At the sound of the shotgun, the world shattered.
Well, not really, just her shadow 'rilla. But it might've just as well been the entire fucking world, because all Ciri could see after was red. This bitch did not just waste both her time and mana after she gave them an overly-generous out. They did not.
The gun turned on her next. Ciri's survival instinct flared, barely edging out her anger, and pushed her out of the way rather than towards the threat. Somewhere, anywhere with cover, because she had no time to create some herself.
The next she knew, she was atop the goddamn nerd from earlier, in what was a direct re-enactment of a scene from some second rate romcom anime. God, the guy probably felt like a main character right about now. Ew. Ciri raised a hand, about to strike the dude for existing, when she heard back from It.
The sudden presence of her partner, be it in mind only, brought Ciri some respite — but the message It conveyed did not. The damn dragon was still on the run, and would probably get away if she didn't give chase, stat. But what was the point, if they'd need to potentially deal with this psychotic-ass Viper bitch the whole way? Without knowing their intentions, they were too loose a cannon to just ignore. She had to — wanted to — do something about them first. Kill, preferably. Maim, if possible. Incapacitate, if nothing else.
"You," she hissed at the nerd, her tone venomous; as if he was the one responsible for everything going to shit. She sat up atop him, and instead of slapping him, jabbed a finger at his face. He was already here, might as well use him. Someone like him wasn't exactly going to refuse, anyway. "Start screaming. You're going to be a distraction. And make it loud, I know you're a goddamn squealer."
With that, she stood up and dashed towards the wall separating the room from the hallway. With a cast melody and a sharp inhale, she slipped through the wall to the other side — some good distance behind Viper, she hoped. She was invisible for two seconds; that was enough. If she saw Viper, her goal was clear. It was their time to go boom.