While the others were busy discussing politics and protocol, Silje found herself trying to picture the mist storm the princess mentioned. One powerful enough to misplace an airship, without causing wanton destruction in its wake. Something of that magnitude should have been the talk of the evening, yet she'd found no mention of it online. She'd checked every news feed and media platform, twice. Nothing. Not even the mist storm chasers had said a word about it. Or maybe that was because they were all dead from chasing mist storms? They were pretty weird.
Anyway, the unknown airship that shot at them seemed to have known about it all, if it knew to attack the Vangarian airship right after it emerged from the storm. That, or they had some pretty lucky timing. Something, everything, was off. Almost as off as the mist she'd been in contact with earlier. Was it connected to the storm? Was the storm artificially created? Or was the princess lying? Could princesses even lie?
Silje would've continued that train of thought to its — likely illogical — conclusion, but they had to start hauling the truck to a safe spot for the evening, and the diminutive battlemage knew it couldn't be done without her. So, she assumed her usual position atop the truck and spewed words of encouragement at the top of her lungs until they truck yeed its last haw, or whatever the truck equivalent was.
Then, she yielded her spot to Kalina and hopped down, having already forgotten all about wanting to greet the princess or figure out the storm. The princess was their prisoner-not-a-prisoner, so she'd still be there in the morning, anyway.
"Dibs on the top punk!" she called out, thrusting her hand so far up in the air her feet threatened to get off the ground. "And the last watch! After everything has already been watched."
With that, she made a dash for it, eager to claim her spot before anyone could beat her to it.