Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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well, okay I did work on my post today, but it's not done yet soo... Tomorrow!
Goodnight everyone.
okay, Villain in the house! If you don't want the barkeep dead you could just say he survived somehow, otherwise I was just trying to have her make an entrance.
"You've made your last mistake old man..." A calm female voice spoke, echoing softly around the room as the source of the sound appeared in the doorway of the bar, a dark mist swirling together until it formed a person in a dark hooded cloak out of the air. The woman's mouth was just barely visible under the shadow of her hood as she smirked at the bartender, her lips not moving even though her words could be heard by all in the tavern, clear as day.

"You on the other hand, Barbarian. I've been looking forward to meeting you for quite some time?" She phrased the statement as a question as her form walked closer to the man at the bar, her footsteps making no sound as she crossed the room, passing through patrons, tables, and chairs alike as if she were merely a vision made of smoke. Those wise enough to recognise this form of magic began to back away from the woman, some even going so far as to simply get up and leave the bar. Once she was close enough to the men they might notice the necklace she wore, a symbol of those loyal to the Mad God. Her eyes began to glow a soft yellow as she turned her gaze on the bartender, a smile on her face as he backed away in fear.

"Any last words?" She cut him off before he could say anything, her smile revealing wicked sharp fangs in the corners of her mouth now as a dark smokey wind sprang up around the man. "You say you want no part of this, but you became a part of it the second you were told to relay the message. You should have known better than to think that we'd leave you un-sup-er-vised." As she drew out the syllables of the word the black smoke in the air began to cut into the man's flesh, deep red lines covering his body as it fell to the floor behind the bar. She looked at him for a moment as he lay there, before Tching at the sight.

"Not even worth killing, not at all..." She mumbled to herself, her mouth actually moving as she used her real voice for the first time since stepping into the tavern. The cloak made it hard to tell, but her voice definitely gave it away now that she wasn't using any magic to enhance it. She was young, and now that she was standing still many would probably guess by her height that she was still just a teenager (she's not) -though there was no mistaking the fact that this woman was definitely a follower of the Mad God, considering she'd just killed a man for his purposes.

She shook her head slightly, her gaze turning to meet the Barbarian's as her eyes began to glow brighter, the yellow glare from underneath the shadows of her hood an unsettling sight as she spoke to Hrothgar, using her mental voice again. "He's served his purpose though, just as you will serve yours." She grinned at him, continuing. "I'm here to tell you that you have no chance against dear Max, although all of us are going to enjoy seeing you try to bring him down. So, gather as many as you can who are as willing and as dumb as you are to try and take up swords against him. You'll need all the help you can get."
I'm going to start adding stuff to this as I keep fleshing out her character in my mind, and then as more stuff happens IC.

@aspie3000 do we need to post a CS to play? or can I just intro my Character right now?
also, are we allowed to play villains? like, someone loyal to Loki the mad god?
@WingsOfBronze what's going on?
Eventually, yes. I'm hoping he gets the chance to kill them too
Though I should warn you Alexis is going to try and save their life even if it costs her hers...

The scene I'm thinking of writing with you would be when that happens. Alexis will be going to confront this person, and Suley or anyone else who feels like they want to follow her will be able to find out who the person is that way -but everyone else would find out the next day anyway, when I have this person openly come to try and kill Alexis as the beginning of the last part of the plot.

[deleted the edit, it was dumb and made things I was trying to explain just more confusing]

so its not taking place on the battlefield, save for the trigger event?

no, it's not.

The plot itself is gonna be happening all over the place, everywhere the party will go. The person behind it all is already after Alexis, this battle is just their chance to finally catch up- and with the confusion of the battle around no one will really notice one little intentional slip up, will they? After the trigger they have to keep following her though, to make sure their plan works. Ruining a person's will to live takes a while, and a lot of work.

So @Sohtem and myself have already done a collaboration which I feel everyone has enjoyed and the next one I want to do is one involving Alexis, Sulley and Soron (for when the shit hits the fan for Alexis and her psyche). If we do we can discuss the direction you would like to go with it and ill see what I can do to help it out, that is, if you're up for it?

If so we can do it on the next round of posts which would mean the battle in IC is well underway (imo)

just lemme know ^^

I'd love to do a collab! Though, my current plan actually has this stuff happening slowly over enough IC time so it can weave in her character development along with the development of her relations with other characters.. so I hope you're okay with the setting not being what's currently going on IC, because that's just not gonna work. More than likely nothing's gonna happen with her plot until a few IC days after the trigger event (which, the trigger will probably be in my next post after the one I'm working on now) but even then that's not the big moment, it's just the beginning still.

I can PM you if you want to try and collab out the actual 'shit hits the fan' moment- the point when someone other than Alexis finds out what's really going on. I do have an inkling of how that's gonna start to play out so it shouldn't be much of a stretch to start a collab with that, and I'm really interested to have your input on this plot of hers.
@FallenTrinity RL always comes before RP. but still, I hope you settle in quick and the place is nice!

I always hated moving because everything changes and you feel like it's not your home for a while, you know? I hope you don't get that feeling.
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