Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul
Still Before Departure
After watching the people out the window for a little bit, Lucia turned her attention to the people inside the bus. It was a strange hodgepodge of kids of all ages, and demeanors. A few of the older kids looked just plain mean as they watched the younger ones near them, and Lucia couldn't blame them for being a little sour about having to share their bus, but unless the kid did something to you don't ya think you could be a little nicer? On the flip side, glancing around at those who were her age or younger Lucia could tell they were all just as nervous as she was to be around the older kids. Some of them just hid it in the wrong way and ended up poking the resting lions with pointy sticks, as it were.

One kid in particular caught her eye as she looked around at the growing chaos that was the bus. Probably the youngest kid on the bus was standing somewhat awkwardly in the aisle, looking like she had no idea what to do. After a second Lucia guessed that she was probably looking for a place to sit, and seeing as no one had taken the spot next to her yet, She stood up and beckoned the girl over. "Hey! There's a space right here, if you want. Do you wanna sit by the window or the aisle?" She smiled as she finished asking the question, hoping not to scare the girl. "My name's Lucia, by the way. What's yours?"
@Thread Generator SIN

So, I know this is a bit sudden, but I have to drop out of this.

I'm sorry, really, but I've got real life things that'll keep me from being active here; And I don't want to drag the roleplay at all due to my inactivity. Good luck to everyone here, however.

I understand, RL always comes before RP. I hope everything works out and you can come back at some point!
so, how does IC posting work? do we have an order we're going in or just a certain number of other people need to post before you can post again?
@Thread Generator SIN I'd rather stick with kindness, I've already got things planned out for once we start to interact with the friendly (maybe not so much anymore) monsters of the underground.
Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul

Before Departure
Mr. Johnson's voice carried easily over the cacophony of noise that was his 5th grade class as he took roll. Lucia had always thought it was weird that he addressed them all by last name, but when calling on them in class he'd use nicknames like "Sparky", "Prince Reggie", "Hannah-bannana", and for herself the ever hated term "Lucybell".

"Miss Bellemont?"
Lucia rose her hand and shouted "Present!" as the teacher called her name, waiting until his eyes found her in the crowd before dropping her arm. Her best friend, Reginald aka "Prince Reggie", elbowed her in the side and pointed over to one of the busses not too far away. It looked like another 4th or 5th grader had gotten on top of the bus somehow, and was now shouting that she was their leader now. Lucia laughed and mock bowed towards the girl with Reggie as a teacher dragged the girl down from her newfound pedestal. She felt kinda bad that the girl was probably in trouble now, but that had been awesome. Her smile stayed on her face until when she went to get on the bus, Mr. Johnson pulled her aside.

"Lucybell, could I ask a favor of you?" She nodded quickly, hiding the dislike she had for the nickname with a cautious smile as her teacher continued. She was always willing to help, or try to at least. "It seems that our class has just one too many kids to fit on the bus. Would you mind riding with the middle-schoolers? I'm sure you'll get along with them just fine." She glanced over at the other group as they filed onto their bus, suddenly unsure. Older kids were scary, even if they didn't do anything to her. She looked back to Mr. Johnson after a moment, and then decided.

"Ok, but I don't wanna go over there alone." The teacher nodded happily at her answer, and agreed to walk her over and introduce her to the middle school teacher. Once that was done, he went back to his bus where the rest of the class was already onboard and ready to go. Reginald was waving at her from one of the windows. She sighed and smiled at Mr. Connors as she climbed onto the middle-school bus, and sat in the first empty seat she could find, looking out the window as the lot cleared of people while everyone finished getting on their busses.
@Thread Generator SIN

Played a neutral run, played a pacifist run, and was halfway through the genocide run and killing Undyne before I keeled over from guilt.

Had a giant folder of fanart saved before I accidentally deleted it all in a freak accident.

That's just as far as I got trying Genocide! Though I quit because I got sick of Undyne kicking my butt over and over instead of out of guilt. If I was gonna guilt out of it I would've never made it past Papy..
Quick question to everyone. Whats your experience with undertale or do you even have any? (Just if you've played it, seen it, heard of it, or if this is your first encounter with that strange 'undertale' word I keep saying.)

Watched a let's play of it after my friend wouldn't shut up about it, and then got the game for myself. I'm pretty deep into the fandom now and I regret nothing.
>Cue mental screaming
I'm ok with my character dying even if I don't have a second one- I just thought of something heartbreaking and awesome

Though if Lucia dies I would want another person to play after that
but I have no idea what other soul type I should choose...

<Snipped quote by Thread Generator SIN>
I had an idea to let you keep you lucky number seven but I'm not sure if @Vesuvius00 or @Raddum would be okay with it. But, I'm just throwing an idea out that everyone is more than welcome to say no to. Anyway, what if their characters were twins and they shared the kindness soul? It's just a random thought that popped into my head.

kinda hard to be twins as 12 and 14 year-olds :) but a cool idea nonetheless
Are we allowed to have two character with the same soul?

When I looked at the first post in the ooc it looked like we already had one of each SOUL type so I just kinda piggybacked on one

"The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one."

She is about 4 feet tall and has naturally sad green eyes, but really most of the time she's smiling. She tends to tie her hair up into a ponytail whenever she can to keep it out of her face. She doesn't actually have any of those bandages on her right now, but otherwise that picture is how she looks. She has no scars in absence of the bandages either, she's perfectly fine at the moment.
In a few words: Kind (duh), secretive, observant, playful, joyful, and confident. She's always got a smile on her face, either because she's usually able to find something to be happy about, or for other's sakes. She may not be brave enough to run head-on into danger, or even sure that she'll make it through whatever obstacles she comes across, but she has confidence that in the end everything will turn out alright. She often keeps her thoughts to herself unless she's trying to cheer someone up.
As the story goes on you'll learn more about her, she won't bite if you ask.
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