Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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From the trees, a man who was adorned in bluish armor with chain mail spaulders which ran along his arm stepped forward from the wooded side of the ruins, sheathing a blade that glowed a vibrant orange before transforming into a large white dire wolf before joining Kaeleer in the front.

oh, It's Soron!
I posted! if there's anything wrong or confusing just tell me please
for now, I'm off to bed. Goodnight!

also, I'm okay with being lumped together as one group for now if that's what's happenening
Erin Céleste

Lightning. Everything always started with lightning for Erin. Even her own life.
Now, it seemed the lightning would send her off as well.

It was a storm worth remembering, at least. Ever since sunrise it had been raining cats and dogs- not literally, but it certainly seemed possible with how much rainwater was building up on the street outside the little bakery's front picture window. The script "Panadería Céleste" written in green on the window was easily seen against the mixed grays of the storm as Erin looked out at the streetlamps now flickering to life as the day came to a close. The store was closing too, though it had been empty all day anyway. No one wanted to brave the elements on a day like today for simple pastries they could just get later, once nature had run its course. She was glad no one had tried to, honestly. People die in weather like this.

Normally, Erin was the kind of person to warn people away from dangerous situations, though most didn't take her very seriously. Today though, it seemed like that had changed. Everyone she spoke to took her advice- and she'd even managed to convince her mother not to go out today. That morning as the woman was just about to leave, she just listened to Erin instead. I guess wishes do come true...

Erin was cleaning the front room, humming as she swept up the dust that had collected on the floor over the slow day. Or, at least she was until a crash of thunder and a whispering voice broke her happy tune. "TemIdMehEn TemOrr CenOrrMehEn TemOrr WehOrrNoDiEnRinLaAmNoDi..." The words were nonsense. She closed her eyes for a moment as they came back, repeating themselves as she tried to decipher their meaning. It took her a while to realize that she didn't really recognize this voice. "CenOrrMehEn... CenOrrMehEn TemOrr WehOrrNoDiEnRinLaAmNoDi WehIdTemHa MehEn..."

After a while the sound of the rain and the thundering outside faded away, and all she could hear was the quiet voice in her mind, until that too stopped. Confused, she opened her eyes again, only to find she was not where she’d ought to be.

Pale sunlight filtered through cracked and broken windows, only to land on an old stone floor riddled with holes where moss and other plant-life forced themselves to the surface. Suits of armor and strange creatures lined the walls of the room, while those around Erin seemed to be human. They all looked confused, some hurt, others terrified or angered. There was much chatter, from both the group and the monsters surrounding them- none of which Erin understood. Snippets of english phrases would catch her attention, but the native speakers of the tongue went too quickly for her to make much of it. A few tried to speak to her, but she brushed them away easily. "No comprendo nada que está haciendo. I don't understand you."

For at least an hour this went on. Luckily, her voices came back before too long. The silence had been more worrying to her than anything. Moving forward, they would help her think through all of this, though they didn't seem to know what was going on here either, so they weren't much help yet. More people appeared, and the cycle of confusion continued as each new person tried to figure out the same things the rest of them still didn't know: "Why are we here?" or "Where even is here?" People kept trying to talk to her, and she kept saying the same thing. Eventually, she moved to go sit in one of the corners of the room, whe hopefully she wouldn't be bothered so much.

"Welcome to my collection, mortals."

Words. Words she couldn't understand but felt like she should have. Words said by a thing which bowed to the group of confused humanity before another thing began talking. Erin recognized the words "Pretty", "Husband", and "Queen". What was going on?. The man which spoke to them first spoke more, interrupted a couple times by the one sitting on the throne. It seemed that whatever speech he gave was meant to be taken as an order by the group, because as soon after the words stopped people began walking to one side of the room or the other. Erin didn't move. She had no idea why she would need to. This was a nice corner.

