Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul
Still Alive.
Lucia lost track of her thoughts as she heard Dilloh yelling, using whatever strenth he had to pull up Ms. Cassidy. The ground crumbled more, almost causing Lucia to lose her balance as gravity threatened to pull them all into the pit. Ms. Cassidy's weight was almost too much for her and Mimi as Dilloh and the teacher began to slip. Until, at the last possible second, Dilloh pulled Ms. Cassidy and himself up to safety and then to solid ground. Lucia and Mimi helped them get away from the cliff's edge, the four of them collapsing once they were all finally safe.

Ms. Cassidy got up first, and began to thank the three of them for saving her. Lucia almost answered her, about to ask if the teacher was okay, until her unasked question was answered as the woman started to cry. Lucia got herself to her feet, moving over to the teacher as she knelt on the dust-covered ground in front of her and hugged the crying woman. She pulled Ms. Cassidy into her, as if nearness to another person was all it took to protect someone from the horror of what had just happened. So many kids, so many lives were lost just now, and yet they were still here. They'd survived. She whispered this to Ms. Cassidy as she squeezed the woman a little tighter. "It's okay. You're okay. We survived. We can carry on, for us and for all of them. Memories. We are here. We're alright." A mantra, repeated over and over as Lucia waited for the woman to calm down.

She couldn't let herself cry too, even though her heart ached to do so. What would crying accomplish right now? She would never help Ms. Cassidy or anyone else if she broke down too. She nodded at Mimi a moment after the girl asked if they were alright. She didn't know if her small motion was seen, but it was all she could do while trying to comfort Ms. Cassidy. Her eyes followed Mimi over Ms. Cassidy's shoulder as the girl went off to stand in the approximate center of the cavern, calling out to everyone, trying to see if anyone else was up yet. She heard people beginning to call out for help, and others gasping in pain, but one cry in particular made her jump as she heard it, jerking away from Ms. Cassidy as she looked in the direction it came from. "I'm sorry, miss." She said quickly before standing and running off to where she'd woken up.

The girl who she'd been pinned by was awake now, curled up on the ground as she yelped in pain. Lucia knelt beside the girl and glanced at her leg as she wondered what to do. She hesitated for a moment before putting her hands on the girl's shoulders, pressing firmly until she got her to lay flat on her back. "You uh, need to stay still. You were still bleeding when I woke up, and I would've tried to help you then but our teacher was about to fall off a cliff and I couldn't bear to stand by when the others needed as much help as they could get and..." She trialed off as she felt like she was losing the girl by making excuses, instead looking around for anything that could be useful. There were scraps of cloth and such scattered around, and the pool nearby, and of course all the flowers and bits of metal debris that now made up the floor.

Seeing the cloth around gave her an idea. On TV, when someone got seriously hurt, they would use strips of clothing as bandages, or something like that, right? She took her hands off of the girl, making a 'stay there' motion as she got up and gathered as many pieces of cloth as she could in just a few seconds. Kneeling back down beside the girl, between her and the water now, she placed the handful of fabric under the water and held it there as she spoke to the girl again. "We should try to clean your leg, and then I can use these as a make-shift bandage, maybe? Do you think you could move to put your leg in the water for me?" Asking her to move right now may be like asking a fish to climb a tree. Lucia thought as she pulled the fabrics out of the water and wrung them out so most of the water was out of them. Hopefully they were clean enough now.

@Ryougu@Thread Generator SIN[and @ anyone else who might want to come help?]
Welcome welcome @Yugi!

Don't be afraid to jump into the first thing you find interesting, even if it's an advanced-level RP. Most people I've met here are really nice and usually pretty patient and helpful too.

The point of RP (at least, in my opinion) is to have fun and tell the best story you can with the others you're writing with, so if you're not having fun or you're losing interest, don't be afraid to drop out of an RP either.

Also, RL (Real life) > RP. Always. Don't stress over anything on the guild, your other obligations and happiness come first.

I hope to see you around!
Sorry I kinda disappeared this week, I'm not usually so busy. Working on a reply now.
*Poke @Thread Generator SIN*

If you don't know how things should go.. you could always just have everyone survive! (*and then push us all towards the next objective)
banned for not enough of colors other than purple
granted. you choose to have "the next person" wish for unlimited free soda at any gas station. However, as they are not wishing in this thread, their wish is neither granted nor corrupted. oh well.

I wish for the ability to see through walls at will, without physically damaging the wall in any way. Just walls.
banned because I agree with you
*their faces in.

There's more than one Grammar Commie out there, so it's plural. Banned.
@Laach It's ok. It's a good post, so worth waiting for.
Granted, but they're poisoned.

I wish for the ability to see through walls at will. Just walls.
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