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The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
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I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
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I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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~|Shiri and Zanna in the temple|~
~|Day 1, 11:52 GST|~

Zanna walked through the ruined hall, ready to react to any more surprises that might crop up from the various door ways and other branched off hallways. Everywhere she went she saw only ruin and death, and in the distance more fighting could be heard. Her lips curled in disgust as she walked on, looking for some sign of Jedi life. Her disgust wasn't at all the death, it was at all the waste. They could have easily surrendered and then she would have had plenty of test subjects for her experiments. As it was, however, she would just have to do with whomever they captured in the following hours. Maybe I'll get lucky and they won't all be mentally destroyed or otherwise made incapable of doing a proper test on. That would be disappointing

She felt the Jedi through the Force before she saw her, the young Twi'lek girl walking in front of Zanna from another hallway. Slowly, Zanna reached for her dual bladed lightsaber.

Shiri had heard the explosions and began walking around the halls, trying to figure out what was going on. There were sith pretty much everywhere, and the dead bodies of both jedi, sith, and even those who were non-force sensitive. Shiri was being cautious, she haden't been detected by a sith yet, and didn't plan to be. Suddenly she felt a presence not too far away and ducked around the corner of the next hallway to avoid it, misjudging where the presence actually was and ending up facing a sith who was already reaching for their lightsaber. Shit... might as well use this to my advantage. I can fight off one sith, can't I?

She pulled out her own saber before the sith could activate theirs. Maybe if she played this right neither of them would have to use the weapons in their hands. "Hey, sith! Mind telling me what's going on?" Shiri yelled across the short gap between them, focusing on keeping herself calm and her fear and confusion out of her voice.

Zanna was briefly surprised when the Jedi didn't immediately attack, even as she activated her own lightsaber. When one was faced with an enemy, attacking first was the best, right? Then she sensed the Twi'leks fear. A padawan. Well. This just got a whole lot easier. She smiled at the Twi'lek as she yelled. Zanna wasn't worried about the upcoming fight any more. After all, not only was the Jedi an impure alien, but she was an untrained padawan at that. Her smile grew more predatory, and reached out and applied her mind against the Twi'lek's. "The Temple has fallen. Your fellow Jedi are dead. You will deactivate your lightsaber and kneel on the ground."

Shiri saw the sith's expression change and felt a stab of fear. No, stay calm Then the sith spoke. They're, dead? No, that's- "Not possible." Her thoughts spilled over into her speach as she grew more and more confused. "Not possible." She repeated as she tried to get her thoughts in order. I should... stand down... Shiri deactivated her lightsaber and dropped it before starting to kneel to the ground, just then realizing the trick. As quickly as she had dropped it, she reached down to grab her saber again.

Zanna smirked, only to realize Shiri had broken free, and was arming herself again. With a scowl and a quick gesture she force pulled the Twi'lek's lightsaber into her open hand. "I don't think so." She spoke with a disgusting sweetness. As the Twi'lek began to turn and run, Zanna gave up on subtlety simply trying to beat down Shiri's mental defenses with her own power. "You. Will. Kneel." Zanna felt her anger at the Twi'lek's resistance rising and she controlled it. No. She wouldn't be like so many other Sith she had seen, being swept up and taken away by their emotions. Being turned into little better than animals. Use your emotions. Don't let them use you. Her master's words echoed in her mind as she assaulted Shiri's mind again.

Shiri watched as the sith pulled her saber out of her reach, and started running a second later. She's going to use another trick, or worse. I have to hope I'm faster than her. Shiri thought to herself as she whipped back around the corner and down the hallway she had come from. Not fast enought though, as the next assault did indeed bring her to her knees. She tripped and slid a little before coming to a stop near the next corner, struggling to regain her mind and stand, to keep running.

Zanna quickly caught up with the Twi'lek, keeping her under control with her mind as the padawan fought. The padawan had almost gotten away, and the Red Sith wasn't going to give her another chance to escape. Not if she wanted to stay in Darth Nyiss's relative good graces. Without further adieu, Zanna placed her hands on Shiri's head and applied Force lightning.

Shiri tried to calm herself down, to think and regain control of herself, but as she heard the sith's steps growing closer that became more and more imposible. Suddenly he felt a pair of hands on her head, and then extreme pain until she passed out a few seconds later.
Heyy, Where are all the people?
Erica will lead the march
Hello! Just checking in... I'm almost through my finals and will probably have a post up by tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to when we all get together!
@Vampy Thanks! I'm feeling good about the ones I took today, now I just have to do good tomorrow too!
I have no idea where Shiri is during this... Probably just wandering around. Someone wanna capture her?

also, finals tomorrow and thursday, I might not be on for very long in between.
Lexi and Loki Sato

The twins jumped off of the stage when the, headmaster apparently, suddenly appeared.

No outside contact, at ALL? And what does he mean by 'the hope of this world'? Lexi walked up to the bear, getting as close as she could without actually being on the stage. "So, we're cut off from the world, completely cut off, and you're not going to let us leave until we die? Am I getting this right Mr. Bear?" She waited until the bear started to answer her, and then yelled at him, hoping to surprise him and maybe get him to slip up and say something that he shouldn't. "You CAN'T do that!"

Loki watched quietly at first as his sister spoke to the, Monokuma, as it had called itself, until she yelled at it. After a moment he remembered what their mother had said before she had dropped them off. I want you to call me every other night, right before bedtime. Love you! speaking without thinking, he went up to stand next to his sister. "She's right! What about if our parents try to contact us? Eventually there are gonna be police breaking down that door to arrest you for kidnapping.
I have my finals tomorrow and Thursday, so I might not be on again until after school's out on Thursday. I'll make a quick post before bed though.
Onyx smiled when Tarentek spoke. "Well, it may not look like it right now, but it will eventually be something like a cloak. This part," She motioned to a bolt that she had weaved to have a curved edge, "will become a hood once I stitch it together with the part I am working on now." She paused when she came to the end of the line she was working on to tie the string off and cut it with the knife so there was no string hanging off the edge. "Have you never had to make your own clothing?"
Onyx waited a while after Tarentek trailed off, wondering what he was thinking about. After a few more seconds she shrugged her shoulders and went to a box across the room, pulling out a few bolts of tightly-knitted yarn and a lot of loose yarn as well. She sat on a chair in the living room and started weaving yarn through the edges of the bolts, effectively binding them together. She used no tools, other than a knife to cut the yarn with, weaving the yarn into the stitch with only her fingers.
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