Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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"Thank them for what? acting out so much that you had to drive them away?"

"Maybe I should thank them for this silence in my mind right now. It's kinda nice. Ves isn't ever this quiet normally."

"Is she still alive actually? She did say she was "dying" of laughter."


*Appears behind Alexis and leans down, letting a breathy whisper gently tap her skin, his voice low with a bit of bass to it, rubbling with each word*

Despite the rrrreputaion many of us Dragonnnloorrrds have...I am quite the gentle-*Nips her ear before bringing his mouth just behind her ear*

Looooverrrrr *leaning away he go es her a seductive gri-

Oh come on!!!

*Fallen and Suley are yanked out of OOC*

"Okay that is it you two. Both of you are done. Suley, you for attempting to seduce outside of the IC and Fallen...YOU for encouraging him. My apologies everyone. For now I'll be running OOC for these two idiots"

*peaks out from behind rock*
"well this hiding place sucks. Though they're gone now so, thanks again Soron."


"Yo. Where you at girl?"

*peaks behind the fourth wall*

*literally dying of laughter*
"Well then. seems she's out of commision for a minute...."
@FallenTrinity I take breaks from the forum... Games and stuff usually. lol

<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

Me: "I do have one but it'll cost you an arm and a leg. In terms 5,000k Fotia or 200,000,000 dollars."

<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

Suley *Saunters over to Alexis*
Crushed? My dear, I would be more concerned about being ripped ope-
Suleykaar!!! This is the fucking OOC! Not a pornhub forum Dx<
...it's not yet FUCKING- owowowowowowow Soron that is my horn you jackaahhhhhh!!! * is yanked out of ooc for sexual comments*

" I'm sorry about that guys. He doesn't know how to filter himself"

*As he is dragged off*

You can silence me! But you cannot silence my sexual advancements!!!!

And yet he just did *waves to Suley as Soron drags him out of the OOC*

"o-kay then. Thank you Soron. I'm gonna go find a place to hide from Suley now..."
"it's the OOC, you can just disappear and reappear at will."
"Yeah, but I'm also your only character, so I'm just gonna go stand by that rock over there so I can still be here."

hmm. anyone have an invisibility cloak?
<Snipped quote by FallenTrinity>

Is there a reason why Alexis is on the bottom? Is it because she's going to be on the bottom for Suley. XP

"I do not appreciate these jokes."
"You- you do realize how much smaller I am than him? He'd crush me!"
"Wait, you actually have a problem wi-"
"Shut up. no."
"Oh my god you-"
"I know."

I swear I have multiple brains in my head, one for me and then one for each of my crazy characters.
"Oh, if only you knew."
"Shush you. They'll find out soon... Eventually."
"How soon is 'eventually'?"
"Somewhere between now and the apocalypse."
*rolls eyes* "Great, thanks for clarifying that."

But seriously I'm now working on a post and I'm gonna try and start sprinkling in Alexis' backstory and w/e in there a bit.
@Landaus Five-One oh yeah, her mom. That confused the heck outta me when I read that the first time
So I just had a thought. Because of everything that's happened so far, this group is already pretty notable. I bet every NPC's internal thoughts right now are like:

"Don't mess with any of those people: Try very hard to ignore the Nayu (unless you wanna get bit), don't piss off the dragonlord -and definitely don't piss off his friend, don't even look at the one pair of girls wrong because the draconic one just about burned the town down... Why the hell are these two girls glowing like they just ate all the skittles in existence? "

*looks over at Alexis*

"......and that one actually looks pretty harmless."

And then Alexis looks right at them and says: "I dare you to say all of that out loud."

Mind reading can be a fun power sometimes.
@Landaus Five-One oh, I'm sorry. I thought the possession meant that she was dead already. So it more like a family bond thing?
@Landaus Five-One soo, I'm a bit confused what's going on.

Patricia is possessed again and the ghost is her ancestor, but the ghost's talking to Heather instead of telling poor Patricia what's going on? and then when Suley and Alexis get back to the bar I kinda lose the thread of conversation completely. Who exactly is the ghost talking to when she says each thing?
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