Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Agh, sorry i'm taking forever on this, I'll try and get my post up tomorrow. How is everyone else doing?
Onyx tried not to get too lost in her thoughts as she was at the market, and she managed to do exactly that. She returned to her den after not too long, with a basket of food to show for her trip. As she put away everything she had gotten, she looked over what Tarentek had done while she was gone, not surprised by the strange use of ingredients. "Well, I got more food at the market so we don't have to have two strange meals in a row, but at least this looks edible." Onyx smiled as she spoke and sat at the table.
@Kirah um, Diana dosen't have a dorm...
Can she live in the forest? xD
@SwarthyBard126 yea, go ahead. Luna's a bit busy to respond right now.
PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:
Erica Lankford




January 17th


Hair Color:
Dark Brown, normally

Eye Color:
Blue normally

Caucasian/White normally

5'9" normally

128 lbs (I can't really change this.)

Powers & Abilities

Power Name:

Power Description:
I can change my entire physical appearance at will, even my clothes. Also, I heal pretty quickly too.

I've used it a lot to get out of unwanted situations before and for some more, recreational, stuff too. Once, I changed into a cop and got some bullies busted for picking on some poor kid.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Well, I can't change how much I weigh, and an X-ray of me while I look like a guy shows that on the inside I am still female. If I am a 'guy' I am not actually a guy. I have none of that, ability, it just looks like one. Also, the appearance of warm clothes does not actually make me warm. I can look like i'm ready for an arctic expedition, but really I shouldn't even be outside in the wind.

About You

Mother- Anastasia Lankford
Father- Draco (Dragon) Lankford

Personal Statement:
I like to read and sing, and I've been told that I'm a good poet, although I like writing short stories better. I consider myself to be quiet, but I've been told i'm really not at all. I like to observe what's going on around me more than I'd like to be a part of it, which I guess brings me to my worries. I like to blend in, and my power helps with that, but somehow you found me, and I'm not sure how or when or even if I can trust you not to kill me the second I go to this, 'PITY' place. I'm all for a good, free education, but I don't want to walk into a trap.

My family is a part of HAM. You know, Humans Against Mutants? When I found out I was, well, a mutant, I started thinking a lot about my life so far. I never really agreed with my parent's views, and I knew that they'd turn me over in a heartbeat if they found out, so I ran away. One of the most concerning things to me right now about trusting this letter, and by extension this Institute, is how the hell did you find me? This letter and application just, appeared in my bag one day, and I have no idea how. I just got to the nearest town, but when I got this I was literally in the middle of nowhere. It took me a week to get here since then, so I guess you can figure out the rest on your own.

I'm turning in this application, because 1) If it is real, I could totally use the break; and 2) I need these questions answered. What exactly is this Institute, and will I finally get to stop running?

Hey, got room for one more?

I've sent you a PM

Her normal eye color is bright blue, like the sea. Her hair color is also normally a bit darker, like chocolate. This pic is more like her if she's gone a week without feeding.

Name: Maple (DiamondHeart) Goldstein

Age: 19

Reputation: She's normally a quiet girl, but not really shy. She keeps herself from getting too close to anyone because of her past mistakes, and she doesn't trust anyone really because of how others have treated her in the past too. She has a tendency to be rude or violent when she feels even slightly threatened, often starting fights and causing herself to make a few enemies.

History: Both her parents were vamps, and they were both killed in a raid on her family's mansion when she was only 7 years old. She only got away because the people who attacked her parents didn't even know that she existed, as she had never been allowed off the grounds of the mansion. After her parent's death, she came back to the mansion and continued to live there until she turned 19 years old, feeding on the few people who came to check out "the vamp's old haunted mansion".

She never went feral, but she did come close a few times, and she had to leave the mansion a few times to hunt so she wouldn't. One night, she had gone almost 10 days without feeding, so she went into the city and attacked a few people. While she was always careful to not be seen, she messed up somehow that time, and a large mob soon had her surrounded. She was gonna attack them all, she didn't care about them, but she didn't have to.

A man wearing a white suit parted the crowd, and basically saved her. After the mob left, he told her about Scarlet Briar Academy. Tired of being alone all the time, and her constant worry over her survival, she accepted the man's offer and decided to attend the academy.

Secrets: She has a tendency to be rude or violent not only when she feels threatened, but is even more so towards those she likes. She doesn't want to get too close to anyone because she is afraid that they'll either hurt her, or that she'll end up hurting them.

Misc.: She focuses on mental magic. Also, she is Canadian, although it's not obvious other than she doesn't understand some American laws and celebrities and so on.

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