As Erin sat there, things started to get interesting. A fox with nine tails appeared, and turned into a man with nine tails. Not too much later a giant wolf appeared, and turned into a giant man. By the time the next man appeared, she expected him to turn into a little bird or something, just to throw them all off.
"Ne~ That would be the thing to do, wouldn't it?"
"They want you to be confused. Just watch the Fox-man."
"Chi! He's pulling people around? What, did they choose the wrong side of the room?"

Just.. leave the other people alone.
"Ne~ This place is dangerous, isn't it?"
"Chi! We should go."
"You should leave, like right now."

I can't. I don't want them to try and talk to me. we wouldn't understand each other.
"Ne~ They really wouldn't understand Spanish?"
"You could try speaking English."
"Chi! Which one would we even talk to?"

Well, considering that people were running around and leaving, there weren't many left there that she really could try to speak to. The wolf-man didn't seem too busy at the moment. Erin stood and sighed, stretching for a second before beginning to walk towards the man. "¿Hola?" She spoke quietly at first, wondering if he'd noticed her yet. Once she was near him she stopped walking, keeping a respectful distance. "Perdóname."

"¿Podrías ayudarme, por favor? Dime qué está pasando. ¿Por qué un lobo? ¿Por qué nos movemos en grupos? ¿por qué ese es un zorro? ¿Por qué es todo esto suceda? Her tone was as calm as she could make it. She spoke clearly in spanish and then tried to translate for herself in English. "Help me please? I don't understand anything... You, him, this all. Tell me please. No entiendo nada."

on the CS it said you had to be at least 15
*peeks around the corner*
Hi everybody! I just got accepted... so I'm gonna go work on a post now.
I hope you guys all like Erin!

So, she’s not actually psychic or magic or anything, just insane. The “predictions” the voices give her are very vague, however she herself is very observant, noticing patterns and cues as to what might happen next in a series of events the same way we might predict the outcome of a scene in a book or movie given the story told to us so far by the author.

"I thought I told you before… You’re not alone Suleykaar. I’m not going to let you be alone."
"I’m going to help you get Soron back in whatever way I can, okay?"

After Sophia and Qobo left the garden, and after Alexis made her promise to Suleykaar, the two walked into the temple together and were led to a large room where various monks were preparing for whatever spell Qobo was going to use in order to bring Soron back. Alexis watched the activities of the monks from where she stood quietly at Suleykaar's side. There was an altar where she assumed the ritual was going to take place, and many of the monks were going around, gathering scrolls and other such items. It bothered her how they all seemed to know exactly what they needed to do. How many times had they attempted to revive the dead?

She kept her thoughts about that to herself, though if anyone was paying any attention to her, they would see her discomfort in her expression. It was probably just due to her own fears regarding the dead but, she felt that this was only going to end up making the situation Suleykaar was in worse. What if they weren't able to bring Soron back? She hadn't seen Suleykaar's reaction first-hand, but the aftermath of it on the battlefield had been terrifying enough. She couldn't imagine what would happen if he was disappointed here, if Soron ended up lost to him forever. She looked over to the Dragon, and for a long minute she debated with herself over trying to convince him to change his mind. At least then he could pay proper respects to Soron, and let his spirit rest in peace.

She looked down at her feet as she made up her mind. She couldn't tell him this. It would break his heart- and her promise to him. She could only hope then that the monk's ritual worked, and that Soron really would be okay.

She noticed Qobo and Sophia in the room, speaking with one of the other monks that was dressed similarly to Qobo. After the other monk left, Alexis decided that she should probably try to talk to Qobo now, before the ritual started. "Suleykaar... I'll be right back, okay?" She spoke to him clearly, beginning to walk away once she'd said it. She didn't know if he'd really notice if she left or not, but she wasn't willing to look into his mind and find out. If his thoughts were consuming him, she didn't want to fall into them as well.

