it made no sense he was required to attend.

Unfortunately, Mama was as privy to Sawyer's intentions as ever, and stood guard at the kitchen door with a water bottle in hand. She might not have been the most physically imposing Wigglytuff, being almost a head shorter than her kin, but no one went against her will.

"Tuff!" she declared, offering the bottle up to her trainer.

"Oh come on," Sawyer groaned, "I'm this close to falling the fuck back to sleep and an ocean's worth of water ain't changing that."

She didn't budge. Sawyer knew he'd need to find something else to wake up with.

"Fuck me," the redhead rubbed at his forehead. He could hear his loyal Indeede walk up next to him. He always did in the mornings, eager to get everyone everything they needed. "Stewart, I... might need some coffee." He gave the psychic type a sharp look."Don't tell Astrid or Holly I said that."

By the time Sawyer'd had his coffee and walked out of the shower a somewhat more functional of a human being, he was already late. Not terribly so, considering the minor league wasn't in season and only featured towards the end anyway, but late enough to give the old fucker at least one wrinkle more. That thought alone made Sawyer's day a little bit better.

... Or it would have, if half of his Pokémon hadn't waited for him right outside the washroom door, phone held up at his eyelevel. Even with the world still spinning and steam billowing out from behind him, it was impossible to miss the text on the screen. The ceremony was cancelled. Instead, he was called to an emergency meeting at Hyacinth Tower.

And he was late for that too.
Yep, just waiting on Shieldwing! ( And dealing with a super persistent flu ): )
@Eviledd1984 I don't think they'd really get along :')

Oh she's about to find some dirt alright, just not on Goe.
Just checking, but would Hanazawa be the middle manager Ayumi usually works with/for (as a secretary), or would it be someone else? I can work with either scenario, just affects her reactions and stuff! I imagine if it's the same one, the decision to sell the company would have been done without her knowledge and it'd be very out of character for him (cause she's usually always in the know about everything, ha) so that'd be something she takes note of. And of course, I assume no horns beforehand.

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