Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

granted. Anime dies out, and is now called Awesomeness. Everyone wants to watch Awesomeness all the time now because it is so awesome.

I wish, for a harpoon gun!
Guardian of the Light, it is very nice to meet you. I am the Fire Keeper, though my title used to be The Guardian of Flame.
I changed it at a suggestion from a friend.

Also, umm...
What happened last night?
Granted. Humidity now makes you
unhappy, sad, sorrowful, dejected, depressed, downcast, downhearted, down, despondent, disconsolate, wretched, glum, gloomy, dismal, melancholy, woebegone, doleful, forlorn, heartbroken, dreary, dismal, gloomy, drab, wretched, depressing, grim, cheerless, bleak, desolate, grumpy, sullen, gloomy, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, ill-natured, dour, surly, sour, glum, moody, unsociable, saturnine, lugubrious, irritable, churlish, cantankerous, crotchety, cross, crabby, cranky, grouchy, testy, peevish, crusty, waspish, ...Etc.
instead of miserable.

I wish that I wasn't so addicted to Chocolate.
Banned for having only 3000 something posts in two years on the site!

(I have less posts, but I wasn't actually using the site the first year I had my account for. I was still more into writing fanfictions than RPing at that time. What's your excuse!?)
I am so sorry for holding this up for so long, especially after I pestered you guys so much. I've posted now.


Toriel was up before dawn again today. She loved watching the sunrise, having missed it so much living in the underground. Of course, sunrise had been a couple hours ago now. Now she was in the kitchen, finishing up making breakfast for herself and Frisk. She absentmindedly wiped the sugar off of her hands and onto her apron as she climbed the steps leading upstairs. Frisk was usually up before now, although today wasn't a school day so Toriel had let her child rest a little while longer.

She knocked lightly on the door before coming in. She smiled brightly to see that her child was already awake. "Good morning, my child. Breakfast is ready. Get dressed quickly so it is not cold by the time you get there." She almost turned to leave, but instead came forward and enveloped the child in a hug. Placing a light kiss on their forehead, she pulled away, and then left to go back downstairs. She'd wait for them to come down before figuring out what they should do for the day.



The morning sun shone brightly in the sky as a certain Demon-Child wandered out of the underground. "Well, after this long I guess It’s up to me to force a reset." Chara’s blood red eyes stared in wonder at the view from the cliffs of Mt. Ebott. Wonder at how humanity hadn’t already destroyed itself without the Demon-Child’s help.

They had the inklings of a plan already, but they didn’t really know what the situation was. If there was some more, interesting way to force a reset, or a way to still achieve their goal without a reset happening, then that would take priority. For now however…

"Time to find Frisk."


Sans had been awake for a while, of course, he pretended to still be asleep when his brother barged into the room to wake him up for the day. He half-sincerely told Paps that he still needed like, five minutes, but that plan was shot down when the taller skeleton pulled the blankets off of him and literally dragged him out of the bed, shouting about how today was a very important day or something.

"Paps, you say every day is an important day." Sans escaped from his brother’s grip as he was dragged to the top of the staircase. He didn’t want to be dragged down the stairs, and he knew Papyrus would do it too. He had in the Underground, why would that change?

”WELL, EVERY DAY IS AN IMPORTANT DAY, BUT TODAY IS A VERY IMPORTANT DAY!” With that his brother left him, running down the stairs two at a time. ”OH, AND IT IS YOUR TURN TO MAKE BREAKFAST TODAY SANS!” Well, that wasn’t very informative. Had Sans forgotten something? Why was today special?

He spent a minute lying on the floor at the top of the stairs before teleporting into the kitchen and starting to make breakfast. He’d have to figure this out later.


Following a feeling, Gaster left his room hidden in Waterfall for the first time in ages. He wandered through the nearly-abandoned Underground, though the Hotlands and even to the Castle. No one. Had the human…?

A shadow caught his attention. He followed the movement to the door to the barrier, and watched as the now-recognisable spirit passed through.

Oh, it’s only Chara. The void-monster waited a moment to confront the child-spirit when they came back through the doorway, but they didn’t come back. "What are you doing, Chara?" He called as he followed the child through the door, only to be blinded by a bright light.


All thought of Chara lost for the moment, Gaster stood on the cliffside and looked out over the sun-kissed land of the surface. It was, beautiful. Pure beauty. He was entranced. He should look for everyone, to see how they were mostly, but he also wanted to speak to them, to make sure this wasn’t a mere dream. He set off down the mountain, heading towards the city.

It didn’t take long to get there, or to find a monster. He was in the middle of a street when the robot TV personality his successor had made ran across in front of him, chasing after a human child. Who better to talk to for “Gossip”? He followed Mettaton after the child, and then once they were all out of the street, made a grab for the robot’s attention.

”Excuse me, Mettaton? Could you, fill me in on some things please?”

Granted. However, you will always look like your eyes are 3 times too small for your face

I wish for the ability to spawn an ininite amoint of cats in any place.
Granted, your wish is corrupted to the point that it was better off not wishing at all.

I wish to live in an imaginary world, just so I don't have to deal with this one anymore.
Yep, definitely a stalker.
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