Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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And with that I'm ready and waiting for a timeskip. Goodnight!
Onyx Briyll
Bride of Lady Siadamkiru Beneni@RomanAria

"H-help..." Onyx’s cry cut out as the Drakken's grip tightened again. She could feel herself losing consciousness.She closed her eyes, giving in to whatever Fate would bring. Sounds around her blurred together until they faded out, and then she was on the floor.

Air filled her lungs again as the world started coming back. For whatever reason the Drakken had dropped her, and she wasn't about to waste this chance. She tried to move away from the Drakken, only managing to scoot herself up against the leg of a table. She concentrated on her breathing, and her groggy mind raced to try and understand what was going on. People were fighting, and the Drakken who'd had her by the neck only a moment before was lying motionless on the ground not far from her. Everything except her seemed to be moving in super speed. After a moment, she was able to pick out words being said nearby, though not connecting them to any meaning.

That was, until she heard her late husband's name said.

She looked back to where his body lay, and found that she didn't want to leave him. She started to try and crawl back to his side, but her efforts were stopped before she could even move by someone picking her up off the ground. Even though she was still struggling to breathe, she tried to protest the sudden capture. "n.. no... I.. wan..to...stay... Kai..." Even the few syllables she could get out were a battle in themselves, and after a second she gave in to her rescuer’s hold as they explained what was going on.

"My name is Siadamkiru Beneni. I don’t mean to hurt you, child, so stay calm and breathe and gather your strength. That would have killed almost any other Gemminite. Kaivor Igvrius will be laid to rest by his family, and Vilyn Hilevus will be dealt justice – do not worry about them.”

From a glance Onyx could tell that her rescuer was a Drakken lady, and as odd as that may have been, she wasn't exactly able to comment on her situation anyway. Her head was still swimming, and so she merely tried to hold on to Lady Sia as best she could as she carried her. "Thank... you..." She whispered, hoping the immense gratitude and sincerity she felt could be heard in the two simple words. She lost consciousness shortly after speaking, falling into a dreamless sleep.

@booksmusicanime I know you must be getting sick of me pestering you by now, but *poke*
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>


I read that the first time as her finding El'Kan, my bad.

Lol, it's ok.


Jeez man, completely ignoring a fine lady like E'nasha? No wonder why everyone doesn't like Baulder. What do we gotta do, throw our naked bodies against your will?


I had a snarky comment to put here, but decided against it. It would probably have only encouraged you anyway.
Currently Baulder needs a thing to do, like say taking Lyn for an adventure?

Can E'nasha tag along? I mean, she is talking to him right now in underhaven.

Since she didn't know where El'kan was anymore, Eńasha sighed and walked over to the booth where Baulder was, a shy smile on her face. "Hey there stranger, long time no see. Mind if I sit with you?"
~ ♥ Nina Sari ~

Nina started walking alongside Ash again after he took his weapon back from her. She could tell he didn't really want to talk any more after he answered her question, so she stayed silent and decided to check her stats quick before they left the forest.


LV 3
HP 6/28
36 EXP - 34 to next LV

11 G
14(0) AT
10(4) DF

Her health was dangerously low, but that was the only bad thing she could notice. However, as she was checking her stats, something soft hit her in the back of the head and she saw her health drop another point before the world blinked into black and white once again.

*Fluffy Pillow comes flying in!*

She spun around to face the new enemy as Ash started explaining what it was. She, didn't really care who or what this monster was, but it had just attacked her so it probably deserved to die.

But wasn't killing bad now or something?

”Wait, what do you mean by animal? Isn't fluffy pillow a monster just like you?” She watched as Ash tossed the saw blade at the pillow, wondering what she should do. If he was fighting, it should be okay for her to fight as well, right? She took a breath before setting a trap, so long as she dodged whatever was thrown at her next she could use the enemy's attacks against it. ”And, um, while we're on the topic, I'm pretty sure humans can't use magic like any monster could. I didn't even believe in magic before getting stranded here.”

Since she couldn't attack this turn, she settled for checking the fluffy pillow’s stats. Hopefully this would be a quick battle.


~ ♥ Elijah Sylvester Collins ~

As Eli started walking with Xaria away from the dust of the first blob-monster, a chorus of “hoi”s rang out from all around the two. After a moment, a white blob the size of Eli’s fist landed on his shoulder, a little face on its side spewing out rapid-fire “hoi”s like a broken record. A rather large blob fell in front of Xaria, and soon, they were surrounded by more than a dozen blobs of varying size and vibration intensity.

Eli stood back-to-back with Xaria as they watched the crowd around them, wondering what was going to happen next. He was worried that Xaria might lunge forward and stab another of the creatures, but after a few moments the sound of the creature’s “hoi”s died down so only running water could be heard around them, the creature’s bodies disappearing as well.

"Well, that was wierd." Eli looked at Xaria to check that she was alright, and then started walking again. "I think, the sooner we get out of this cave, the better. Let's keep going."
Ok. I'll post Onyx falling asleep and wait dutifully for the timeskip.
Is there a post rule? Like, I can't post again until at least two people have posted after my last post
@Major Ursa I'll take Eli then. Have him react to what's going on and npc/puppet Xaria unless someone wants her.

I should have a post up for Nina and Eli within a few hours then.
hey, who's playing orange and Green souls? @Draconequis?

Draconequis hasn't been on in a couple months, shouldn't we do something about their characters?
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