Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

~ ♥ Nina Sari ~

Nina was honestly surprised that there could be a city underground, and under a lake, where people could actually live. How did they have enough air? Unless monsters didn't need to breathe... Nina hadn't seen a lot of monsters since she'd gotten lost down here, maybe 10 or 11 different types at most, and she'd fought about 4 of those types. Usually the small bird-like ones were the ones that would see her, they were always glancing about nervously, and it had made her worry that there was something worse around that she'd need to watch out for.

Something worse than monsters that could literally conjure attacks out of thin air? Definitely something to worry about. She smiled as Ash answered her second question, but then she stopped cold as another monster appeared suddenly and... hugged Ash? Although it almost looked like she was trying to suffocate him from where Nina stood.

As confused as Nina already was, the newcomer then said something to Ash about him showing off his body. After a closer glance Nina realized that, yep, the bird-woman was wearing clothes. Like, a full outfit of clothes. All of the monsters Nina had seen so far, including Ash, had either not been wearing anything or had been wearing one or two odd articles of clothing, like Ash's cape or the jacket she now wore. So... Ash was naked except for the cape? She would probably ask him about this later, maybe. Most likely not.

Nina's train of thought was broken by Ash suddenly stepping protectively between her and the bird-lady. As he was warning off the bird-lady, She noticed the grip he had on his weapon change, and without thinking stepped forward to stop him. "No! Don't, don't fight. I-" She cut herself off and stepped around him so that she was standing next to him, her tone sincere. She wasn't acting now.

"It's true. Ash found and attacked me, and after a while we ended up just talking. We made a deal with each other, he said that if I came with him he'd protect me, and I'll help him catch the person he told me about, the one going around and hurting people." None of it was a lie, she just left out the part about her apparently being the person they were talking about. She looked from Ash to the bird-lady as she finished her little speech. "So, don't fight ok? Please?"

Not really waiting to see how the two had responded, she continued, introducing herself to bird-lady so maybe she might do the same and Nina wouldn't have to keep calling her bird-lady in her head. "My name's Nina. It's nice to meet you."

~ Isa Nikolai ~

Isa nodded her approval at the list Dorkle had made. "Well, I know about as much about humans as you do, so I'm useless for fact-checking, and it looks like you've got the whole 'keep people calm' thing down pretty well." She looked over the list again before continuing. "I agree with System, that might be a bit much to put on a single flyer. The last two things should be the body of the poster, but the very first two should probably be given as well. Maybe you could use the first two as a heading/subheading and have the last two as the rest of the poster?"

She shrugged before noticing the clock in the room and realizing how much time had gone by, how much time the human could be using to hurt more people, or get away. "I'll leave you to it. I should get back out on patrol." She was almost out the door before she stopped and turned back suddenly. "Thank you, by the way. I really appreciate your guy's help." And then she left, almost running down the street back towards the lake, not wanting to get there to find she'd been too late, again.
Should we edit those into our old posts, or just make sure they're in our new ones?
Granted. The downside? My next wish.

I wish every day was opposite day.
Granted. Your computer explodes before you can post it anywhere.

I wish my school would explode so I dont have to be here right now.
and so I've posted. @Ellion good luck with the fight! (this guy's a pushover)
Nadia Parnel

As she stood there, most of her focus being spent on not crying anymore, she was nearly knocked over by a Drakken who had bumped into her. When she turned to look at him and apologize for getting in his way, she was surprised to see he had a cloth covering his eyes. Well, that's why he ran into me, he's blindfolded himself! She almost smiled at the thought, how silly the Drakken seemed, but then he spoke to her as if he could see her just fine. W-was she really so obviously scared?

She thought about what he'd said as she watched him walk away. Perhaps... she could sing fairly well, and dancing around might make her less able to feel her sadness for a short time. Though, before she could even think what she could sing, another Drakken walked up to her. He was at least a full foot taller than her, with long white hair and a strange pattern of tatoos framing his face and trailing down his neck. He took her hand and started leading her towards two other Drakken, who complimented him on his choice of herself.

She couldn't help but notice the way the one who'd complemented his brother was looking at her. She looked away and moved her hand slightly so that she was no longer being held in the Drakken's grip, but rather holding hands with him. A small sign of her acceptance and, hopefully, showing that she had a will of her own. She could have pulled away, she could have screamed or cried, but no. Here she was, and she supposed here she would stay. Though she was still uncomfortable with the way the guy was looking at her.

Nadia didn't notice her until a moment before she spoke. Another Gem, a few inches taller than herself with tanned skin and with a look of, adventure in her eyes? She was kind as she introduced herself as Saisri, and her voice reminded Nadia of the stream that ran through the forest near her home. Her old home that was. It seemed to be easier to brush off these sad thoughts as they came, although more and more were popping up as the day went on. She smiled, although she couldn't force herself to look happy, she hoped her gratitude would show through to the other Gem.

"Thank you Saisri, I am Nadia Parnel. You are a daughter of Naia, right?" She paused to try and make herself sound less timid when she spoke next, succeeding slightly. "There were not many water Gems near where I used to live, but I hope that does not matter when I say you are probably the most beautiful one I've met. You look like you've been on an adventure your whole life." She meant it too. Looking at Saisri's hand holding her own, her tanned skin made her's seem even paler than normal.

Her tone took on a joking lilt. Talking was helping her calm down, if only a little. "Honestly I'm a little envious of you. It may seem strange, as a daughter of Pyrus, but I burn in the sunlight. I'd love not to look as pale as snow for once." Her smile was genuine now, she'd calmed down enough. This wasn't as bad as she'd thought it would be.

That was, until another hand suddenly took hers from Saisri and started pulling her away, met with resistance from her own feeble attempt to pull away and from the grip her new husband still had on her other hand. She looked up at the newcomer, easily a foot and a half taller than her with broad shoulders and a cruel smirk on his face as he spoke. "Oh come on. I find it hard to believe a pretty-boy like you managed to land two brides, let alone one." He put his other arm around her, completely pulling her from her husband's grasp.

"So how about I take this one off your hands? Gems like this belong with those who know how to treat them roughly. You're welcome, pretty-boy." The Drakken started walking away, practically carrying her as she struggled against his grip, to no avail.
o-o there is a new rival in the competition for cutest drakken/bride couple!

Is it Onyx Briyll and Kaivor Ingvrius, the gentle bookworms?
Or Aymiria Cassiel and Zakroti Unalim, the napoleonic midgets?



Idk. they should have a contest. Like... who can make all the other Drakken barf first with their cuteness?
Granted, you can now learn every secret a person has, but when you use this power you reveal every secret you have to them as well.

I wish for perfect invulnerability so that nothing I wish for after this can backfire and hurt or kill me
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

I'm over 18 and I love hot chocolate...and coloring....it isn't /my/ fault peter pan never came....can I join you in the corner?

absolutely ^.^
*serves hot chocolate*
welp, I'm in the under 18 club so.... yep. but I already said I wouldn't be moving stuff to PMs and that still stands.

I have cookies and hot-chocolate for all who wish to join me in the kiddie-corner!
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