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still sick
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back! though sick... will be getting back to writing next week
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heads up, away from the 17th to the 27th!
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gone until next week (con weekend), posting will resume after



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I'm in
Tossed in a quick reply! Didn't want to actually type out the small talk though or we'd be stuck here forever talking about the weather.


It was Skobeloff that broke the silence next, wanting to know why she brought up unicorns out of the blue. Fellwing tried not to frown. She wasn't sure whether the Trickster knew the answer and just wanted to get her in trouble, or whether he was genuinely clueless. From what she knew, Skobe was a clever sort, so she could only assume the former. For a prank, this one was rather cruel.

Fellwing took her time to answer, wanting to make sure she sounded convincing enough when she finally said, as nonchalant as she could: "Nothing in particular. I get like this when I fly; the wind under my wings makes my mind wander."

It was at least half true. What she left unsaid was just that more often than not, her mind wandered to her visions.

With that, she did her best to change the subject and practice a skill she'd neglected for years: small talk. Hopefully, that would keep her clutchmate from asking any more sensitive questions in front of so many prying eyes.
I'm good to move ahead!
<Snipped quote by Vertigo>

I was unable to think of one.

Fair enough!

Skobeloff has rolled a 10 to study Fellwing. The first of my two questions is as follows: How could I get you to stop being so worried about everyone knowing you're a Seer?

What was the second question btw?
Oh god.

Well, I didn't expect complete political upheaval this early in the roleplay, but I guess that just makes me the fool.

Planning to toss in a sheet, just trying to decide between a Breaker who's a little too into explosives and a scrawny Loader in a big rig. Or like, a combination of the two.

Skobeloff has rolled a 10 to study Fellwing. The first of my two questions is as follows: How could I get you to stop being so worried about everyone knowing you're a Seer?

Oh boy, now that's a task. "By changing dragon society's perception of House Kebros, Seers, and the former two's relationship with Darkness, then convincing me you've done so even with my personality and past experiences making me wary of such idealistic claims."

A good first step is probably to just get her to trust her clutch more by not spilling the beans on her powers to others, or to show her positive examples of Seers being appreciated for their talents. The next step--- uh, revolution, I guess?
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