She walked up to Qobo and Sophia, bowing her head slightly before she spoke so she hopefully seemed respectful instead of as extremely worried as she really was. "Master Qobo, I.. I was wondering if this will really work. Suleykaar is a friend to me, and I'd hate to see his reaction if Soron was lost... I can't bring myself to talk him out of this, or to try and stop you from fulfilling his request, but I can't get myself to think about anything else either.. so..." She looked down for a moment, wondering where she was going with this.

If it didn't turn out well... but she had made a promise to Suleykaar to help. She supposed, the only way to do that was to ensure the ritual worked then. Her eyes met Qobo's, a small spark of determination shining through as she spoke next. "Is there anything I could do to help you bring Soron back?"
E'nasha Williams ~ Yarosmere

"To review, we're going to beat you so you're not considered traitors by the crown, ensure that any disguises you need are in place so you don't get revealed and killed, and be on hand if everything goes to an absolute disaster and you need to get out of the palace as fast as possible. Any questions or requests?"

E'nasha sighed silently before shaking her head. This was going to turn out okay, right? Obviously it was well-thought out and, well there wasn't much else they could do. She went along quietly as they got the 'cosmetics' out of the way before the group was portal-ed to the desert sands in front of the Castle.

They landed in a pile, and E'nasha was pretty much trapped by the others around her until they all started getting up. The pressure of the other's bodies on top of her own made her aches just that much worse. The beating she received for authenticity sake seemed to also have been a release for the Sand Cobras' anger as much as a ruse to her now. She got up as soon as she could, apologizing to those around her as she crawled out of the pile.

"Even in the night the ground, it is uncomfortable. Why would people choose to live here."

As she stood, she heard Baulder speaking, probably to himself, but answered his question anyway. She walked beside him towards the castle gate as she spoke. "Some live here because they have no choice, others stay because this is where their family is. It's not that bad once you get used to the heat, most of the hard things about living in a desert are made easier over time." She used to live here, she would know... but this place wasn't the same as it was in her childhood. Too much had changed with the rise of the new king... she wasn't sure she wanted to come back anymore.

The gate opened as they approached, and the group was rushed by the other half of the college students as they were taken inside the castle. El'kan hugged E'nasha as soon as he saw her, and even though he asked a million questions she stayed quiet for now, only hugging him back. Aramir waved off the guards as they tried to take the new arrivals to the infirmary, and E'nasha thanked her quietly as they were all then led to a courtyard and patched up a little by the other students.

"Friends! I'm so glad that you're alive, but absolutely disgusted that the Resistance would disgrace us by treating you in such away. You have my word that we will find and destroy them. There will be nothing left of those cowardly fools but ash and blood by the time we are done."

E'nasha flinched as Yolin's voice rang out over the courtyard. The man was dangerous, she knew that much from what the others had said happened after she was pulled through the shadow portal at lunch, and she'd really been hoping to stay as far away from him as possible now they were back. Luckily, he clapped his hands and continued way too cheerily for someone who'd just promised to kill an entire group of people. Dinner was ready, and it's time to meet the king.

E'nasha sat between El'kan and Baulder at the table, and began filling her plate with the familiar foods laid out before them. She pointed out a few of her favorite things to Baulder as well, even though she knew he'd probably end up trying them all by the end of the meal. The king sat to the group's right, though in her mind he didn't look regal so much as like a rogue. He had long dark hair and a sharp nose, a square jaw and piercing blue eyes. He was a pretty man, but in her mind he was still nothing like she had imagined the king would be. While she was pondering this in her mind the king spoke to them, and Darius was quick to answer.

"I imagine the College has questions about my reign."

"Something like that. It is not often a new nation is formed from beneath an existing one. Can you tell us how that came to be?"

Before the king answered, she spoke up as well. "I have a more personal question, if you'll indulge me your highness. We may have been told this before, but what is your birthname?" As far as she knew, a person's name also told of where they were from. It'd be kinda cool if she could guess his hometown, if he had one.
"Well, at least you seem to be enjoying yourself."

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