Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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"I think..." Onyx started her response, but stopped when she realized what she was about to say. I can't be like that right now, or possibly ever again. If I am to be a prophetess, I must begin to choose my words more carefully and remember to think about all sides of the situation. Onyx thought for a bit and came up with something that still included her opinion, but without the anger that was in her first response.

"My father is our leader, but he has been disputed since he took on the role. Many believe some things about him and the death of our last leader that would automatically make them wary of any large decision he made. Going off of our history with other races, and the fact that we've never even gotten along with other tribes of our own race very well aside from shared historical roots and trade, I believe that it's obvious that most would not be very open to the idea. Adding the fact that some don't trust my father much, I would expect violence."

Onyx looked at Tarentek and decided to add her first thoughts to what she just said. "I think that there could be a rebellion if my father does not watch his words and explanations carefully, and at the moment I don't know where I would stand in that situation. I may gather up those who do not want to get caught up in the fighting and leave with them to find our brother tribe to the west, if I am not captured and held prisoner by the rebels."
It seems that when Isa started to look for magic within the statue, her focus narrowed so much that she didn't notice anything that happened until she took her hand from the base of the statue. She hadn't been able to find more than just a thread of magic, so she was slightly disappointed as she broke her search just in time to hear Diana's lecture on how useless something was. Isa looked around the room, trying to figure out what all had changed while she was... entranced? Isa looked back to the statue in surprise. Had I been entranced when I touched it? That could explain the fact that I had only been able to find a thread of magic, I wasn't focused anymore when I was pulled into the trance... That means there is definitely some magic here, but I'm not going to try to find what it is again. At least, not yet.

While Isa was thinking, she had semi-listened to Diana's tirade, and when she looked over at the girl she was surprised to see her holding a Fey in one hand and a scroll in the other. The useless thing must be that scroll... But where did the fairy come from? Isa thought as she watched the girl put the scroll into a bag of hers and drop the fairy. As she got over her shock at seeing the girl be so careless to the creature, she noticed that there was now a Kobold standing by the base of the statue also.

Isa stepped away from the statue as she spoke to the Kobold. "I wouldn't touch the statue. It just... I think I went into some kind of trance when I touched it."
"I have, but it was never under peaceful circumstances... I've done a lot of scouting missions through almost abandoned settlements before too, but if I ever met another race I was under orders to kill them, so I never got to talk to them much." Onyx looked down at her feet as she walked, thinking how what she had just said might sound to Tarentek.
"Well, it would make sense to me if I were one of them. My father told me to care for you while you healed, so he might try to keep you with me." Onyx looked around at the Elissics around them as she led the way to Her father's den. Most of them looked warily at Tarentek still, though their looks softened when they saw her with him. "Honestly, if for no other reason, I'd probably be there because I get along better with you than I doubt any other person in the tribe could right now."
Onyx looked up at the sky, judging how much time was left in the day. "Well, we could go to see my father. I need to tell him about last night, and I'm sure you two could find something to talk about. There's not too much time left until sunset."
Hello? Anyone there?
"You don't have to be shy, I won't bite!" Lexi said to the girl who hadn't said anything yet, then turning to the boy she spoke in a bubbly but stern tone. "I'm not sure you'd be able to take the refrigerators. They might be bolted to the ground in the kitchen, and this is a school, so they're also probably industrial sized. Either way it's not a good idea to try, the headmaster might get angry at you if you were to succeed."

"Though it seems we have a majority vote for the cafeteria, so let's go there first. We can work out where to go next on the way." Lexi said as she turned to leave the gym, then asking the girl with the map, "Umm, do you know what direction we should go?"
Onyx sat up and stretched her wings, relaxing and soothing the pain from landing on them. "Yea, I didn't think that you would be able to keep your grip like that for so long. As for my claws, I wasn't aiming to hurt you, just surprise you into letting go." She closed her wings and stood up, offering a hand to Tarentek to help him up. "I messed up at the end though. I would have never had to think about a decision like that in a real fight."
Onyx had almost acted in time. As she was about to take off though, Tarentek pounced on her, getting hold of her other arm and pinning her to the ground with his knee. She felt a quick shot of pain through her back as she landed on her half-opened wings. She closed her eyes for a second and couldn't think of any way she could get unpinned that wouldn't possibly hurt her or Tarentek too much. She tried shifting her weight, but Tarentek's hold kept her still and the effort sent another quick pain through her wings and causing her to wince. "Ow, ok you win. Get off please."
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